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This is big. No #embargoes. No #APCs.

"The #EU is ready to agree that immediate #OpenAccess to papers reporting publicly funded research should become the norm, w/o authors having to pay fees & that the bloc should support #nonprofit scholarly publishing models.

In a move that could send shockwaves through commercial scholarly #publishing, the positions are due to be adopted by the Council of the EU member state governments later this month."

#Europe #RightsRetention

Ken Tindell

@petersuber Long past the time when these rent seekers should have been crushed.


@petersuber This reminds me, if I understand correctly, of what Aaron Swartz was seeking to bring about. Sadly ten years too late to be of any comfort to him.

Dillon Jones - Biologist

@petersuber the "W/O authors having to pay the fee" is huuuuuge. It's been the biggest very valid detraction from these arguments. So happy to see this!


@petersuber Open access is certainly desirable, no author fees obviously sounds good, and I agree that if it would be better if journals were not-for-profit ventures, but I'm unclear how the significant work performed by the journal staff will be funded if we remove both embargoes and author fees.

Georg Ramer

@internic @petersuber

That work could be done by university library staff, for example.

I feel like if APCs had been at a level that appeared reasonable to authors and publishers had given the impression that they were honest actors rather behaving like bridge trolls we wouldn't be in this situation.


@petersuber I want this to work!! So badly!
also, when looking at the Open Research Europe journal, it’s even more than this. It’s also open-access peer-review, the possibility to revise the paper, and having an actual conversation about the paper?! Sounds like publishing heaven to me!


Good. Years ago, I uploaded one of my papers so I could read another paper. The company has been spamming me ever since.

Dana Hurley

@petersuber would also be great if it could improve publishing of negative results. So hard to get a journal to accept a negative results study.

Kevin Schwarz

@danah @petersuber@fediscience. True, although there is the Journal of Negative Results.


@petersuber Aaron legacy. Long overdue and still highly expected.

Paul Sutton


This seems to be very similar to the campaign by the @fsfe PublicMoney{ublicCode #PMPC that code written using public funds should be free software. Great idea. If research is funded via taxation then taxpayers partly own that research. OpenAccess is really important for other people to read, and build on.


About time the leeches were ousted.

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