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I'm gonna try to clear up a few things

Meta is not gonna buy Mastodon or any server, this is based on absolutely nothing and untrue.

Yes, some of us indeed got contacted by Meta/Insta because they are working on a new social platform (this was in the news) and they are looking into joining the Fediverse (Mark Zuckerberg also told this in the recent podcast)


This contact was about a "heads-up" for a potential big platform to join the network and not for a "take over".




People have asked me to 'preblock' this project but I am not gonna.

Meta is not Gab so we give them a chance and can always block them later with 2 simple button clicks..

We would never ever sell out on you but rather invest time to make this all go smooth without everything come crashing down

I hope this clears up some mis-understandings


It's NOT platforms like #Facebook or #Instgram that join the Fediverse ⚠️

Meta is working on a new platform that intends to federate

So it's not everyone on FB or IG that joins but a new crowd probably

We have great moderation tools on Masto and other software that can cut them off within a second if needed

But let's not "block everything by default" but first check..

You won't be happt if your admin starts blocking things without even checking them first

The same rules apply to them also

Blake Leonard

> You won't be happt if your admin starts blocking things without even checking them first

I mean, to be fair, you can check this company pretty easily right now, and it's not very good.

natalie :BlobhajHeart:

@stux I thought the whole point of federation was that you just didn't all use one huge server. because as soon as a service with exposure to (potentionally) over a billion user becomes available, original mastodon users will (probably) turn into a rounding error
that's not the type of community I would want to be in.


@stux I would be ok as long as they:

1. Had a compelling motivation.

2. Were willing and hoping to re-federate in the case that their suspicions were false or unfounded.

Both are true here. This feels incredibly risky. FB needs to prove legitemacy to investors and this looks like it's an atrempt to capture usage from Mastodon and then cut off ActivityPub once they reach critical mass. I don't want to indirectly support that.

Please reconsider.

Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :ablobfoxbongohyper:‮‮‮‮‮

Yes it's a new platform, but it's still the same Facebook. The same horrible company we already know.



All this sounds logical, but it doesn't work for many of us who came here because we didn't want to be anywhere near Facebook.

Cyber Yuki



It's not facebook

Meta is working on

Dude, it's the same company.

Now I'd really like to ask one question and I expect you to be honest.

Canary question: 🐦

Did you sign a contract with them, or are in talks that could result in you signing a contract with them?

If you can't tell, just say "I can't answer that".

Thank you.

Keev 🇺🇦

Meta have specific business model, they are greedy af, they need access to people data.
So why do you think they do that?

Océane ⏚

@stux Obviously not, because nobody will ever say that played a role in the success of the Fediverse.

They want to stay relevant for longer. They want to keep abusing people for longer.

Katanova the Sunpunk

How did the vulcans establish diplomatic relations with the Klingons?

Kevin Russell


Sorry. You just lost me. I can't see how leaving this instance is not necessary.

This is awful, I feel cheated and betrayed. How much are they offerIng?

I'll be recommending be defederated.

My instance is pro meta, I will be moving.

Which instances are not betraying us?
#mastodon #meta #betrayal #money

Betrayal. #shame


@kevinrns They're not offering (to at least) anything afaik but @stux is trying to go for some sort of "cautious optimism" here which is very, very dangerous.


@kevinrns @stux I'm pretty shocked too. Any ideas yet on instances to migrate to? I picked bc it seemed stable, it was general topic, and was sizable...


made by @vantablack

EDIT: for clarity - the following are instances that have said they will BLOCK META :)

EDIT 2: ADMINS, please sign at

here are the larger instances so far (5000+ users):
(1000+ users):
(500+ users):

Kevin Russell

@smallpatatas @vantablack is not a signatory? Has expressed interest in being federated with the racist subversion devices built by Zuckerberg? Anyone?


@kevinrns @vantablack

I mean, we don't have a definitive answer from our BDFL, but it looks like dot social will be federating, yeah

EdenDestroyer (He/Him)

@kevinrns instances that signed havent betrayed us.

Lorrie W


Thank you for being the adult in the room.

Mad respect.


@stux there is a lot of room between "blocking everything by default" and blocking a particular entity preemptively because they have a well-established track record spanning many years of being more than willing, happy even, to harm individuals, businesses, and the internet itself as long as they can derive profit or in some way boost Zuckerberg's (or whichever billionaire's) ego


@stux a small entity that has shown no signs of gleefully harming people? of course, give them a chance. let's get to know them

a borg-sized and assimilation-inclined entity of infinite resources? nah, let's hold off. it will be far easier to open up to them later than it will be to repair whatever damage is wreaked if and when they pull stunts that no one would ever have expected an honest company to pull


@stux If my admins do not de-federate from any Facebook-owned platforms, I will be moving along to an instance that does.

