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Tom Walker

Each fruit peels in a different way, apparently you don't even have to peel an apple? It's a compatibility nightmare

Tom Walker

I'm going to stick to that chopped fruit you get in the little plastic boxes marked "Fruit". Regular fruit needs to take some UX lessons from those guys

Tom Walker

Getting some annoyed responses to this. Look it's up to you if you don't want to take UX seriously, but you can't expect fruit to reach a mainstream audience if you don't solve the onboarding issues


And what the hell is up with cherries?!?!?

Scott Jenson

@tomw it is a funny point but you're likely getting annoyed replies (which I can't see because "fediverse stuff") as you appear to be defending a deeply important issue by using a false comparison. Fruit complexity does not let the fediverse off the hook

Katharina Buholzer

@scottjenson @tomw

my sentiment. Mastodon has serious UX issues, and onboarding issues.

some users have serious ideology issues, resembling linuxians and feel the need to make fun of 'noobs.

the protocol activitypub has issues regarding privacy (there is none) and problems with after post audience changes.

there is no de-activate account feature.


@katharina_buholzer well, you need to be more specific when you mention UI issues. I'm the maintainer of a niche client, tooter, on a niche mobile os, SailfishOs, and we likes are just trying to keep up with the bugs. This is unpaid work we do because we're into community company and not community as commodity. Onboarding is an offensive word, btw.

Katharina Buholzer


I do not know wha onboarding might be offensive. It is a short word for the process of getting people onto a platform.

the UX issues I mention are more related to the web interface. I am aware of some clients out there enhancing the experience. As a rule: I do not recommend using any social media app on a smartphone.


@katharina_buholzer when people, in corporate speak, say onboarding, i see cattle being prodded onto wagons to the slaughterhouse. Or worse. Ok, WHICH mastodon web client? The 'official one' I suppose?

Jan D

@scottjenson @tomw fruit interfaces are also remarkably consistent and thus, forward-thinking parents teach them in early childhood already; as we all know, familiarity is intuitive.

Änn Euing 📜

@tomw sometimes you're not even supposed to eat the fruit. You ignore the fruit and eat the root. So confusing! Someone really needs to streamline this whole plant issue.

Stephan Matthiesen

@tomw And the ridiculous names! They even named some fruits after colours (orange), birds (kiwi) or mental states (bananas).


@tomw Yeah! All these compatibility issues! If you survived the onboarding and chose the banana, but want to switch to apple, you can't simply use your old hardware "banana box"! Damn vendor lock in!!! And no migration tool in sight!!!

Tom Walker

@plotti It is hard to use my banana carrying case for any other fruit

Tom Walker

Torn between replying to the sincere posts about UX and the ones that stick to the topic in hand, namely fruit

George Station

@tomw This is the kind of thing that Twitter never did well after it got big. Smaller spaces are always, always ready for a techie sidebar.

Lost Yankee

@tomw Tried searching for various replies to this but the network was defederated or something

Ben Aveling

@tomw clearly we should all agree to eat the same fruit and discontinue all the others. It’s the only way to be fair to ppl who don’t want to have to make a choice.

(((o))) Acoustic Mirror

@tomw My favourite fruit might well be the watermelon. All the cool guys at work are using it, but man, does it have UX issues. There's no way you'll get to feast on some nice, juicy watermelon unless you do at least 10 minutes of careful slicing and chopping. Dismal UX, I'm telling you. Watermelon is the vi editor of fruit.

Elias Mårtenson

@tomw it gets worse. Have you heard about the tomato? How am I to know what is compatible with what?

Kenneth Freeman :linux: :tor:

@loke @tomw And then there are the drupe freaks. "I use Drupe, actually."


@tomw Certainly, Sir. That's not going to be a community success. However, for the nerd you seem to be, the scientific comparison of apples and oranges is a proven way of entering into this complex subject:

James Basoo

@tomw You dont *have* to but new users may find it easier to use peeled, although they may need help from an experienced fruit user with the right tools to peel and slice into more manageable pieces. Power users usually don't bother though.

Tom Walker

@Jbasoo This made me realise that a pineapple is the Linux of fruit

(((o))) Acoustic Mirror

@tomw And there's some serious compatibility issues with certain kinds of fruit. Take apples and oranges, for example. What a mess, really.

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