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George Casales


This is how other industrialized countries do it. They make cities walkable and such that you don’t have to drive to the market and other essential locations.

We need to grow up. The value of self-reliance has devolved in our culture to physical and emotional isolation. Not good.


@casjo2022 @breadandcircuses It's not even like we *have to* drive. People often just outright refuse to walk/bike/use transit for absolutely no reason.

Back when I was still working in an office I'd sometimes get my car serviced at a place down the road, because it was easy to drop it there before work and pick it up after. It was a ten or fifteen minute walk from the office, downhill. Basically across the street, just with a large parking lot and driveway at each end. I'd show up there after work and these guys would be going "You didn't walk here again did you??" Then they'd be yelling over to their coworkers "Can you believe this guy?! He WALKED here!". Happened every single time. They knew where I worked. They knew that walk was under a mile. They legitimately expected me to call them and ask for a ride and wait half an hour for them to get there just to get ACROSS THE STREET! And then these same kinds of people will spend every night on a treadmill at the gym. My last apartment was under a mile from a gym and I'd see my neighbors *driving to the gym*!! And I'm not talking about the middle of winter when it's below zero out there, I mean on a sunny spring day. Heck I've even recently had neighbors pull over and ask if I needed a ride after I walked to the end of the block to pick up some milk. I could see my apartment. I was at most a hundred feet away! What could possibly make you think I need you to stop and drive me that last hundred feet?!?

I walk to the grocery store pretty often. I live in a somewhat small town (population of 40k), basically zero transit, and I'm a couple miles from downtown. There are still four grocery stores that I regularly walk to, and four other stores that I wouldn't call a grocery store but where I regularly buy groceries (Dollar General, CVS, stuff like that.) I can walk to hospitals and doctors and dentists, I can walk to my office, I can walk to damn near everything I need on a daily basis. And I know not everyone can reasonably walk as much as I can...but I've seen people in wheelchairs doing a few miles around our downtown and I've known MANY perfectly healthy 20-somethings that won't even cross the street without getting into their car.

So I'm not sure a lack of transit is our primary problem...certainly if you need the car once a week or once a month then you're gonna buy a car, and once you own it you're gonna use it would help if people *never* needed the car...but I think there's something deeper than that, something about the way people judge literally anyone who isn't driving. Talking about transit can help with much as or even more than actually building it! We need advertising for the transit as much as we need the actual transit infrastructure itself. And walking/biking as much as possible is probably a great start because it is very visible.

@casjo2022 @breadandcircuses It's not even like we *have to* drive. People often just outright refuse to walk/bike/use transit for absolutely no reason.

Back when I was still working in an office I'd sometimes get my car serviced at a place down the road, because it was easy to drop it there before work and pick it up after. It was a ten or fifteen minute walk from the office, downhill. Basically across the street, just with a large parking lot and driveway at each end. I'd show up there after work...

George Casales


Spot on. You’re very fortunate that most of the locations essential for your lifestyle are within walking distance.

Sadly, the car culture mindset is more than the attitudes that you have described so well. Some places that I need to go to regularly are 5-10 miles away, which precludes the possibility of walking there. That is usually by design. The 20th century saw a systematic dismantling of mass transit, especially rail, to force people to buy cars.

It’s possible to get to a more walkable culture, but not without massive infrastructure changes.

We give cars way too much priority in city planning. I think it’s a throwback to the rugged individualism and self-reliance ethos that shaped the western expansion of the US.

We need to change our culture to have a greater sense of community.


Spot on. You’re very fortunate that most of the locations essential for your lifestyle are within walking distance.

Sadly, the car culture mindset is more than the attitudes that you have described so well. Some places that I need to go to regularly are 5-10 miles away, which precludes the possibility of walking there. That is usually by design. The 20th century saw a systematic dismantling of mass transit, especially rail, to force people to buy cars.

climate voter/bike supremacist

@casjo2022 @admin People pay a lot of money to visit where I live but the locals won't even walk or bike around our lovely multi use trail around our lovely lake with its beautiful trail.


