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Eugen Rochko

Can’t sleep because I’m thinking about work, can’t work because I need sleep.

Susanne Lilith

@Gargron Ohne Schlaf tust du vielleicht Sachen, wie Mastodon irgendwann an Elon zu verkaufen! Geh schlafen!!!!

Druid 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@Gargron Don't push yourself too hard. Sound like it's time for a nice holiday. 🏖️

David Kullander

@Gargron Go for a 1 hour run, bike or swim - exhaust your body. Will clear your mind from work and make you sleep better. Nature’s own drug.

🧿 thgs

@Gargron that is when I KNOW it's time for holidays! 🕶️

Klampfradler 🎸🚴

@Gargron In case it helps:

Yes, you should get back to fostering decentralisation and open standards.

No, you should not keep trying to make Mastodon more proprietary and centralized.

Martin 🎶💻🤓🐱


Sorry to hear that, but this video from Gresham College might prove a worthy hour of your time.

If you have not come across them, Gresham runs free lectures (donations welcome) at university level, in person and more recently, online.

They have been offered lectures for 400 years.

Osfast :verified:

@Gargron write down what your thinking about, park that, and go sleep first


@Gargron how about reading a novel in bed? Works for me. put it away when you feel sleepy. Doesn‘t work when you read on a laptop or smartphone.

:mastodonworld: Caleb

@Gargron This is exactly why I start a podcast when I go to bed. It short-circuits my brain and keeps it from wandering to topics that keep me up…

Kolmar Kafran

@Gargron have you tried meditating? Yesterday I was feeling so anxious, couldn’t concentrate in anything. My watch was showing my heart beating at 100 and I was just seating in front of a computer. Then I did a meditation session on the Apple’s fitness app and my heart beat fell to 60 and I started feeling better. It was impressive. It was the first time tried it.

Colin Devroe

@Gargron been there. Working on something you love can be both fun and draining. Try to rest. Your work will always be there when you wake up.

Paul Neave

@Gargron Don’t burn out! Sleep is the best way to boost your productivity.


@Gargron Don't work from home if you can work from an office. Or have an office at home, and don't work anywhere else and keep office hours, and use your office strictly for work. Work life balance needs firm time boundaries. Tea breaks used to be very important, because concentration is best with 2 hour sessions and a 20 minute break between. My career had better enforced boundaries when working from home wasn't an option and everything and everyone stopped at tea break time.

Eugen Rochko

@copsewood I don't have an office or separate home office room 🙂


@Gargron That sounds a pretty tough lifestyle - I don't think I'd cope with it well either. In that situation the best I can suggest is you put time in your diary to get out the home, to exercise, socialise, experience art/music or just chill outdoors or at a book library, keep to it and make sure all notifications and devices are off when you're chilling, resting or winding down listening to some music or reading a novel getting ready to sleep.


@Gargron That's just not sustainable for more than a few months. I've done 1 or 2 death march programming projects in the distant past. My son also burned out trying to do too much teaching and research, and has had to take some years out to get his health back.

We're human beings, not human doings. 50 hours quality work in a week is more productive longer term than never switching off and doing other things, because you'll do more limited sessions in a better state of mind. Just say no.

Eugen Rochko

@copsewood It's been that way for the last 6 months or so


@Gargron Look after yourself well. You are more important than your work.

Findhotdeals Official

@Gargron Let your body rest and then go back to work, so you can both have good health and focus on work. Good luck!


@Gargron just try not to destroy what good you've done so far. if you want to follow the path to world domination, just don't bring everything down with you. open source can survive without leaders.


@gargron Lass Dich für ein paar Tage vertreten und mach ein wenig Urlaub. Abschalten und einmal raus aus der Tretmühle hilft oft sehr 🙂


@Gargron Life always gives us hard choices 🤣



Ed Grimley on SCTV in the 70's. He cracked his bedroom door a millimeter and his dad instantly screamed "Go to bed!!" You just reminded me of that for some reason lol.

Julian Lam

@Gargron sleep! Sometimes blockers magically get resolved by being physically #afk

Larry Staples

@Gargron Take care of yourself first. But I do think you’re doing meaningful work.




You kinda dug yourself into a hole there, didn’t you?

Was that an own-goal, or what?

Did you really not think about the optics of dumping default signups onto a ginormous instance you control, through your app that’s name-branded as *the* “Mastodon” app?

Or did you just not care?


MaryPot 🏳️‍🌈


The best thing I have found for getting to sleep and getting back to sleep when I wake up THINKING - is to listen to a good audiobook read by a good reader.

I put all the chapters/episodes on a playlist and remove the chapters I have heard all of as I go.

I leave it playing all night. In the morning, remove heard chapters, mark the whole playlist unread, start the next episode and go to where I don't remember it. All ready for next night.

REALLY good reader:


The best thing I have found for getting to sleep and getting back to sleep when I wake up THINKING - is to listen to a good audiobook read by a good reader.

I put all the chapters/episodes on a playlist and remove the chapters I have heard all of as I go.

I leave it playing all night. In the morning, remove heard chapters, mark the whole playlist unread, start the next episode and go to where I don't remember it. All ready for next night.


@Gargron I usually put on a boring documentary or a show I've seen a million times and I drift off shortly afterwards.

Peter Kisner ≈

Been there.
Counseling for anxiety gradually remedied the situation for me.
Though I fully support folks who require psychiatric assistance for similar issues.


@Gargron #burnout is a serious problem and one that gets worse over time pretty quickly. Fortunalty there are lots of things that can help. I’m not offering my prevention and recovery class right now, but if you want an experienced sympathetic ear or someone to help you build an issue board and iterative recovery plan then hit me up. I’d be happy to do a free consult as a very small thank you for the benifits your work is bringing to us all.


@Gargron can relate. I live thanks to caffeine at mornings and melatonin at dusk.


@Gargron Holidays is the answer. and if you can't take holidays, the answer is create the conditions so that you can take holydays.


@Gargron felt this, the worst is work dreams.

Toot Uncommon


"Sleep is the poor man's coffee" - Johannes Lynch

Emelia 👸🏻

@Gargron can mildly recommend white noise from like ran or something, and replying to any thought you have with "no thoughts, sleep" (those both work for me at times)


@Gargron if you're thinking about work you're doing work. :)


@Gargron the worst feeling ever, really frustrating

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