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@mdstevens0612 respectfully, that already exists today, in way that does not provide for traceability. I can link to any post in another one, but there is no trace of the connection between the two the way a quote-post has.

So, to follow this to its most absurd conclusion, should posting hyperlinks be blocked?

(Matthew)=> return 🏳‍🌈🇿🇦🎮💻📖

@ben_zen starts with "respectfully" and ends with one of the most "so you hate waffles" sentences I have even seen.

So like, a little disrespectfully, you have correctly identified there's a problem with traceability, but just consider this; When a thing is made easier to do, it gets done more often. To follow your thinking to its most absurd conclusion, should we just put every user's takes with their email addresses on billboards in Times Square?


@mdstevens0612 hardly. But to say that the only or greatest use of quoting is harrassment is to ignore the real, actual data about who uses it and for what!

And while I respect concerns about harrassment, that is a human issue and is not something to be solved by technological means. We can build systems that are harder to use to harass, but saying the equivalent of "nobody wants this for legit reasons" ignores entire communities who use it extensively.

Oliver (FKK positiv 🏖️)

@mdstevens0612 @ben_zen At least an honest take: The only consequence of not implementing it while everyone _can_ use it is to make it harder and to show disresprect to those who are new to the Fediverse.
I'm sure there'll be forks that block the feature. Providing a limited access to the Fediverse for millions of Mastodon-users was a sad decision for a way too long time.


@mdstevens0612 @ben_zen Indeed, and that's why i hope they don't try to copy Twitter by turning the Boost button into a menu and adding "Boost with comment".

I get the point about traceability but the "always notify OP author" and "show all QTs in a list under the OP" features were IMO a big part of what made QTs so negative.

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