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Curtis "Ovid" Poe

The next time you feel imposter syndrome and are convinced that everyone is better than you, just remember that someone got paid for this hospital design.


Ooh, that would be a good design for the slaughterhouse where I worked (just holidays and long weekends) when I was 15. Sometimes that was the kind of trail I was commandeered to clean.
"Hey you temp clean that now."


I did that work until I was 20. In total for some 25 weeks. It's the main reason I am a vegetarian since I am 20.

My single mom with 3 children couldvery well use the money I earned. Double minimum wage, and in the weekends and holidays it was triple. I earned more money that my mom did whenever she had a job (senior citizen care worker).


@ovid Well, wasn't there this famous design story about the college campus that didn't pave paths but let the people trample down footpaths in the quad and paved them afterwards?

Basically the same thing.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

@mhd Those are called "desire paths" and I'm not sure I'd use that term on a path of blood 🩸🩸🩸

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

@outeast @mhd Originally that was a children's hospital, so if you want to throw down kink shaming, I think you lose 🚸

(Just kidding. I thought your reply was hilarious)


@ovid @outeast Well, a Belgian children's hospital, so…

Lisa Hay

@ovid @mhd I’ve heard them called -willways


@mhd @ovid A college campus near me allows desires paths to form and paves paths that lead to the desire paths, without actually paving the path itself.

Gregg "Cabe" Bond

@ovid the tarp covered in handprints really ties the room together.

Emma Byrne

@thamesynne @ovid i think you'll find they're answered by my "Those definitely aren't bloodstains" t-shirt


That looks more like the half-hearted effort to clean the floor the last time I haemorrhaged on getting out of bed after a gynae op. Wonder how much the nurse got paid?


I understand the importance of lines on the floor in a large hospital so you know where the hell you are going

and I like desire lines - they show paths across grass that humans truly want, in spite of some civil planner's rigid ideas of optimization

my issue is using the corpse to make the lines :blobcatgrimacing:


@normjess @ovid Extra points for the bike leaning against the hand rail for the steps instead of the impressively-placed bike fixtures.


@eagerpebble @ovid they got lucky this area is light on enforcement officers :revblobfoxpolice: :blobcatgrimacing:

@Mildlyoppugnant |

@ovid I appreciate you mean well, but if bad taste helped deal with imposter syndrome we'd be here til National Trump Day's 5th anniversary

Joshua Nozzi

@ovid @ines Please tell me that’s what you follow to find the morgue.


@ovid The designer is the one laughing at us poor saps here who paid for it!



I know that hospital, that's the corridors after renovation on my childhood neighbourhood (Belgian decoration, yeah) and a friend of mine give birth in the Maternity department. Piece of laught when walking in the corridors !

Sietske Boer-van Vugt

@Lledelwin @ovid @Souristine For a hospital in Etterbeek I expected more yellowish colours 😅 (etter is a Dutch word for pus)



😂 Indeed ! But it come from Ietrebecca / Iatrebache - Ieter-beek : the rapid river.
But "River of Pus" is an accurate description of what happens to little rivers when a city develop on top.

@ovid @Souristine

Sietske Boer-van Vugt

@Lledelwin @ovid @Souristine yeah, I went online to find out how the name came about, but I like pus stream/river better than the actual meaning 🤣 And you're right about the fate of those rivers after city development 🫣😅


@bumblebeedc @ovid @Souristine

Germ life in every river of every city in 19th
- What do we do this summer, brainiac ?
- Same as every summer : FREE CHOLERA TO EVERYONE !

(Where are the Brussels rivers ? Rebanded as 'Sewer' with a brick vault ontop)


@ovid @NatureMC @Souristine

I know ! Isn't it wonderfull ? The last one are the "Jackson Pollock activity for children / oups, did someone escaped from surgery ?" stuff I've seen on my one eyes.


@wolfie @ovid the moment I saw it I was like "😲 oh no don't start this again no no no -" lmao


Seems like the first thing people learn in floor design:
Dirt should not be visible.

Everything else comes second.

Ann Annas


Ahhh yes, how could I forget this gem.
If you see bloody trails you're just a pleb that doesn't understand color theory lol.

Joe Clemens [Texas]

@ovid It invokes visions of bleeding patients being moved through the halls and the wheels of beds tracing the lines with their blood as they scream in agony. I like the bloody handprints on the far wall curtain. Obvious wrong turn to the left in the typical maze of hospital halls. Not a happy place.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

@NatureMC Thanks for sharing that! The video was nice to watch. Rather soothing, actually.


@ovid That is both absolutely fabulous and wholly inappropriate at the same time.

