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@zens Some of my favorite assumptions:
- the user's computer meets X spec
- the user owns a computer
- the user has exclusive access to an internet connected device
- the user can receive out-of-band messages (sms, etc.)
- the user will always be in a position to communicate both in and out of band at the same time
- the user has power and an internet connection at all times
- the application can use as much of the user's compute resources and communication bandwidth as it needs with no limits

Cass replied to Cass

@zens I realize these are not in the same vein of gender and identity as the rest of your awesome list, but I'm always bothered by the quiet classism I see in a lot of tech, and I think avoiding that is vital to true inclusiveness

Cass replied to Cass

@zens Some more bad assumptions, actually about identity this time:
- there is no legitimate reason for multiple physical beings to share a single identity
- there is no legitimate reason for a single physical being to have multiple identities
- a user's identity can be validated by some official authority
- the user can produce any piece of official documentation of their identity

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