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James Cridland

@tofugolem The most depressing bit is that this is apparently a "retired science teacher". Sigh.

Tofu Golem

There is a strategy of growing plants under solar panels so that the plants cool the underside of the panels, thus improving the efficiency of the panels.

James Cridland

@tofugolem I'm sure that's a strategy, but it's very clearly not what the dumb retired science teacher is thinking.

(I also doubt it's really a strategy with any merit. The worst solar panels have a temperature coefficient of -0.5% every degree above 25°C, and I'd need to be convinced that a plant behind the panel would have an appreciable difference than just a decent air space, as ours have, but...)

Eva Chanda

@james @tofugolem
OMFG how long ago did that person teach? Were they recently unfrozen from a glacier?

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