Someone has a very wicked sense of humour... 😈


@ovid something went really wrong with this Stanley Parable Adventure Line™

Chris [list of emoji]


Alternate caption: "The new Max Payne game is coming along fine."

Frank Schindelbeck

@ovid That's great. Hope to see something like that if I happen to enter a hospital. But it can wait.

Xander Plooy

@ovid pretty sure this is a level from one of the Silent Hill games 👀


And look, here comes Dr Jack with his axe.

(Nicholson, snowed-in hotel movie from long ago.

The Gentleman in Question

I've seen the paintbrush theme used here 🇺🇲 in a children's hospital & those same fingerpaint handprints in oncology. The drag marks are #StephenKing-esque, clearly not an in-house design.
Met a guy in the '90s who'd founded an oncology software company he named, cards printed, with the acronym METS, not working in healthcare, not recognizing the very common slang for "metastasis."
It's good to run things up the flagpole.

Wiktor - wikiyu oh... And these hands on the back... I will have nightmares today


@ovid any color would have been OK, except red...

Maciej Lesiak :flag_pirate:


i love the idea of gore desing in hospitals...

Kevin Russell


Completely dont get your point, solution found! - "How do we identify the emergency room, readable by all language speakers."

Of course it might be the morgue.



@ovid So, if said designer sees this toot … he's officially allowed to claim being the biggest and only imposter in the room? (Asking for a friend. 😬)


@ovid I admit that a local hospital's yellow line leading to the urology dept. comes in second after this.

Leonid 🇮🇱

@ovid reminds me of the meme with the death knocking on doors…

Izabela, Ginza's Copilot


At least they didn't paint the word REDRUM on the walls

Rick Lining 🕷️💙💫🇪🇺

It happens to the best of us. We all get caught out sometimes.

Max Legroom ☕

@ovid Wow I thought the hotel in Virginia I stayed at had murder-vibes but that’s far worse!


@ovid "Which sequel of The Shining is this from?"


@ovid and someone approved it…more than one someone probably an entire board committee

Marc Mims
@ovid @jacobydave looks like a department store in holiday season sans the shopping cart tracks through the blood.

@ovid They could also have an exceptionally deranged world view, and this was just them actualizing that. Artists can be weird.


@ovid To be fair, I’d get a morbid kick out of it as a patient. Probably as a nurse too if I were one. As a surgeon… not so much.


@ovid someone played Max Payne 1 and really enjoyed the comic book levels.


@ovid No spray marks on the wall. Opportunity missed.

Nika Shilobod

@ovid Ah yes, the bloodtrail left by for profit healthcare systems. The desire for inoffensive art motifs has come full circle.

Aviva Gary

@ovid Of all the colors in existence, they used literal blood red... 👀

That is A choice...


@ovid well, at least we know it is a surgery room?

Al Gorithm

@ovid A retirement home has just opened up near me and for some reason they have called it.............. Pearly Gates?......

Dana Hurley

@ovid it’s like a body was drug through bleeding to death.


@ovid color theory is coming to mastodon \o/

Cats Who Code 💙💛

@ovid WTF? is it a children's hospital? then mayyyybe I could understand.

Jeff ♨️ Darcy

@ovid Ahhh, the infamous "color theory" meme. Gotta be among the top ten World Heritage Memes on Tumblr. Several of my friends there tag me every time they see it, and I'm not entirely sure why. Little bit weird seeing it here.


@ovid It took me a while to track it down because I thought it was a joke, but it seems that it was at Ixelles' hospital, Brussels. At least in nov 2018. Looking at the walls it seems like there was some work to be done, so maybe it was just temporary and it's not like this nowadays ? Someone should check if nearby ;)
Bad design anyway I agree.


@ovid standard navigation around Emergency departments if I’m being brutally honest! 🤣

Kajleers ✅

@ovid Well, at least it’s not a school design.


@ovid Or they could just use sensible shaped lines. My children's hospital, Victorian building by the 1980s had clearly different colours for main routes, outpatients, X-ray and something else and you just followed the 3 inch wide line you wanted + signage... No fuss...


@ovid the manager: I know you're creative, surprise us!
The designer: say no more!!!

Just Kris

@ovid Complete with bloody handprints. Dear God! 🫣

Julian Lam

@ovid ooooh! Situationally unaware art commissions! I love it.

This one totally reminds me of the art installation commissioned by the #TTC for use in the newly renovated Union Station.

For a transit hub that sees thousands (if not more) passengers a day, you'd want to elicit some excitement and wonder when you step off the train, no?

So let's give them this shit to really remind them of the futility of the daily grind.

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