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The Cuddlepunk Cub

@Mastodon please no quote posts. One of mastodons greats strengths is that it encourages interaction over attention seeking.
Quote posts are a massive step backwards.


@solarbear Quoting is an _integral_ aspect of how some communities interact, and is something I've seriously missed since coming to this platform.

(Matthew)=> return ๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“–

@ben_zen @solarbear quoting posts with an easily accessible hyperlink back to OP is also an integral aspect of social media dogpiles.


@mdstevens0612 respectfully, that already exists today, in way that does not provide for traceability. I can link to any post in another one, but there is no trace of the connection between the two the way a quote-post has.

So, to follow this to its most absurd conclusion, should posting hyperlinks be blocked?

(Matthew)=> return ๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“–

@ben_zen starts with "respectfully" and ends with one of the most "so you hate waffles" sentences I have even seen.

So like, a little disrespectfully, you have correctly identified there's a problem with traceability, but just consider this; When a thing is made easier to do, it gets done more often. To follow your thinking to its most absurd conclusion, should we just put every user's takes with their email addresses on billboards in Times Square?


@mdstevens0612 hardly. But to say that the only or greatest use of quoting is harrassment is to ignore the real, actual data about who uses it and for what!

And while I respect concerns about harrassment, that is a human issue and is not something to be solved by technological means. We can build systems that are harder to use to harass, but saying the equivalent of "nobody wants this for legit reasons" ignores entire communities who use it extensively.

Oliver (FKK positiv ๐Ÿ–๏ธ)

@mdstevens0612 @ben_zen At least an honest take: The only consequence of not implementing it while everyone _can_ use it is to make it harder and to show disresprect to those who are new to the Fediverse.
I'm sure there'll be forks that block the feature. Providing a limited access to the Fediverse for millions of Mastodon-users was a sad decision for a way too long time.


@mdstevens0612 @ben_zen Indeed, and that's why i hope they don't try to copy Twitter by turning the Boost button into a menu and adding "Boost with comment".

I get the point about traceability but the "always notify OP author" and "show all QTs in a list under the OP" features were IMO a big part of what made QTs so negative.


@mdstevens0612 @ben_zen @solarbear Also so far people on fedi have been interacting fine without quote toots so it's clearly not an integral aspect of the interaction here


@ben_zen @SigmaOne @mdstevens0612 @solarbear

What for instance, in your opinion, should happen if someone from your instance now does a regular form of harassment on social media, that is quote tooting a disabled person to dehumanise, belittle, harass, etc?



That should be a breach of server rules and the mod team can do what they promise to do and restrict the offender.

Mastodon is not short of options for dealing with bad behaviour.

@ben_zen @SigmaOne @mdstevens0612 @solarbear


@mackaj @LutherBlissett13 @ben_zen @SigmaOne @mdstevens0612 @solarbear this is a bit disingenuous. A staple of comms courses is that innocent posts turn malicious as the hours pass.


@rood @mackaj @LutherBlissett13 @SigmaOne @mdstevens0612 @solarbear I'm not sure I follow on your hashtag usage thereโ€”or how what you're saying applies. (also, if anyone wants off the thread, definitely do say so.)




The point I'm making is that quoting won't take away any of the existing tools and processes we have today to protect ourselves.

@LutherBlissett13 @ben_zen @SigmaOne @mdstevens0612 @solarbear


@mackaj it's obvious that's the point you were making.


I would think that should result in a report to the remote server admins that this user is engaging in harassing behavior. If they prove to be not amenable to that, then the next step is to ask your local admins to drop that instance as they're not operating in good faith.

This is the approach taken by several instances I'm aware of, including furry.engineerโ€”because this is already extant behavior. People are just using links and screenshots instead of quotes.


@mdstevens0612 @ben_zen @solarbear how is it integral when one can screenshot or otherwise describe an interaction? I've never been dogpiled harder than on mastodon once I've disagreed with an original post and subsequently had to deal with their every follower. This is anecdotal and hyperbolic so it's not something to prove or disprove, and I am solidly in the "neither pro nor con but bored with the debate" camp.