I came to the fediverse to escape all of the problems with profit-driven social media. I am not going back.


@stux Thanks for that clarification and sharing from your expert position that you see the Fediverse as having the tools to protect itself. My concern would be about the dominating, "own the world," dishonest and manipulative and mass-profit-centric way that zuck works - so would hope that folks have done enough scenario-planning to envision all possibilities/contingencies. Don't understand why he'd want to do this if there was no way to profit/surveil.


@stux We are here because of corporate greed and malfeasance. That has not changed. The fox is coming to the hen house. How many times must we be subjected to the outright manipulation and aggressive abuse of these shareholder run organizations? This isn't about the users. They can be blocked. Please stop defending the corporations' platforms whose sole purpose is to make money off of their users, especially in light of the Reddit debacle. Federation doesn't change the philosophy of a company.

Kevin Russell


Going, betrayed, subverted, going. Just outraged at this awful stupid action. Whatever instance I join will be deferederated from this instance ->



@stux I agree. Censor individually, unless it gets really out of hand (violating TOS) from an instance. Let’s not overreact beforehand.


@stux Thanks for taking a less catastrophic outlook on this development.

Mustafa Kulle

This meta can dream on.
They can never centralise what's decentralised. #mastodon will never be a
data farm for meta.


@stux appreciate your rationality on this. Preblocking them makes no sense to me. I stopped used FB years ago but turning off a spigot of 1B users is bananas when we are trying to get more people to join the Fediverse.


@stux meta is not gab, of course.
gab didn't ask activitypub devs to sign NDAs nor seek ways to collect data from fediverse to sell it.

the main difference between gab and meta, is the amount of money meta can throw in one's face.


@stux I just don't want to see the garbage that are on Meta come to Fediverse because this place has become my escape from the cancer that other platforms have become. If Meta joins who knows if other platforms ike Gab, Twitter, etc follow suit which will most likely ruin the Fediverse.

Also, Zuckerberg is a dick.

EDIT: Also, if FB is anything like I remember, I'm not going to tolerate Karens and other bigots.

Charles Herold

@stux The "benefit of the doubt" is an old-fashioned concept but I'm glad to see it's not gone entirely out of style.


@stux well this behind a NDAs is still very much a problem as well as Meta trying to barge in here. Why even talk to them?

Mark Smith

@stux I’m afraid I don’t share your optimism. Meta has failed miserably at moderating without an agenda. Are you ready for them to flood the fediverse with filth?

Psy Chuan :therian:

@markrsmith @stux right? just watch as the Nazi trash that Facebook refuses to moderate suddenly swarms the feeds but oh no, they're "too big to block, people will lose their social connections!"

matthieu_xyz Everyone is always about federate or defederate. What’s your opinion about limiting meta?

Is secure fetch enabled on

Vladimir Brasil

@stux if fediverse were fragile to be afraid of being bought, it should end sooner than later. But it is not fragile: I guess.


@vladimirbrasil I will never ever be bought..

to be honest, i don't give a sh*t about money

Robbie Norlyn :coffefied:

@stux Thanks! You have my continued support regardless of whatever Meta has in mind. I did post recently about this with no feedback because I am certain that there’s really nothing Meta can do that any random reject server couldn’t already do. #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #Fediverse


@stux eeeew just eeew I can’t see Zuck being content to just have a presence… he will want to Eff it up

thegardendude 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@stux Kudos to you for recognizing that while Meta itself isn't great, there are still people on Meta who aren't evil and horrible, and that by not preemptively blocking Meta, we can reach more people who might not otherwise think to join the Fediverse. And again, as you've said, bad actors can be dealt with easily from your end. Personally, I like the idea of being able to connect with my friends who are still there.

Keev 🇺🇦

@thegardendude @stux
So why you don't use Meta??
It's not about the people, but it's insane to let Meta scrape data about Mastodon users.

thegardendude 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@Keev @stux I'm still on Facebook. Unfortunately I need it to keep in touch with certain friends and family who sadly can't be bothered to go anywhere else. It sucks, but that's reality.

Keev 🇺🇦

@thegardendude @stux
Ok fair enough. But this is not a reason to let Meta in Fediverse and start doing its business here.
We don't want to be monetizes, censored, and exploited here.

thegardendude 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@Keev @stux I agree with that, and as @stux pointed out, instance admins have the tools at their disposal to defederate/block/silence as needed.

