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I still think about that decision sometimes, some of those look amazing


@dansup Many good options there. I don't think there's a clear "right" or "wrong" choice, though. I think you don't need to worry.

Etienne Snyman

@dansup Years later, I think you did! I think the logo's great!

Mike Rockwell

@dansup maybe it would be worth implementing alternative icon options in the iOS app so that users could pick the one they like best. 🤔

Blake Leonard

@dansup The top and bottom rows might be useful for fancy animations (I'm thinking fade/spin from one of the top row ones to the current one), circumstantial marketing, or extensions/plugins (the first one on the bottom row reminds me of Firefox)

Lee 🌏

Want any professional help with this? (Free)
I'm not suggesting you have made the wrong decision or need to change, but a bit of creative strategy and analysis never hurts.

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