@casjo2022 @admin my husband grew up in the postwar valleys of South Wales, and there was a train down to Cardiff at ~15 minute intervals, meaning it was never a big deal if a chat with a neighbour meant you missed it and had to wait for the next one. Then they built motorways on the other side of the valleys from the railways, and then rail service intervals lengthened to what is now less than hourly. So now everyone relies on cars.

climate voter/bike supremacist

@admin @casjo2022 @breadandcircuses If Americans can drive, they will. I live in a similar kind of town and I am one of the few who doesn't use a car for short trips. Most of us in live in a 15 minute city from biking perspective but you would never know it. We are determined to self destruct for what we see as convenience.


@breadandcircuses As someone who lives in a small Bavarian village, with literally 2 busses a day, I'd absolutely be in favour of proper public transport.


@breadandcircuses France is close to this.

The U.S.? Don’t hold your breath.

The Political Vet

@breadandcircuses Fun fact, most cities were redesigned for cars, because they kept killing folk. Then they made up the term Jaywalking to shame pedestrians onto the sidewalks that we now have to fight over space with a’hole bicyclists, that can’t decide on which set of rules they want to follow, and e-scooters and other wheel based transportation.


@breadandcircuses too much to ask, maybe but not too much to demand



Try Paris.

You can get from Paris to Marseille by choo-choo in ~3h. Centre city to centre city. You couldn't do that by jet. What's more, if you can book ahead and leave early/late, prices go as low as ~20eur.



Aside from that, the last 25yrs has seen steady progress towards less and less cars.



Should we blame Henry Ford and the oil barons? Or does the fault go back further than them?

Bread and Circuses

@Shachihoko Some deep thinkers say that agriculture (~10,000 BCE) was humanity's first and greatest mistake.

David Scott Moyer

@breadandcircuses I wonder if self-driving cars might *be* the public transit of the future in settings where a train doesn't make sense. No privately owned vehicles at all. Just millions of electric cars on call that can take you safely to your destination alone or in a group. Self-driving Uber.


@farbel @breadandcircuses So, no personal auto ownership…just take you where you want to go when you need to. They don’t sit in your driveway doing nothing, or in a work parking lot. But somehow they’re all maintained to safe standards,the size you need to carry whatever when you need it. No big SUVs with one rider. You just pay by time, distance and size/payload,comfort level. corporations could tie in with creative scheduling software. Like Zipcar on a mega scale


@farbel @breadandcircuses Some might say it’s a “car to each according to their needs, paid according to their ability” but that’s maybe a little too much Karl Marx meets Henry Ford. (oil and water?)

James is not broken...

@breadandcircuses my dream is to live in a city where cars are effectively banned. everything is built around public transportation and walking.


@breadandcircuses I want public transport where I’m not squeezed in like a sardine (claustrophobic)


@breadandcircuses I live in the U.S. and I miss my home country in Europe mostly because of their incredible train and metro system.

Eva Chanda

A lot of subways and trains are already automated, no?

Joe Quinlan 🇵🇸

The People's Republic of China has over 25,000 miles of high speed rail. The USA has less than 50 miles. America's backward, crumbling rail system is a national disgrace - and an indictment of capitalism.

Accidental Tourist

@breadandcircuses I couldn’t agree more but the answer to our automotive dilemma still evades us; largely due to the governments reliance on profit from older funded technologies which receive higher dividends. Nudge, nudge, wink!🤝🤝🤝


@breadandcircuses Not everyone lives in a city. All those millions of people in towns and villages will always need private transport of some kind, unless one would rather try to forcibly depopulate the countryside like some modern-day version of the Highland Clearances.

Chris Blake

In less wealthy countries - say, much of Central America - there are indeed millions of people who live in rural villages, and very few of them own private cars. They live in those places because they're engaged in land-based subsistence activities and produce most of what they need locally. They often have a bus that periodically takes people to the nearest city, and usually bulkier supplies that are needed from a city are delivered occasionally by a cargo vehicle.


@chrisblake @breadandcircuses Yes, I forgot to say, that's the other option: we forcibly drive the rural population back into the pre-industrial age, where the people are mostly subsistence farmers and extremely poor, have few prospects of decent education or success compared to those in cities, and many never leave the place they were born. That's why most Central American countries are not considered developed. Is that really your vision of the future?

