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welp, how'd i get into THIS situation? let's rewind...


*earlier* what i have here is a Sun SPARCstation 1+.


it's going to need a little work but WHAT is that blob of duct tape


on the back, we have the usual semi-cursed 13W3 video connector and the Sun keyboard connector. where am i going to find a Sun keyboard?


i just happen to have one, new in box! i bought this years ago at Weird Stuff Warehouse when they were still around. i have no idea why, but i'm glad i did.


i've also got some Sun mice. an M3 and an M4.


however, they have RJ11 connectors and the keyboard (which is where the mouse plugs in) just has a mini-DIN connector. uh oh.


which brings me back to here. does this mouse, despite the connector difference, use the same protocol?


looks like it is essentially the same protocol as the version of the mouse (type 4?) designed for the SPARCstation. the output is open collector, inverted async serial, 5 byte.


time to build an adapter. the connector is RJ11 (technically 6P4C) but it has these pins sticking out, presumably so you can't plug it into a phone jack.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

ahh well, i'll just file some grooves.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

couldn't find a Sun 13W3 cable adapter so I'm doing this to get to VGA.

Pete / Syllopsium replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime What you need is a Belkin F1DE083UK - adapts to a PS/2 keyboard fine, also cheap, but I had no luck with the 13W3 to VGA connector - needed a separate adapter for that. There's also the Raritan APSSUN which may work better but was too expensive to ship to the UK, but not a problem for you?

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

four months later :blobsweats: i made the Video Snake Oil board that can adapt 13W3 (any type!) to VGA. you just wire up the little pads to whatever your machine needs.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

i've also installed a ZuluSCSI. this neat little board is a lot cheaper than a SCSI2SD. i'm going to try and install Solaris using a CDROM ISO file. CD6_512.iso is placed on the SD card. it'll be ID 6, 512 bytes per sector.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

well, it tries to boot from the CDROM but suffers a BAD TRAP. not sure why, maybe i need to update the IDPROM contents.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

yeah i am guessing the machine type in the IDPROM is invalid so the installer runs the wrong code.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

wrote a little FORTH program to update the contents of the IDPROM, and it looks like it has a valid host id now.

DELETED replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime ah the Zuluscsi

Weren't they the ones who got in a bit of hot water for basically copying the BlueSCSI design?

Tube🍂Time replied to DELETED

@DosFox i have no idea, there's way too much drama in the retrocomputing community these days

Tube🍂Time replied to Jonathan ‘theJPster’ Pallant

@thejpster yes but these old workstations require 512 byte sectors for their cdroms in order to boot

pikmin loamy clay replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime This inspires me - I have a VAXStation that uses a 3W3 video output (basically 13W3 without the digital pins) and it's impossible to find cables for it, but there are connectors for it around

Do you do any termination or anything active on the board? I've made an RGB port adapter before and got pretty bad ringing, but it could definitely just be the monitor I used since I had no other way of testing.

Tube🍂Time replied to pikmin loamy clay

@nkizz no termination, that is done in the VGA monitor (75 ohm)

lymenzies replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Does that work ok on a multi-sync monitor without sync-on-green?

Nick Poole replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Laptop composite video output circa 2010

Tony Finch replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime oh THAT might explain the ghosting in the screenshot i saw first 😱

Tube🍂Time replied to Tony

@fanf yep exactly! we don't need signal integrity for this test.

Tom Slider replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime I haven't seen a 13W3 cable in a long time! That is quite a project!

iiiDIY replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Fantastic.

Reminds me of the bare wire ends that I Scotch-taped into my Sega Saturn's video out port 20 years ago... but *significantly* more professional.

Chris Hanson replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime You only need the RGB if your display does sync-on-green. This is why I have a bunch of NEC LCD1990SX, they do sync-on-green and support a 1:1 aspect ratio in addition to stretching to fill the screen.


@tubetime A friend @delan has a RPi Pico project to convert a USB KB and Mouse to the serial the SPARCstations use:

Shambolic Matter

@tubetime are those the optical ones that needed the special mouse pads?


@tubetime 35 function keys should be enough for anyone

Eric Carroll

@tubetime omg. new in box.

Where do your powers end?!?!


@tubetime is that a UV-erasable PROM?! I haven’t seen one of those in years!


@tubetime oh man. I coded in #perl in the past on one of those Sun Sparcstation machines

Joe Pasqua

@tubetime I remember getting my first #sparcstation at #Adobe. Those were heady years in the risc workstation era. The sparcstation, the IBM rs6000, the SGI crimson, and the dec alpha station were all exciting introductions.

It’s nice to see one coming back into service.


@tubetime I’ve been trying to get hold of a Sparc Station for ages here in France but they’re hard to get and expensive. Envy you people in the US that get them plentiful and dirt cheap! 😭

Darryl Ramm

The mouse lays with its back off, its belly baking under the hot desk lamp, beating its pulse generator trying to turn itself on, but it can't. Not without your help....

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