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It's NOT platforms like #Facebook or #Instgram that join the Fediverse ⚠️

Meta is working on a new platform that intends to federate

So it's not everyone on FB or IG that joins but a new crowd probably

We have great moderation tools on Masto and other software that can cut them off within a second if needed

But let's not "block everything by default" but first check..

You won't be happt if your admin starts blocking things without even checking them first

The same rules apply to them also

Blake Leonard

> You won't be happt if your admin starts blocking things without even checking them first

I mean, to be fair, you can check this company pretty easily right now, and it's not very good.

natalie :BlobhajHeart:

@stux I thought the whole point of federation was that you just didn't all use one huge server. because as soon as a service with exposure to (potentionally) over a billion user becomes available, original mastodon users will (probably) turn into a rounding error
that's not the type of community I would want to be in.


@stux I would be ok as long as they:

1. Had a compelling motivation.

2. Were willing and hoping to re-federate in the case that their suspicions were false or unfounded.

Both are true here. This feels incredibly risky. FB needs to prove legitemacy to investors and this looks like it's an atrempt to capture usage from Mastodon and then cut off ActivityPub once they reach critical mass. I don't want to indirectly support that.

Please reconsider.

etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@scirave @stux you aren't supporting it indirectly or directly. they are existing as their own separate entity that you happen to be able to interact with.


@avrin @stux

You misunderstand the problem here. This is precisely out of Microsoft's ye old "Embrace. Extend. Extinguish" playbook. FB needs to cough up something for investors. They need to show results. They're going to use Mastodon to springboard their new platform with users and content. Then they'll offer a better service, aggressive onboarding, and then eventually cutoff the federation. Finally, enshittification will begin.

I don't want to be a part of that. Or provide content to it.


@avrin @stux Once upon a time, they did this with XMPP.

This is not new, this is not unsubstantiated, this is what they've been doing for YEARS. They have the resources to pull it off, the will, the motivation, and a history of it. This isn't vague reactionary bullshit that I'm pulling out of my ass. This is a likely risk and known factor.

etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@scirave @stux except it still only hurts the users on their instance. people like us will only be federated to it.

that's the entire point of federation. if they want to gimp their service down the line, it's only hurting their own users. not us


@avrin @stux

Oh, if only. You misunderstand yet again. They will provide a *better* service that ye old FOSS contributor will not be able to provide. They will extend the software, improve it. It'll be great. It'll be amazing. Until they reach market dominance and then start strangling their users for cash. They'll aggressively choke out Mastodon and steal potential adoption numbers. This is the game plan. It always has been.


@avrin @stux You say it won't harm us, but it will. People who are on here, or would've been on here, will instead be on there. It'll be an opportunity cost, at the very least.

And who was to say that I don't care about the people on that platform anyways? It's amoral to me to be complacent in that.

etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@scirave @stux for one, they made an account there. it is what is. two, having an easier, more recognizable process to getting into the fediverse will only make people realize they should be elsewhere more.

anyone that won't move wouldn't have had it never existed. people that are already here aren't gonna move to meta's instance, it's a non issue.

SciRave replied to etsy :kirby_walk: :kirby_fly:

@avrin @stux For one, I've been increasingly aware that there are *plenty* of people who would move solely to be in the same place as their friends, followers, and favorite figures. There was a notable amount of attention generated from BlueSky. There is an audience here, I'm not saying it's large.

Secondly, more exposure to the fediverse isn't going to fix the E.E.E. issue, what are you not getting here? I came here to be outside corporate influence and not to participate. Many of us did.

SciRave replied to SciRave

@avrin @stux

People moving to FB's "Threads" isn't going to translate to sizable portions moving to Mastodon or other federated services. They are a corporation, they're doing this to springboard. There is no intention to support federation for any longer than it directly benefits them.

At the very best? We simply give them free content and advertising. This is objectively bad. FB's history and operating procedures dictates that they'll end up harming users for profit.

SciRave replied to SciRave

@avrin @stux They'll provide a better service. Leech potential users, and some existing users. They'll use our community to springboard engagement and showcase sustainability to investors.

This is an attempt at prolonging their relevancy and using our services and communities to do it. There is absolutely no benefit here to federate. Them "supporting federation" publicly and having such tools will literally be the extent of the advertising we get from it. There's no reason to let them in.

SciRave replied to SciRave

@avrin @stux I want to be wrong. I want to be so, so, so wrong. I hope that I'm wrong. I hope by some miracle, Zuck's heart grew thrice as big overnight and made him all nice and fuzzy inside over the idea of helping a fellow man out.

But I severely doubt it. People, discourse, social spaces, will all be damaged and hurt. We will be protected, but not isolated from this. This is a problem. Why is it so hard to see the benefit from distrusting a so-easily-distrustable-provider?