Chris Blake

@hughster Wow, there's a lot to unpack here. I don't understand in what sense communities that have routine access to things like buses, heavy goods vehicles, usually radios and TVs, often some computers, and increasingly even shared internet access are "pre-industrial". If people have regular opportunities to travel to large cities by bus or other public transportation, then it's obviously not the case that they would never have the option to leave the towns they grew up in. @breadandcircuses

Chris Blake

I've personally known people who grew up in small Central American or South Asian villages, went to university, worked in a city or even overseas for some years before moving back home, speak 3 or more languages, and are some of the most worldly, broad-minded, and well-educated people I've ever met. All without ever owning or regularly driving a car.

Chris Blake

Obviously there are many rural places where people don't have cars and also happen to be living in grinding poverty, but that's not what I was talking about. There are plenty of people in the world who lead rural lives without cars while also enjoying all the things they need and then some, because their societies are set up to facilitate that. They provide examples of how that's possible, which we in the "first world" should be trying a lot harder to learn from.

Chris Blake

You're basically presenting a false dilemma in which the only options compatible with non-urban living are a high-impact car culture vs. abject poverty with almost no modern technology at all. There's a lot of space available in between those extremes. It all just seems unthinkably exotic to many of us in the "first world" because our societies for the most part no longer *allow* us any of those other options.


@chrisblake Yes, in any poor communities there'll be unrepresentative exceptions, a minority lucky enough to escape their circumstances and do well despite the odds. That isn't an argument in favour of the environment.

Which central American and south Asian countries are we talking about specifically?

Chris Blake

@hughster The people I mainly had in mind are from Belize and Nepal. Note, though, that I never said the people I was referring to grew up in and had to "escape" poverty; that was an assumption you made. I just said they grew up in villages and didn't have cars. The former came from a family that would probably be considered middle-income by her home country's standards and apparently had a reasonably comfortable upbringing there, but was not affluent by "first world" standards.

Chris Blake

But that just illustrates my point, which I think you're still missing. In many parts of the world, even rural people who are reasonably well off economically typically don't own cars because regardless of where they live, it's unusual that private car ownership actually makes more economic sense than using things like buses. It's just hard for us to see that because our governments use very heavy subsidies to aggressively distort the market in favor of private cars.

Chris Blake replied to Chris

In other words, if my villager friend had tried to purchase, fuel, and maintain her own car, that likely would have driven her into poverty. Instead, using more convivial modes of transportation helped her to leverage what we would probably consider quite modest means to pursue experiences and opportunities she wanted.

Chris Blake replied to Chris

I say you're missing my point because you still seem to be conflating poverty with rural non-car-ownership, and my point is that those are two different things. Obviously a very poor villager will not have their own car, but the converse doesn't follow; living in a rural community without one's own car doesn't intrinsically drive people into poverty. If anything, when there are more efficient shared alternatives in place it can often help keep them out of it.

Chris Blake replied to Chris

I'll end by sharing that if anyone reading this is unfamiliar with these points and would like to learn more, a good place to start is Ivan Illich's short book "Energy and Equity", which presents some very interesting observations about the economics of different transportation modes. Illich was kind of a seminal (and pretty devastating) critic of conventional "human development" discourse along these lines, informed largely by his own experiences living in rural Central and South America.


@chrisblake It's part of the First World "saviour" complex to believe that everyone in the Third World is living in poverty. There's millions who grow up and go to school in villages and small towns, further their education in larger towns or cities, and then return to their regions. Since they haven't transplanted to the First World and been "saved" by access to cutting-edge trends, they somehow don't exist.

Hamish Buchanan

@chrisblake @hughster @breadandcircuses It should be perfectly possible to live in a town or village and get around to do one's routine necessities without owning a car. Millions did, and millions more are even still nostalgic for that lifestyle.


@hamishb @chrisblake @hughster @breadandcircuses impossible, only jobs are way away in towns or cities where people want late or early opening, often the only one on the bus going to work, most shiftwork carework etc there is no bus, no can = no job


@maiamaia Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me how so many people who've spent all their lives in cities have *zero* idea how people live outside them and don't seem to care.

Chris Blake

@maiamaia I'm certainly not disputing that in most wealthier countries we currently have a complicated and tangled up mess of economic policies and cultural factors that make non-urban car-free living highly impractical for many people. I'm not saying all of us can just stop driving tomorrow without any larger changes in our economies and cultures. My point is that there are current, real-world proofs of concept that show it doesn't have to be this way if we collectively want to change.

