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@tofugolem What the hell is wrong with your education system!!??

Tofu Golem

For decades, the media used "but both sides" reporting to present random quacks as having equally valid opinions as the scientific consensus. Over time, they have trained the public to disregard expert opinion of all kinds.

Harold Schmidt

@tofugolem if they suck energy why are in the middle of a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest? All those solar panels in the southwest should mean we will have normal weather again!
I worry about my fellow Americans. There seems to be an increase in lack of understanding of 7th grade science.

Mother Bones

@oldredsubby @tofugolem
Yeah but you're using facts and logic 💁🏻‍♀️


@tofugolem I think we know why that science teacher is "retired"...

James Cridland

@tofugolem The most depressing bit is that this is apparently a "retired science teacher". Sigh.

Tofu Golem

There is a strategy of growing plants under solar panels so that the plants cool the underside of the panels, thus improving the efficiency of the panels.

James Cridland

@tofugolem I'm sure that's a strategy, but it's very clearly not what the dumb retired science teacher is thinking.

(I also doubt it's really a strategy with any merit. The worst solar panels have a temperature coefficient of -0.5% every degree above 25°C, and I'd need to be convinced that a plant behind the panel would have an appreciable difference than just a decent air space, as ours have, but...)

Eva Chanda

@james @tofugolem
OMFG how long ago did that person teach? Were they recently unfrozen from a glacier?

🌊Ann Morris🐕🍀🌎🌊🌊

@tofugolem I will gladly take any solar panels and the elements needed to make my house independent of the electric grid.


@clankgy1 @tofugolem I was guessing Mississippi or Alabama.


@tofugolem no we're not, but we've known that for a while.

Dustin Rue

@tofugolem this sort of stupidity makes me want to be off the census

Brudi Bräu

@tofugolem Wow, they 1-upped the "5G IS GOING TO COOK US ALIVE!!!" crowd...😞

Joe Original

@tofugolem The town in question is actually mistaking solar power with wind turbines, which do in fact cause cancer and generalized anxiety disorder, not to mention entropy—the more energy pulled from the wind, the less energy available over time to blow the wind. Entropy is not a problem for the sun, which recharges overnight.


@tofugolem a retired science teacher? Like someone who taught *other* people science?

Stoneface Vimes

@tofugolem thank gods the science teacher is retired.

Cornelia Östreich

@tofugolem "A retired science teacher" 🤦🏼‍♀️


@tofugolem I try not to assume all Americans are stupid. They aren't. Not by a long way.

But some of them really do drag the average down, don't they?


@tofugolem Oh gawd... 🤨

But they do want a car factory cause that's something they know

Louanne Cooley

@tofugolem did anyone actually spend 2 seconds googling this? This story is from 2015. North Carolina produced over 10,000 Gwh electricity from solar in 2021 and ranks 4th in the US in installed capacity. This story is about how fear can be used as a tool to oppose things like utilities and affordable housing when it’s under local zoning control.


suck ... energy ... from ... the ... sun!?

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