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David Revoy

"Oh wow, you are on fire lately!" ๐Ÿฟ

#krita #MastoArt

[edit: at popular demand in the comments, I added Pleroma-tan and AI, Misskey]

@davidrevoy You may have forgotten to mention the twitter mascot in the licence?
Anthropy :verified_dragon:

@davidrevoy it's just kinda sad because they're being set on fire by a bored billionare :(

but at the same time it's great to see actual free and open platforms grow, most people who are joining right now have no idea how much freedom they gain, how much more privacy they have, the fact there's no ads without needing an adblocker because you're NOT the product but an actual customer, something that has become increasingly rare in today's megacorp capitalist world

Halla Rempt

@davidrevoy You literally had me laugh out loud, just now!

@davidrevoy now add some padded walls and a heavy door and pleroma-tan and misskey-tan in doctor uniforms laughing at the schizophreniac elephant that refuses to talk to everyone else because they're "nazis", otherwise it's not truthful

@davidrevoy โ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ


@davidrevoy Nice work as always! I love that you still made the bird's eyes white like Twitter's logo, a great attention to details :blobcatthumbsup:

Derek Brauders

@davidrevoy I really feel sorry for the poor bird! (I stress, the bird, not "De Management")

C'รฉtait Marud depuis le dรฉbut :mastodont_v2: step 2 : le mammouth fait รฉclater ses pop corn sur les flammes d'un twitter ร  moitiรฉ cramรฉ

Tomas Veneny


I was there for 5 - 10 minutes. One big hell.

I followed BBC but timeline has Musk's tweets as well.

I replied on one tweet with words "fucked it up" and my timeline began to show me content for only fans.

Bird is on fire for sure


@davidrevoy Can you add Aliensite (aka Reddit) to share Twitter's burn?

David Revoy

@natsume_shokogami Hahaha, I should also maybe add Youtube, and Red Hat Linux while I'm at it. ๐Ÿ˜†

Jaime Herazo

Every commercial big site is at least somewhat on fire these days, the Web 2.0 bubble has well and truly burst
@davidrevoy @natsume_shokogami

HistoPol (#HP)


This cartoon has prophetic characteristics:

The "left" / "liberal " users of #Twitter will fatten #Mastodon user numbers, whereas the the burning bird on the right might yet rise again like the #Phoenix out of the #Birdsite ashes as #Twitter2.0 (aka #Bluesky.)

Thus it is envisaged by #Elmo and his #PayPal, not-my-friend, @ Jack after #Twitters final demise.

Purefied by fire, only right-wing users and easily gullible #ElmoFanboys will remain on #Bluesky.


This cartoon has prophetic characteristics:

The "left" / "liberal " users of #Twitter will fatten #Mastodon user numbers, whereas the the burning bird on the right might yet rise again like the #Phoenix out of the #Birdsite ashes as #Twitter2.0 (aka #Bluesky.)

Thus it is envisaged by #Elmo and his #PayPal, not-my-friend, @ Jack after #Twitters final demise.

Gerard Braad


reddit in the back is slightly catching on fire ;-)


@gbraad @davidrevoy
Lol, no no no, it's the little r/ alien holding a lit match about to inadvertently self-immolate.

Gerard Braad

@CaptBobbers hahaha

Spontaneous combustion does not need a match, but does make it more visual...

Scared looks for sure


@davidrevoy This year has been bonkers in terms of the internet and technology.


@alersis @davidrevoy
Someone on Lemmy said "this is the internet healing itself" and that might be true. I think it's more a course correction socio-economically. Without a doubt, over the last two decades, VC's got tech bros hooked on cheap loans. However now, with interest rates rising globally, all that money is drying up and unprofitable sites/services are being called out on their spending along with a general lack of a plan to profitability.


@alersis @davidrevoy
Should social media be run for-profit? Maybe not. I think the Fediverse shows that it can be done, at scale, and all (or even just mostly) volunteer.


@CaptBobbers @davidrevoy

That's more or less what the web used to be at the beginning of the 2000s when people would build their own websites, host forums and develop online communities.

I don't think I'll be exactly like that, but self hosted instances and communities are an interesting old twist on this current state of the web.


@alersis @davidrevoy
Oh I'm almost 40, I remember all that. The halcyon days of my youth.


@alersis @davidrevoy
What capitalist corporations can do in a for-profit mode is hosting. AWS and Google have some of the best, efficient, and scalable hosting services out there... these companies do a good job at hosting.

Everything else needs to be user driven, derived, and designed. This is to say because we've seen what the companies who own social media platforms, driven by profit, have given us.


@alersis @davidrevoy
I can't think of the last time Meta created a genuinely new and innovative product anyone actually wanted that wasn't just a competitor they purchased. Instagram, WhatsApp, Occulus, the list goes on. All purchased and integrated, not built natively. Others created a new platform, then Mark and Co placed a bid in buying it out.


@alersis @davidrevoy
Take a look at their now mostly defunct Metaverse concept... who was asking for that? What real problem was it solving?

I bought a new mop, it's one of those spinny ones that wrings itself. Didn't need a new mop, but this one actually solved a problem. Where's that in Zuck's Metaverse? No where, because it wasn't meant to solve any problem, it was meant to be another commodity for consumers to buy. That's an incredibly unstable footing for the profitability of any product.


@CaptBobbers @alersis @davidrevoy I don't necessarily know that it had to solve a problem, per se. It would have been fine if it was just cool/fun (like video games - they don't really solve a particular problem, they're just fun). The Metaverse failed mostly because Meta did a terrible job of explaining what it actually was and why we should care about it. Even the handful of commercials that I've seen for it don't even really tell you what it even is.


@davidrevoy Ahaha! Great art, as always! I'm so glad Mastodon was created tbh!๐Ÿ’—

Sophia The Smart Arrrr โœ”

@davidrevoy For some this feels sad, because it's not the birds fault. It's not fair, that it's suffering. It seems, that it's the fault of you know who. He was just playing with the bird, because he can.


@SophiaFree @davidrevoy Musk certainly doesn't seem to understand social media, much less Twitter itself. Running it into the ground seems to give him a thrill.

David Revoy

@Dditalart Hi, thank you for your derivative. Can you respect the attribution/license? Please copy/paste that in your product description:

A cropped version by Viral Shirtt of "Oh wow you are on fire lately" ( ) by David Revoy โˆ’ CC-BY 4.0 ( )

@davidrevoy @Dditalart You know... I think that's a shirt bot.

@davidrevoy looking forward to the next chapter with (@dansup get a mascot for, and with @lemmy & @kbin - let's disrupt!


@davidrevoy Love this!
Im a new member as of now from Twitter. Still have the account but its garanteed EM will eventually kill it! ๐Ÿคฃ




@davidrevoy Elon please don't kill the little bird :(



๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

Mieke Siemons

@davidrevoy I deleted the app just before my phone was on fire too. ๐Ÿงฏ

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