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R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


That's some lovely Floyd-Steinburg.

The whole time I was "stuck" in monochrome-land (1989-1994), I was dying for some color in my world.

Now that I've had all the 24bpp I can stand for the past 29 years, I really, *really* miss monochrome. ^___^

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


Ah!! Even better!

Are you sure it's Atkinson, though? The pattern looks very FS to me.

John Balestrieri

@RL_Dane definitely Atkinson. Recognizable pattern; esp. in left cheek. They probably used the software that came with the Apple scanner, it used Atkinson dithering.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


Ok cool.

I really wish Atkinson got more credit for his genius. He pushed the hardware at least five years ahead of its time.

John Balestrieri

@RL_Dane Yeah; it's truly amazing what he accomplished!

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


I remember seeing 386es around 1993 with much slower graphics than what the Lisa had with such a hobbled 68k in 1983. :D

I'm not an Apple fan anymore, but I get pretty ticked when people say that they just ripped off the Xerox PARC. They took a pretty rough idea and made it work well enough on very limited hardware.
The Alto didn't have rounded rects or window regions (partial refresh)

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