Rat (she/her)

@scirave , thank you for saying this! This is exactly what I'm afraid of. We've already seen #Facebook encroach on other platforms that they see as competition, only to then ruin them. I worry that #Meta has similar schemes for Mastodon. They absolutely are not joining the Fediverse because they care about users or decentralization! They only care about their own profits

Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :ablobfoxbongohyper:‮‮‮‮‮

Yes it's a new platform, but it's still the same Facebook. The same horrible company we already know.



All this sounds logical, but it doesn't work for many of us who came here because we didn't want to be anywhere near Facebook.



I think the burden of proof should be on #Meta and not on us to tolerate them.

#Meta can demonstrate that they can become a healthy participant on the Fediverse by becoming a healthy social media steward on their own platforms before they come here.

If they chose not to, well... what makes you think they will do here what they don't do on their own platforms?

It doesn't stand scrutiny.

@vruz @stux there is no onus

the involvement of this specific corporate entity is conclusive proof that this project will be harmful

if the peple driving this did not mean harm they would not be using this company as the operating entity
Cyber Yuki



It's not facebook

Meta is working on

Dude, it's the same company.

Now I'd really like to ask one question and I expect you to be honest.

Canary question: 🐦

Did you sign a contract with them, or are in talks that could result in you signing a contract with them?

If you can't tell, just say "I can't answer that".

Thank you.

Keev 🇺🇦

Meta have specific business model, they are greedy af, they need access to people data.
So why do you think they do that?

Océane ⏚

@stux Obviously not, because nobody will ever say that played a role in the success of the Fediverse.

They want to stay relevant for longer. They want to keep abusing people for longer.

Katanova the Sunpunk

How did the vulcans establish diplomatic relations with the Klingons?

Kevin Russell


Sorry. You just lost me. I can't see how leaving this instance is not necessary.

This is awful, I feel cheated and betrayed. How much are they offerIng?

I'll be recommending be defederated.

My instance is pro meta, I will be moving.

Which instances are not betraying us?
#mastodon #meta #betrayal #money

Betrayal. #shame


@kevinrns They're not offering (to at least) anything afaik but @stux is trying to go for some sort of "cautious optimism" here which is very, very dangerous.


@kevinrns @stux I'm pretty shocked too. Any ideas yet on instances to migrate to? I picked bc it seemed stable, it was general topic, and was sizable...


made by @vantablack

EDIT: for clarity - the following are instances that have said they will BLOCK META :)

EDIT 2: ADMINS, please sign at

here are the larger instances so far (5000+ users):
(1000+ users):
(500+ users):

Kevin Russell

@smallpatatas @vantablack is not a signatory? Has expressed interest in being federated with the racist subversion devices built by Zuckerberg? Anyone?


@kevinrns @vantablack

I mean, we don't have a definitive answer from our BDFL, but it looks like dot social will be federating, yeah


@smallpatatas @kevinrns @vantablack Hmmm. Maybe I'll try going for a smaller instance. seems to be more curated to my particular interests anyhow. It'll probably be the one I'll migrate to!

EdenDestroyer (He/Him)

@kevinrns instances that signed havent betrayed us.

Lorrie W


Thank you for being the adult in the room.

Mad respect.


@stux there is a lot of room between "blocking everything by default" and blocking a particular entity preemptively because they have a well-established track record spanning many years of being more than willing, happy even, to harm individuals, businesses, and the internet itself as long as they can derive profit or in some way boost Zuckerberg's (or whichever billionaire's) ego


@stux a small entity that has shown no signs of gleefully harming people? of course, give them a chance. let's get to know them

a borg-sized and assimilation-inclined entity of infinite resources? nah, let's hold off. it will be far easier to open up to them later than it will be to repair whatever damage is wreaked if and when they pull stunts that no one would ever have expected an honest company to pull


@stux If my admins do not de-federate from any Facebook-owned platforms, I will be moving along to an instance that does.

I came to the fediverse to escape all of the problems with profit-driven social media. I am not going back.


@stux Thanks for that clarification and sharing from your expert position that you see the Fediverse as having the tools to protect itself. My concern would be about the dominating, "own the world," dishonest and manipulative and mass-profit-centric way that zuck works - so would hope that folks have done enough scenario-planning to envision all possibilities/contingencies. Don't understand why he'd want to do this if there was no way to profit/surveil.


@stux We are here because of corporate greed and malfeasance. That has not changed. The fox is coming to the hen house. How many times must we be subjected to the outright manipulation and aggressive abuse of these shareholder run organizations? This isn't about the users. They can be blocked. Please stop defending the corporations' platforms whose sole purpose is to make money off of their users, especially in light of the Reddit debacle. Federation doesn't change the philosophy of a company.

Kevin Russell


Going, betrayed, subverted, going. Just outraged at this awful stupid action. Whatever instance I join will be deferederated from this instance ->


Tor Iver Wilhelmsen

@kevinrns @stux sounds like a severe overreaction to something that has not happened yet.