@Zeke I can actually do better than anecdotal remarks; here's a great place to start on what makes Black Twitter a vibrant community and a look at what people use quotes for:

And then there's Mastodon and "it's so nice here", which is to say that as soon as you posit that things aren't entirely on the up & up, people bring out the knives. A person has even told me that quoting is like heroin!


@ben_zen totally believable on the latter point. I was expressing incredulity at the other poster's claim re dog piling fwiw.

As a yte boy I've been sitting the black masto discussions out but appreciate the link--will give it a read


@ben_zen @solarbear Quoting is a mass harrassment "feature"; it serves no other purpose. No one on Twitter uses it for anything other than mass harassment.

Granted, they ENJOY this mass harrassment, but that doesn't make it OK

Molly in Missouri

@solarbear @Mastodon i think it's too late. Hopefully a way to mute them, and opt out. I fled Twitter for the last time in 2016 after qt/dogpile accounts made it too damaging to my mental health. Fingers crossed, but worst case i find a server that prohibits them and blocks instances that allow them and we get right back to communicating.

the roamer

@whatzaname @solarbear @Mastodon

Perhaps that is tge future. Separation into two sub-networks: a viral Mastodon copying twitter features, and a proper Mastodon maintaining all those elements that support considered dialogue rather than broadcasting.

Gareth Kitchen
I've been pondering this re the black Mastodon concerns, which are certainly valid. My thinking was drawing me in the direction of a split because, ultimately, Mastodon has been designed to protect minorities. Whilst not mutually exclusive I think the compromises will lead to a much less recognisable and much more messy, centralised, environment.

Maybe there is too much focus on Mastodon rather than many of the other systems out there that may already do things better. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

@whatzaname @solarbear @Mastodon
I've been pondering this re the black Mastodon concerns, which are certainly valid. My thinking was drawing me in the direction of a split because, ultimately, Mastodon has been designed to protect minorities. Whilst not mutually exclusive I think the compromises will lead to a much less recognisable and much more messy, centralised, environment.

@the_roamer @whatzaname @solarbear @Mastodon the fediverse already has "neighborhoods" segregated on many lines (the biggest being use of mutually-intelligible character sets).

it's likely these neighborhoods will continue to expand and diversify, especially as Mastodon continues on its techbro trajectory.

Hayden Thorne

@whatzaname @solarbear @Mastodon I'd like users to have the ability to allow QT-ing, frankly, since an issue raised around this involved consent. Like an option in their preferences they can easily check or uncheck.

the roamer

@solarbear @Mastodon

Agree. A sad day. Those who aggressively demanded features supporting attention-grabbing broadcasting seem to have got what they wanted. We have to await implementation details, but my flags are on half-mask today.

Myzsterious Mizster Jones

Sad that some people wanting something is more valuable than others' safety.

@solarbear @Mastodon


@solarbear @Mastodon
I don't see any issues with this if you can disable people being able to quote post it

Nick G


Because Mastodon, like Twitter, lacks proper threading, you can easily get lost in a long discussion, unsure which post (or part of a post) someone is replying to.  Selective quoting can help to clarify this.



@ratcatcher @solarbear Proper threading is possible in Mastodon, but unfortunately only third party apps implement it at the momentโ€”e.g. here's how this conversation looks in


@hughster @ratcatcher @solarbear
The sidebar on the iOS @tootapp is fabulous ๐ŸŒˆ

It canโ€™t graphically show the complexity of conversations of more than about six people on the small sidebar at once, but lets you know that there is a bigger conversation underneath as youโ€™re reading along

I miss this feature terribly in every other social media interface now


@solarbear @Mastodon This ship has already sailed, for better or for worseโ€”quote posts have already been implemented in most of the top-end third party apps, and there's little Mastodon can do about other than follow suit. E.g., here's how shows QTs:


@solarbear @Mastodon imho QTs are an important tool for encouraging interaction among different communities.

I'm sure they will be abused by attention seekers, but I think that will only make up a pretty small portion of their use.

Poppy Farbird (Pen Name) Wait, what's bad with quote posts specifically? I'm in Misskey, and I've had this feature for a while now and nothing bad has happened that was caused by quote posts.

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