Emma Builds 🚀

@thegardendude @Keev @stux

And they can learn other ways to contact people. I'm not supporting eugenicists and fascists to do it.

thegardendude 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@Keev @stux If we're being honest, they already have all our data, and many many other companies besides just Meta. User information has been trading hands among companies for quite a while now. The time to prevent it/shut it down was a while ago. So this feels a bit like trying to plug a dam after the town's already been flooded. I think people need to take a deep breath and calm down. Everyone thought Post was going to pose a threat to Mastodon, and I don't hear anything about Post anymore

Keev 🇺🇦

@thegardendude @stux
It's not true
It's not just about data (in general), but about their freshness, correctness, account info, friend list, datapoint....

There is a reason they they want to connect, and the reason is not your wellbeing, your user experience, your safety....

I suppose you know what is the reason.

Océane ⏚

@thegardendude @stux 1) ActivityPub is having a moment and they may want to stain it. It doesn't need Meta to take off, but maybe they want to pretend it does. We shouldn't associate with them or let them pretend we owe them anything.

2) They aren't just “not great”, they're literal child predators. I'm writing a master thesis about it so the topic is a bit complex and once they get inside it will be much trickier to kick them out.

Océane ⏚

@thegardendude @stux By the way, as a students union member I have experience with opportunistic alliances (e.g. for elections). You don't. This is a bad idea.

thegardendude 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@oceane @stux I'm glad you feel freed to just cut off relationships with people on platforms you don't like. I don't. Quit with the judgemental attitude.

Océane ⏚

@thegardendude @stux Like, I'm autistic bro. I'm literally a students union member, I literally have experience with this kind of situations, and I literally think that you literally don't. Quit with the mansplaining, all I'm seeing is a bunch of cis white men pushing for decisions on behalf of everyone, with an arguably worse background than many of us to take this kind of decisions.

What, so you think that you're in a better position than the trans woman behind the FediPact to know when you have to run?

@thegardendude @stux Like, I'm autistic bro. I'm literally a students union member, I literally have experience with this kind of situations, and I literally think that you literally don't. Quit with the mansplaining, all I'm seeing is a bunch of cis white men pushing for decisions on behalf of everyone, with an arguably worse background than many of us to take this kind of decisions.

Océane ⏚

@thegardendude @stux Again, no judgement meant towards you. But I was abused for most of my life and Zuckerberg was one of them.

mae 🔆 bunne gang

@thegardendude you don't need to compromise everyone's safety when you can just make a second account on their shit genocide facilitating platform and maintain those connections @oceane @stux



any special info on what it's gonna look like or when it's happening?

MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@wjmaggos @stux not really, as stux did not sign any NDA nor attend to any meeting(s)


@stux people need to educate themselves on the concept of decentralized. no one can prevent someone from joining the fediverse. whether anyone chooses to partake in Meta's instance(s), that's up to them, but admins can certainly block meta's instances.

mastodon isn't a walled city.

Keev 🇺🇦

Do you know how Meta operate as Corporation????

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​

@stux If US and EU antitrust / competitiveness authorities cannot secure compliance from Facebook and Zuckerberg for existing and longstanding orders, what makes you think a rag-tag bunch of Fediverse admins will fare better?

Facebook are manifestly bad-faith and untrustworthy actors. Preblock, now.


Facebook is a repeat violator at the FTC. There was a consent decree that goes back close to a decade, which the FTC in 2019 found that they violated. The recent news suggests that they may have also been in violation of this latest consent order. And that is really prompting a step back and a close look at: What does it take to make sure that firms across the board are actually complying with the law? ... I think when you have companies that are repeatedly before a law-enforcement agency, you need to ask serious questions about whether these companies are recidivist and whether they have a challenge in abiding by existing laws.

-- Lina Khan, Chair of the US Federal Trade Commission, interviewed by Kara Swisher,15 May 2023

At the very least, a precondition for any cooperation would be full compliance with existing antitrust actions, sanctions, consent orders, and the like, for a period at least as long as noncompliance (so, at least ten years in the case of the order found in violation in 2019).

Edit: s/Swischer/Swisher/. Clarified and corrected out-of-compliance period regarding consent orders.

#Facebook #Meta #MetaBlock #KaraSwisher #LinaKhan #USFTC #Antitrust #Monopoly #EmbraceExtendExtinguish #EternalSeptember #MarkZuckerberg #FuckZuck #FuckFacebook

@stux If US and EU antitrust / competitiveness authorities cannot secure compliance from Facebook and Zuckerberg for existing and longstanding orders, what makes you think a rag-tag bunch of Fediverse admins will fare better?