Robbie 🇧🇪 :tux:

@hamishb @chrisblake @hughster @breadandcircuses
Why own a car if you can have people in white vans bring everything to your doorstep :p


@hamishb @chrisblake No, millions *didn't*! Before Cars came along most rural areas were significantly underdeveloped and sparsely populated. The entire reason rural towns and villages have exploded in population and grown in prosperity over the last century is cars.


@hughster @hamishb @chrisblake ever hear of trains? Trains did that long before cars. Ditch cars and make rail better.


@afterconnery @hamishb @chrisblake They didn't, and they never can. Even before Beeching trains only went to towns, and only past the occasional village on the way. And the routes didn't take you in every direction you might want to go. (They certainly don't now.) Good luck trying to build railways to every village with today's prices...


@hughster @hamishb @chrisblake That's funny because trains did that where I'm from. And canals did it before trains. It stopped when auto companies bought out and then gutted other forms of transportation. It may be different where you're from, but your history is different than mine. Try not to universalize your history upon everyone else.


@afterconnery Canals connected every village to every other village? Really?


@hughster Here is an example from near where i live. This one ended up as a bust, but they were being built everywhere at the time.

Also the Cardinal Greenway, rails to trail path, goes from Richmond to Muncie and there are various towns along the way. A hundred years ago people would take weekend trips from Richmond to these small towns by rail.


@afterconnery It doesn't look like that canal went to an awful lot of villages. And for those lucky enough to have been on the route who wanted to go to other places on the route, what would the journey times have been for passengers in the towpath era?

Hamish Buchanan

@hughster @chrisblake "Underdeveloped" reflects an urban, industrialized perspective. Populations sufficed for a thriving agrarian economy, & people used trains, local buses & taxi services & mutual aid. "Development" since then reflects exurban sprawl ("country living with city amenities"), a luxury we can no longer afford.


@hamishb "Underdeveloped" means what it says: people were poor, they had little access to good education and work and leisure opportunities, health outcomes were bad, precious few services and amenities were available, etc. You're imagining a rose-tinted version of the past that never existed.

Have you ever actually lived in the countryside?

Hamish Buchanan

@hughster Old towns all over where I live in Ontario have centres full of solid commercial building and fine houses. They were quite prosperous. There were regional train services and milk-run buses regularly.


@hamishb OK, fine, that's towns. What about the villages?

Hamish Buchanan

@hughster Or, OK, how about you say what "development" means to you, because that's where we began? Is it car dependent lifestyles?

Chris Blake

@hughster @hamishb I wonder if we're partly talking past each other about this issue of what constitutes a "town" vs. a "village". Where I'm from the terms are basically used interchangeably, just with a village being slightly smaller.

Chris Blake

If you're talking about settlements that are both so tiny and so remote that they can't feasibly have any type of transit service but you also can't feasibly ride a (possibly electric) bicycle to the nearest town that does (or could) have public transit links, my position is that people should be encouraged to move (with economic assistance if needed) to settlements that are not so remote from the rest of society.

Chris Blake replied to Chris

Unless they actually prefer a very remote, almost purely subsistence-based lifestyle, in which case I respect that, but they also need to be willing to accept the implications of it. As @hamishb pointed out, it is never going to be biophysically sustainable for significant numbers of people to have quick and convenient access to both rural and urban extremes at the same time. That's a peculiarly "first world" extravagance we indeed cannot afford.

Andy Polaine

@hughster @breadandcircuses before British Rail was hammered by the Beeching cuts and later was privatised, even many tiny villages had train stations.


@apolaine @breadandcircuses I know, there are numerous such closed branch lines around here, including one that's now a heritage line. There's no doubt many of them should've been saved, and we'd be in a lot better position now had they been. But even then the lines didn't go everywhere and the routes weren't always that useful for passengers, given most were built with freight in mind. And we are where we are now: the lines would be prohibitively expensive to reopen and most have been built on.

Elio Campitelli

@breadandcircuses I disagree! Good public transport is sexy and exiting!


I much prefer to walk, but when there ARE sidewalks they are narrow, broken and trashy. They end suddenly so I have to cross the busy street to get to another trash filled sidewalk, with overgrown shrubs and potholes. Then THAT sidewalk suddenly ends, so I have to cross the street again, and again.

