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Luci for dyeing

I mentioned I had a list to someone who happens to be a product manager of a major identity system, who was interested in having a meeting with me- as a trans woman, about how to make these things more inclusive.

is there anything here on my list that I have missed?

Δῃάνειρα replied to Luci for dyeing

@zens the user wants to be your user; doesn't instead wish to interface with your design and have capabilities to maintain their own, independent, unobstructed store of information which includes but is not limited to that provided by your design.

Luci for dyeing replied to Δῃάνειρα

@deianeira thanks for that, that sorta goes against the premise of the reason for this system’s existence; which is why i should definitely bring this up.

Cass replied to Luci for dyeing

@zens Some of my favorite assumptions:
- the user's computer meets X spec
- the user owns a computer
- the user has exclusive access to an internet connected device
- the user can receive out-of-band messages (sms, etc.)
- the user will always be in a position to communicate both in and out of band at the same time
- the user has power and an internet connection at all times
- the application can use as much of the user's compute resources and communication bandwidth as it needs with no limits

Cass replied to Cass

@zens I realize these are not in the same vein of gender and identity as the rest of your awesome list, but I'm always bothered by the quiet classism I see in a lot of tech, and I think avoiding that is vital to true inclusiveness

Cass replied to Cass

@zens Some more bad assumptions, actually about identity this time:
- there is no legitimate reason for multiple physical beings to share a single identity
- there is no legitimate reason for a single physical being to have multiple identities
- a user's identity can be validated by some official authority
- the user can produce any piece of official documentation of their identity

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