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7 posts total
Curtis "Ovid" Poe

A few years ago, my friend Paul and I took a road trip from London to Corsica. We had rented a small villa in the countryside and this cat visited us the first couple of days.

She wouldn't let us get close to her, but once she was comfortable, she brought her kittens around for us to feed treats to. Unlike this mama, the kittens loved us.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Cat

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

I started programming in 1982. Though I'm known as a #Perl developer, I tried to remember every other language I've programmed in.

#BASIC, #C, 6809 Assembler, #Javascript, VBScript (and its many variants), #Java, #Prolog, #RakuLang, #Python, #Kotlin, #COBOL, Easytrieve, and probably a few others.

I wish I had gotten a job in Prolog, primarily because I loved what I could create with it. I don't love programming; I love creating.

What are you languages?

#programming #software #OpenSource

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@ovid A bit different: Fortran, Algol6 (for the RC4000), Pascal, COBOL, Concurrent Pascal, PDP-11 assembler, Univac 1100 assembler, Basic, Algol68, Simula, C, C++, Perl, rust - and probably a lot of others I've forgotten.
Doing concurrent programming in Pascal was... strange/weird but kind of fun.

Adam Trickett :debian:

@ovid #BASIC, 6502 #assembly, #Pascal, #Delphi, #Perl, #Bash, #Javascript, finally #ABAP.

I've looked at #Java and #Python several times but can't get on with Java at all.

My job is 50% ABAP and 50% trying to understand what the client needs and not what they say.

Loved BASIC on my old C64, and have a soft spot for TuboBASIC and TuboPascal. Did a lot of Perl and found it good for what I wanted, but not used it much of late.


@ovid To highly varying levels of competence : Basic, Z80 Assembler, C, VB/VBA, COBOL (w/ Datatrieve ... VMS > MVS 😉 ... though also used CICS and wrote JCLs from scratch 😖, plus some "4GL"s like Mantis), Gambas(!), Processing, Perl, PHP, JS (WSH JS!), Java, Dialplan, Pascal(!), i386 Assembler, Ruby, Lisp, Forth, Python, Go, Lua, Z.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Apollo App for #Reddit shutting down today.

Interestingly, Reddit accused the creator of "threatening" them ("Pay me $10 million to go away quietly.")

Not only did he did no such thing, but he lives in Canada which is has one-party consent for recording phone calls. The developer recorded his calls with Reddit and they tell a far different story from what Reddit is claiming.

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@ovid I can imagine the brainstorming where they came up with this brilliant idea.


Jeff Craig

@ovid One Party Consent is absolutely vital to holding powerful people to account, and anyone who claims otherwise is wrong.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

The next time you feel imposter syndrome and are convinced that everyone is better than you, just remember that someone got paid for this hospital design.

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Just Kris

@ovid Complete with bloody handprints. Dear God! 🫣

Julian Lam

@ovid ooooh! Situationally unaware art commissions! I love it.

This one totally reminds me of the art installation commissioned by the #TTC for use in the newly renovated Union Station.

For a transit hub that sees thousands (if not more) passengers a day, you'd want to elicit some excitement and wonder when you step off the train, no?

So let's give them this shit to really remind them of the futility of the daily grind.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Genie: I’ll give you one billion dollars if you can spend 100M in a month. There are 3 rules: No gifting, no gambling, no throwing it away.

SRE: Can I use AWS?

Genie: There are 4 rules.

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@ovid this is probably why he bought twitter


The one month deadline is tough because it would be hard to close on real estate on negotiate deals with organizations I care about in just a month.
I'd probably go by a bunch of expensive planes, appliances, lease buildings. I do whatever it took to spend that money to get the billion dollars. Figure out the details after the fact.

Denis :flan_le_french:

@ovid Isn't "throwing away" and "use AWS" the same ? 😅

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