It’s disgusting. Public places here are only built for those who drive. Forget pedestrians. Forget bicycles, or skates. You don’t count unless you drive an automobile.

I much prefer to walk, but when there ARE sidewalks they are narrow, broken and trashy. They end suddenly so I have to cross the busy street to get to another trash filled sidewalk, with overgrown shrubs and potholes. Then THAT sidewalk suddenly ends, so I have to cross the street again, and again.

Douglas Phillips Books

@breadandcircuses there're quite a few cities in the world that already have this. Just none in the US or Canada


@breadandcircuses i like the idea as i'm originally from Europe.

The only thing with the whole public transport/cycling thing is for people who live 40 miles outside a city in "the country".

First a lot of mayors don't want to put public transport outside their cities to other neighbourhoods.
Second if i were to cycle in I'd have to start peddling at 3:30/4am in the morning.

If you can fix that then I'm all ears 😁

Retepkce 🐈

@breadandcircuses cars are not needed in cities, but in rural areas. So don’t say you want this for cites but literally everywhere.


@breadandcircuses I want my motorscooter/motorbike.

I don't want to be frustrated and desperate again because I relied on night street car accidentally dropping one relation at 3am so as a result so that I missed the only night train to the capital for important F2F event at 9am.

I don't want to travel on buses anymore. With sneezing and coughing people that made me literally sick every 6 months.

I don't want to be robbed in bus again.

I want new cities that are built for individual transportation - but properly this time.

@breadandcircuses I want my motorscooter/motorbike.

I don't want to be frustrated and desperate again because I relied on night street car accidentally dropping one relation at 3am so as a result so that I missed the only night train to the capital for important F2F event at 9am.

I don't want to travel on buses anymore. With sneezing and coughing people that made me literally sick every 6 months.


@breadandcircuses I love the Madrid metro. The rides are stupid cheap and you get a train every few minutes. This is the gold standard for public transport for me, everyone else needs to catch up.

So, clearly not too much to ask, as it alredy exists in a place that is not much different from the rest of the developed world.


@mzedp @breadandcircuses Comparing transit options in my city, walking puts you on par with the bus system unless you're truly going completely across the city.

The buses are so infrequent and the routes so pointlessly basic that anywhere the bus can get you in less than 90 minutes is walkable in the same time.

Neil Hopkins

@breadandcircuses can I also have shops, libraries, schools, parks and healthcare within an easy 15 minute walk, so I don’t have to drive to some windswept, out of town hellscape where it will probably take me that long just to walk across the car park?

Clinton Anderson SwordForHire

@breadandcircuses I want all that, and Seperated Bike Lanes, and Raised Pedestrian Crossovers, and Bike Busses to get kids to and from school and other activities.... And I want all the cars that are left to be Level 5 Autonomous and Electric.

FirefighterGeek :masto:

@breadandcircuses There's a need for both.

My kid cannot drive due to a seizure disorder. She's a successful biologist but can't live and outside a major city. For people like her, for the blind, the elderly, and others who can't drive to be able to live outside the few big cities with good transportation is important.

Also, in 6 days I'll be landing after 16 hours of travel, and have to stay in a hotel to avoid driving 4 hours home after no sleep. A self driving car would be safer.



Just seeing "I don't want self driving cars" in the preview, my mind automatically completed the thought "...I want self driving trains"

But y'know, regular trains with drivers are cool too.

Bernd Michael Grosch

@breadandcircuses You only have to ask one question: Can my children play on the street of my residential area? If the answer is 'no', something is wrong....

Below the rdar://

@breadandcircuses @dr_rugby My kid asked my what car I would buy when they are out. of the house. I said that I don't want a car, but a rail pass


@below @breadandcircuses currently in London. Son (12y) says, best thing in this vacation is the tube. We never check the timetable, the next train is just around the corner.

Below the rdar://

@dr_rugby @breadandcircuses That being said, I find that once the Tube ends, public transport in the UK is a disgrace


@breadandcircuses I want self driving cars for being mobile from home to the train station, supermarket or friends and back.

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@breadandcircuses Here Here! I want good and reliable public transportation!


@breadandcircuses I would like to see more trains and public transit and better-designed crossing areas. That said, EVs are needed for those who live in rural areas and for some people who have mobility issues and yet find that the schedule of access buses don't allow them to be productive.

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