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David Revoy

What is the hashtag that you would recommend artists to use to say that their art is not created with AI?

Anonymous poll


Something else (comment)
954 people voted.
Voting ended 28 Jun 2023 at 20:28.
sarah 🦦

@davidrevoy honestly imo it's the ai art that should be othered out, not hand made art

Jons Mostovojs

@davidrevoy it's the others that should mark their art.

Ténno Seremélʹ

@davidrevoy I don't think there is a need. AI one is tagged, which is enough, IMO.

David Revoy

@tennoseremel @jonn @SRAZKVT You can't really expect AI artist to tag their art properly. On ArtStation, many are not even mentioning they use AI. I'm afraid it will become the norm.

Jons Mostovojs

@davidrevoy @SRAZKVT oh wow. Well, the issue then is lack of "report" button on the website. But yeah, then probably #HumanArt is very good.

Ténno Seremélʹ

@davidrevoy Dunno, I do expect it here on Fedi, personally.

@jonn @SRAZKVT

Vint Prox


I could argue it makes no sense that AI art posters would be so lazy about putting a little hashtag mentioning that unknown work is being transformed by a machine. Honestly, this "human-made" category can just as well be a target for AI posting. I don't think such tag even should give anyone any points.


@davidrevoy I'd say Hi, because
1. Human Imagination
2. Human Intelligence
3. it's always nice says Hi ! :)


@davidrevoy In my opinion everything from the AI ​​should rather contain #AiArt. And the other way around, you shouldn't have to worry as much.


@davidrevoy I recommend NOT tagging it in any machine-recognizable way. As the Internet gets flooded by AI-generated content, funding material that can be used to train models becomes more and more difficult. Tagging it in an easily recognizable way makes it easier to be found and fed into the next generation models.
I put a more detailed argument about this here
although I think the machine is down ATM 8-/

Vint Prox


I would insist on ditching out AI art into a specific category rather than making people put their hand-made/manual works in their own category. When something is done by machine learning, there is always a chance of copyright infringement, so posters of such things really need to make it clear that some work of unknown origin may be transformed by an AI. So, I suggest the opposite of manual hashtag: #AIArt should do it.

Matteo Scopel

@davidrevoy I think that this might be counterproductive, as it might create an easy-to-mine hashtag for AIs to be trained upon.

Murteza Yesil 🇺🇦

Nothing. You shouldn't mark your art to show that it was made by a human. AI generated pieces should be marked as well. When I say piece, I mean everything. Not just visual or audible art pieces but also videos, emails, essays, articles, etc. Anything and everything generated by AI should be labelled clearly.


Angelino Desmet.

@davidrevoy None. The onus is on the ones that use AI to disclose it.


@davidrevoy #HiArt Human Intelligence Art or #NiArt Natural Intelligence Art




No just for art but anything not using AI...?


@davidrevoy "The creator of this work has been able to solve a captcha"


@davidrevoy Art. Because what A.I. produces certainly isn't, and that's what should get a new word...

But that's not how it works, I guess, so quoting Marcel Duchamp: #IDontCareAboutTheWordArtBecauseItsBeenSoDiscredited :)

Reid Ellis ☑️

@davidrevoy #LudditeArtist
AI is just the latest tool with which to create art. It takes a lot of time and effort to get good results.

And to create art for sale, it must be responsibly sourced, compensating any artists on whose work it is based.


@davidrevoy At first AI "art" got me impressed, but then it felt like tons and tons of "sameness", I still prefer the variety and personality of human art.


@davidrevoy I don't think it needs a special tag for it.

DeepBlue V7.X

@davidrevoy Why not just HandMade? It is not like AI has hands! (for now)


@davidrevoy Real artists shouldn't have to hashtag anything. AI generated art should be tagged however.

Ellane W

@davidrevoy Both are good, though I think I’ll start adding #NoAI to things I make just to drive the point home.

Alexey Skobkin

Not sure if I need such distinction.
But if not using isn't an option, then the #HumanArt because it uses the same convention as #AIArt which is already in use.

Party Sam

@davidrevoy It should evoke positive emotions. "HumanArt" sounds like something a robot or alien would say.

I would vote for #RealArt


@davidrevoy most cameras today , especially phones, apply software enhancement, is that AI?


@davidrevoy I think something like #handmade, which is used for crafts and such, would fit best. I reckon #HandmadeArt would be a good tag. I just feel #HumanMade is a bit too... wide and undefined. Every building is Human-made. And #HumanArt kind of feels.. off for me. I can't define it, it just doesn't sound right!