Facebook are manifestly bad-faith and untrustworthy actors. Preblock, now.

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​

Calling out an edit above, just so others don't miss it.

I'd initially read Khan's comments as saying that there was a 2019 consent order that FB had been noncompliant with.

No, there was a consent decree a decade old (unclear if now or in 2019) that the FTC found hadn't been complied with in 2019.

I suspect that's the 2012 order described here:



@dredmorbius it's both! In 2019 FB settled charges that they had violated the 2012 consent order, paid a $5B fine (without admitting guilt), and signed another consent order. Now the FTC's saying they violated the 2019 consent order as well.

Nicole Parsons


I'm worried that the volume of disinformation that may come out of Meta will be overwhelming.

I like this instance.

I fear there's a risk of exhausting mods that they defederate or shut down this instance.

We shall see. Please take steps to bolster things so you aren't swamped with overwork.

NorCal Lynne

@Npars01 @stux Good points, if it does happen please do not let flat-earthers pull the same crap they do on other sites. Facts exist and it’s vital we as human beings acknowledge a shared reality.

AT-AT Assault :verifiedtrans:


Sure, Meta's not going to buy anything. But do you know what happened to local shops in the 80s and 90s when Wal-Mart opened a store in their town? They died.

Not because Wal-Mart bought them out, but because WM's economies of scale lets it run on razor thin profit margins, and can outcompete local ships on prices. And once WM established dominance, they then raised prices to increase their profits.

Make no mistake, a similar situation will happen if FaceBook creates an ActivityPub instance.


Sure, Meta's not going to buy anything. But do you know what happened to local shops in the 80s and 90s when Wal-Mart opened a store in their town? They died.

Not because Wal-Mart bought them out, but because WM's economies of scale lets it run on razor thin profit margins, and can outcompete local ships on prices. And once WM established dominance, they then raised prices to increase their profits.

Jeff Moe


Did you sign an NDA with them?

Did you have your lawyers review it? Who wrote the NDA?

Please don't tell me you just straight up signed an NDA Meta presented to you, without legal review by a lawyer you personally retained.


@stux I noticed the current fediverse has quite specific and narrow opinions on what they want to be to a detrimental degree.


@stux very useful clarification, thanks!! Fighting misinformation!

Darren du Nord

@stux Individual Mastodon users can choose to block Meta. I think your measured approach is prudent. Give it a chance, see what it is.

My major concern is if they will publish advertisements across fediverse.

All of our public fediverse data is already being hoovered up by Big Data. There's no privacy for any public post.

Mani and the Nonos

@stux Does anyone have a list of the instances who have signed or are considering signing these NDAs? Just curious.


@stux Not sure how I feel about federating with a big corp like Meta. If it were my own instance I would just defederate or mute and ignore them.

But I really dislike most mega corporations.


@stux Meta would make a whole lot of purchases to acquire Mastodon. And that would not be the end of it...


@stux Thank you for the update….. will beware/aware of Meta…..


@stux I don't see why Meta should get the benefit of the doubt when they've already abundantly proven bad intentions.

Not sure why the past is being ignored here in regards to "let's see what they do before blocking them" *WE'VE ALREADY SEEN WHAT THEY DO*


@stux If Elon Musk bought Mastodon, then we would have MastaTwit.


@stux looking forward to the "#fediverse causes genocide" headlines soon after because everything the #fuckingcapitalists touch leads to death and disaster. Would be nice to be wrong though.

Clara Listensprechen
@stux Sounds reasonable to wait & see, but I'm afraid Zuckie's track record says you're letting the fox into the henhouse dressed as a wolf in sheep's clothing.
a Mitten

@stux Thank you. I really don't understand the fear that they will take over. I don't think it's possible. That's the point of a federated protocol. If people are afraid, then they don't understand federation. And If they do understand and have legitimate fears, then maybe mastodon/lemmy/kbin are flawed and need to be truly federated.

My point is that I don't think there's much to worry about.

Evan Minto

@stux Thank you for this. It's really frustrating to see the number of instances pre-emptively blocking an instance that represents a potentially huge moment for the Fediverse. A wait and see approach is totally reasonable and leaves room to act if Meta does anything that hurts your users.

Sammy 🐾 “meta is not gab”

Right, it’s actually worse. It’s fascists with a shit-ton of money and recourses, instead of just fascists.

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