@jalcine You make excellent points. Also, may I point out that communications and marketing are NOT the same thing, even if they're both promoting stuff they can be quite different in how they function and even look at messaging. So what the fediverse really needs is a promotional strategy that includes communications (which is about getting information into people's ears and minds) and marketing (which is about selling more than informing) but since we don't have marketing budgets it's maybe strategically better to stick to the communications side (though sticker campaigns would be a great cheap DIY marketing tactic). I've got a background in communications, working mainly for indie music labels, digital arts and music festivals and film, I'd be up for throwing in some cheap and cheerful ideas that people who come more from the corporate marketing side of things probably wouldn't think about. Because marketing can get pretty unethical, I'd also be quite keen on keeping things ethical and working to make sure we're reaching out to a diverse audience (we probably need a few different strategies for different audiences we want to reach).
*Not sure how much time I'll have to contribute immediately since I have a lot going on right now with trying to find a new apartment I can afford by the end of the month.
@jalcine First thing on the marketing side would probably be creating a logo of some kind but I'm not sure how one would go about creating consensus around it or who gets final say in this kind of context.
The first step on the communications side would be figuring out what we want to communicate and to whom.
@evan @J12t