#HandmadeArt *possibly* cuts into painter territory? But it's not like digital artists don't use their hands to make their art, so I think it's fine ^^


@davidrevoy HumanArt sounds a lot like art of a human, so I feel like HumanMade is more clear

lofi beast to relax/study to

@davidrevoy obviously, as a notorious horse and maker of things that aren't intentionally art, I'm going to have to go with #ConsciouslyMade or similar.

But about whether it's a good idea to provide a tag for unscrupulous ML trainers to feed on, I'm less sure. See thread!

Lau 🔞

I agree with all other comments about not labeling because it could be targeted by IA.

I like "handmade art" more than "human made" if I had to choose.


@davidrevoy the AI artist should be the one to add a hashtag. Though I realize this is a though demand.

David Revoy

@gigantos Yes, I totally agree. But I also don't expect AI artists to do that, because they have too many advantages in not using hashtags.


@davidrevoy None. Art is in the eye of the recipient, not determined by the creator.

Bobby B.

@davidrevoy human made should be the default. If I don't see a hashtag or something indicating it is AI art I should be safe to assume it is human made.


@davidrevoy How about #HumanMadeWithoutAI or just #MadeWithoutAI? I feel it needs to be more specific than #HumanMade since that is a fine line of did a human make it and use AI or not.

Ramin Honary

@davidrevoy All art is "human art," even the art made by AI. "Human made," is more descriptive of what we are talking about, I think, when said in English. When I see the words, "human made" I feel it is describing the process of making the art, and not who made it. It is also a nice counterpoint to the tag "AI generated."

Nona Moss

I agree with others that the onus is on AI generated content to self-label.

I can't resist the chance to give something a name though. Therefore:


Leslie Burns

@davidrevoy @lisamelton I like what the guy who first got me into the creative industries said: he uses AE…Actual Experience.

Leslie Burns

@davidrevoy @lisamelton Also, if you use “human” to differentiate, then it becomes the “other” and puts non-human as the default idea in our monkey brains.

Kote Isaev

@davidrevoy Voted for #HumanMade as something that cover also something that normally not considered formally as #art but still have piece of human creativity and drop of alive author's soul within.



I don't know exactly what it should be, but it needs to be more insulting towards AI 'art'.

#AuthenticArt perhaps?

Takiro 🎨

HumanArt in my case sounds more like the opposite of FurryArt. HumanMade reminds me of things like human made climate change or human made garbage patch. NoAI still seems the best for me, also safes on characters for posts.

David Revoy

@Takiro Good points, I never thought about that. Thank you.

F. Maury ⏚

@davidrevoy How about "#original"? It conveys that generative AI are not creating anything new. The issue with HumanMade is that AI are human made too, and transitively, their creations are human made too.

David Revoy

@x_cli Right. HumanMade is definitely embracing a too-large meaning this way. Thanks for sharing.

Matt Godden

@davidrevoy We have a word “Art” : that which is made by a human, provides aesthetic value, and offers no practical utility. This word belongs to a highly-trained trade, and should not be retreated from, or allowed to be diluted.

Brushstrokes by an Elephant: not made by a human = not Art.
Aesthetically pleasing sculptural chair: has practical utility = not Art*.
AI-Generated output: see Elephant.

*We have a word for this, a technical, non-derisive term. That word is “Craft”.

@davidrevoy We have a word “Art” : that which is made by a human, provides aesthetic value, and offers no practical utility. This word belongs to a highly-trained trade, and should not be retreated from, or allowed to be diluted.

Brushstrokes by an Elephant: not made by a human = not Art.
Aesthetically pleasing sculptural chair: has practical utility = not Art*.
AI-Generated output: see Elephant.


@davidrevoy #HumanArt sounds more like it would be art depicting humans. Like portraits and so on I guess...

Lien Rag


En français on dit Intelligence Artificielle (AI, quoi) donc j'imagine que le hashtag devrait être du genre "IA ! IA ! Shub-Niggurath !"...

Erin :spinny_fox_trans: (they/it/she)

@davidrevoy Personally, I would go with #FuckAIArt but TBH either poll option works fine

Steven Roose

@davidrevoy @clacke Can we please just use another word than art for things created by non-creatures?


@davidrevoy is't AI human made?, like one of the replay, i would say #FuckAIArt


@davidrevoy if you want one tag, let’s do like roman artists #homoquidammefecit


@davidrevoy I think #HumanMade seems more precise, but also, all AI is human-made, not just the software and hardware, but even the data for training and the alignment during that training, all that is human-made. So, #NotAI could be more rigorous, but less human-relevant.
Is it important provided that the audience can't tell the difference between both cases?

John Shirley

@davidrevoy the trouble is, people use AI to make art so they will list themselves as "a human artist" supposedly working in the medium of AI. It would take a long time to explain to these people, in terms they could understand, why AI isn't a medium. It's just big buckets of plagiarism.

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