@stux I agree. Censor individually, unless it gets really out of hand (violating TOS) from an instance. Let’s not overreact beforehand.

Kee Hinckley

@stux f you’re talking to them about a good integration, there are two things you should tell them.

1. We don’t want you to connect to the Fediverse until the application is fully integrated into the Integrity content review system, and the reviewers are trained and staffed in the appropriate languages.
If they don’t have moderation integrated on day one, this will be a disaster, because they’ll end up getting blocked right and left.

2. We need to know that the moderation interaction from other Fediverse systems to Meta is implemented and staffed.

I assume they also know that Fediverse standards on hate speech on most servers are probably higher than current Facebook/Instagram standards, and that Fediverse standards on obscene speech are probably lower, and they’d better be prepared to deal with that properly. But really, those two items are the important ones.

@stux f you’re talking to them about a good integration, there are two things you should tell them.

1. We don’t want you to connect to the Fediverse until the application is fully integrated into the Integrity content review system, and the reviewers are trained and staffed in the appropriate languages.
If they don’t have moderation integrated on day one, this will be a disaster, because they’ll end up getting blocked right and left.

Borealis AKA the LiteralGrill

@stux For some folks, needing to be cautious and remove them ahead of time is vital.

The disability community knows how much "Meta" aka Facebook has coordinated with the Federal government in the US to get people kicked off of their disability benefits. We cannot risk having this massive company mine our toots or whatever else to do this through the Fediverse.

People need to be WAY more concerned with just how much surveillance this could result in.


@stux I'm regularly amazed by how many people look at a tool for facilitating communication and then become only interested in blocking, defederating and hindering communication.


@PCOWandre @stux This isn't about blanket open communication. It is about allowing a corporation that allowed absolute vitriol to proliferate their platform in the name of "communication" and free speech. Do you have an active Facebook account? Does anyone who is participating in this narrative have an active Facebook account? And if you don't, why is it that you don't?


@noondlyt @stux Honestly? I see more roaring vitriol in the Fediverse than just about anywhere else. Since the demise of Twitter, this place has been filling up with hate.

Meta has a chance to do something new. They have a chance to either earn a place or be driven out. Blocking/defed is a simple operation that can be done any time in the future if they prove to be bad neighbours.

(disclosure: I have a FB account. Where else am I going to find cheap antique furniture in these parts?)


@PCOWandre @stux I have not seen the hate here. I have witnessed the deep racism, bigotry, antisemitism, and manipulation on Facebook and Twitter. The paid trolls and dark money flows everywhere unchecked on those platforms. Our elected officials feel comfortable participating in all of that. I don't want that here. Scorpion and the Frog. Corporations don't deserve chances. People do.

The Steel Rat

@stux Thank you, The calls for Pre-blocking or even de-federating Corperate owned servers kind of ruins the idea of "decentralization" and isn't any better than

if you don't like a company, you can block it on an individual basis, do not block it for everyone else.



if it was just a heads up why the NDA

facebooks business model is at odds with the #fediverse so you can only be skeptical of their intentions

facebook like the other techbros know how to play the W3C game, it won't take much for them to destroy AP

i've seen EEE nearly destroy the net, with the greatest respect stux just stfu & pre-block them


@dekkzz76 @stux
NDAs mean money is being exchanged. Period.


@dekkzz76 @stux
I don't know about pre-blocking, but realistically expecting the scorpion not to sting the frog is unwise.


@stux Haha, no. Threads (what P92 is probably going to be called) is very tied in with Instagram.


The new Meta app will be Instagram-branded and users will be able to register and log in to the app using their Instagram credentials.

Granted, this article is three months old, but it's not the only one.


Last week, Meta employees got a preview of the app, The Verge reported, which will stand alone but based on Instagram, and will likely allow users to transfer information and followers from Instagram.

You're kidding yourself if you think P92 won't have mostly Instagram users.
I'm not saying to block them out of the gate, but be aware that a lot of their users are probably going to have little in common with Fedizens. And also Meta is dogshit and I think everyone can agree with that.

@stux Haha, no. Threads (what P92 is probably going to be called) is very tied in with Instagram.


The new Meta app will be Instagram-branded and users will be able to register and log in to the app using their Instagram credentials.


@stux I’m just a random person who migrated here after having left FB /Twitter both. Not a nerd, just found good stuff here. I left the destructive life of FB/ Twitter. I don’t really understand this whole thing but if Meta is trying in any way to “join” Mastodon then it’s for nefarious reasons. They are driven purely by profit. Where are folks supposed to go ?Anyway still confused about what is going on but just the word Meta in the same sentence as Mastodon is scary.

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@stux Well, this is a disaster waiting to happen. I understand your argument, but you're applying it to a known social arsonist here. They've already proven their malicious intent a bazillion times, it is foolish to even assume it might be different this time.

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