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5 posts total
Tom Walker

Mastodon is the world's biggest community of people who deeply love computers and also think that the world would probably be better off without computers

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David M Reiss MD


...or maybe we should have called it quits once we had KayPro...

Iron Bug
Mastodon is just a platform. community is Fediverse and it contains tens of different platforms.
Tom Walker

I tried eating fruit but the onboarding was confusing. I have to choose from apple, banana, orange? How is a normal user supposed to navigate this complexity

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Sebastian Peitsch

@tomw it’s finally the summer of Desktop fruit!


@tomw hmmm. I feel like this is a reference to something... I wonder what? /s


@tomw and each one has a different way of opening.

Tom Walker

Seeing people post positively about Substack now that it's challenging Twitter.

Reminder: Substack is also centralised. Worse, the business model is basically to take what would once have been blogs and paywall them as premium 'newsletters'.

Substack is not a friend of the open web.


@tomw My understanding was that you can set up a totally free site, and you don't have to monetize if you don't want to.

In that respect, it doesn't seem all too different from Blogspot. But maybe things have changed recently.


@tomw one thing I weirdly like about it is a lot of opinions that are both odious and preaching to the choir tripe are paywalled out of having real reach.

Tom Walker

People worry a lot about losing knowledge β€” about "burned-down libraries".

Comparatively few people seem to worry about what happens if you take a billion books full of auto-generated, often-untrue junk text and *add* them all to the library.

In theory, nothing is lost. In reality, everything is lost, because nothing useful can now be found.

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Martin C

@tomw The best way to hide a tree is in a forest.


@tomw There are definitely librarians and other information science types that are very worried about this...for example, me. I've been talking about the overall challenges of generative popular media for some time now, most recently here:

Tom Walker

There was once a dream of a decentralised web.

As recently as a decade ago we had a still very active blogosphere, connected via blogrolls and RSS. Specialised web forums were still mainstream and messenger apps could largely interoperate.

Centralised social media slowly ate that dream. It had plenty of positives, but it pulled more and more people away from the open web and into corporate walled gardens.

Some people kept the dream of decentralisation alive. And now you are here.

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πŸŒͺ πŸ“‘


Fun fact, this is all RSS still.

As an example, you can see all of my posts here:

Replace that with your username/instance and works for you, or anyone, as well.



@tomw Thank You!! Omg yes we’re free!!

Madeleine Begun Kane

@tomw How I loved being a part of the blogosphere. I actually have kept both my blogs active, but I miss the camaraderie!

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