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@evan @boris I recently visited Twitter and had a quick look at my timeline and was quite surprised to see tech people (who've stayed there) talking very positively and essentially advocating for BlueSky.

I didn't inquire (or see anything on) why BlueSky and not the fediverse, but I'd guess there's some "reasoning", however cultural or cognitively dissonant.


@evan @boris
Substack notes + BlueSky indicates, to me, that some see this moment as the fracturing of social media into many parts, not its "federation" with one protocol.

Differences in corporate/profiteering strategy aside, there's a real user driven side to this (surely?) where branding, marketing and network effects will lead users into many niches before they realise that fracturing is bad.

I fear @evan 's scenario ( is not unlikely.

@evan @boris
Substack notes + BlueSky indicates, to me, that some see this moment as the fracturing of social media into many parts, not its "federation" with one protocol.

Differences in corporate/profiteering strategy aside, there's a real user driven side to this (surely?) where branding, marketing and network effects will lead users into many niches before they realise that fracturing is bad.



On your "big tent", @boris, what would you say to a "intolerance cannot be tolerated" style argument, inline with @evan 's stance?

IE ... it's one or nothing regarding decentralised social media protocols?

"Let them fight to find which is the 'one'"
"Diversity is good"

Boris Mann

@maegul @evan it doesn’t match my experience of multiple paths of open source development all learning from each other.

Or the messaging / group chat space. Which is bad (no interop) but also good and robust.

Or that I think “decentralized social” is actually a base account layer that can eventually encompass all apps, and one protocol isn’t going to get it all right.

I’d be more sympathetic if there was robust community protocol evolution for AP and a non BDFL major codebase.


@boris @evan Good response! I buy all of those arguments, and have maybe thought/made them myself (though certainly more crudely!).

A simpler take with a similar spin might be that AP/Fediverse hasn't "earned" being the exclusive and final protocol ... ?

Either way ... I personally suspect your perspective is more representative of the "world's" and what will broadly come in the short-medium term.

Thanks for the perspective/thoughts!

Evan Prodromou

@boris @maegul

I think that's a really good challenge for the AP community. We need to get SWICG meetings happening more regularly, and I and my co-authors need to start servicing the issue queue on GitHub.

I don't think the BS project is good for the social web, but I do think it's going to be short-lived, so I guess minimising the damage is the best we can hope for.

Jonathan Glick

@evan @boris @maegul Are there resources or support of any kind that would help AP meeting that challenge, Evan? Anything supporters of AP can do to help?

Evan Prodromou

@Jonathanglick Great question! For issues in GitHub, I think there are four main outcomes:

1. Updating the Errata for the specs (for typos, errors, etc. in the text)
2. Further documentation (GitHub wiki, elsewhere)
3. Iterations on the spec ("editor's draft")
4. Spinning off new extensions

I and my co-authors are the only ones who can do 1 and 3. But it would be really helpful for more people to help with 2 and 4.

Evan Prodromou

@Jonathanglick here's what I'm going to do:

I'm scheduling an hour biweekly on Wednesdays from 11:30 to 12:30 ET to do backlog triage on AS2 and AP. I'll be on Jitsi here:

I'll be starting next Wed, 19 Apr 2023. Public is welcome, but you should treat it like a Twitch stream. After stuff is triaged, we can get volunteers to help with documentation, spin offs, or other work.

Jonathan Glick

@evan Awaeome. Feels like a decisive inflection point for AP right now.

Evan Prodromou replied to Jonathan

@Jonathanglick just a note to @jasnell @erincandescent @rhiaro and @tsyesika that I'd welcome their presence and help at this or future meetings.

Luca Sironi
@evan @boris @maegul
i really fail to see this unique identity issue that both Bluesky and Nostr are trying to fix.
If they're gonna survive let's hope to see a bridge/gateway for AP, like nostr put in place
Tim Bray

@evan @boris @maegul

Disclosure: Was in the very early Bluesky conversations, asked by Jack&Parag if I wanted to lead it.

Disclosure: Fan of Jay.

TBH I was interested *because* it was being driven by Twitter. I cared less about the protocol details and more about the chances for adoption; Twitter-that-was being a client was huge in that regard.

I was OK with AP but saw it as a well-intentioned faction that wasn't (then) getting traction.

Twitter's implosion changed the picture, obviously.

Vic Uzumeri

@timbray @evan @boris @maegul

I am asking a favor.

A few years ago, I wrote a blog article about a specific model of futurism:

(read the first section if you are time-pressed).

It's my sense that the Fediverse, at this point in its development, needs some of this type of analysis.

You have the skillset that might, collectively with your contacts, supply it.

e.g., A curated collection?

PS, Tom Matano read my blog post and was very gracious.

Boris Mann

@vicuzumeri some of this was discussed at #Fediforum hosted by @J12t and is likely a good home for activities like this.

I think doing some #WardleyMaps exercises is roughly what this looks like, see this for info

I think commodifying hosting would be one movement I see, which is why I’m starting a list of hosting co-ops here

It would be great to expand and gather other resources.

Johannes Ernst

@vicuzumeri @timbray @evan @boris @maegul i think you are proposing to identity some plausible future scenarios for the #fediverse, and perhaps how they might come to happen. This would be very useful to do imho, even if only as a lightening rod :-)

Re next #fediforum, that would certainly be an interesting session! In the meantime, a few blog posts might be a good idea.

Vic Uzumeri

@J12t @timbray @evan @boris @maegul

I am thinking in terms of a collection of scenarios. A one-screen blog post (with a graphic or image where possible and appropriate) would be a rough target.

My experience, aligned with comments from Tom Matano, argues keeping the format flexible. Whatever feels right and works.

Contributions could come from anyone ... collect them, sort them into categories ... add light touch moderation.

They needn't (arguably shouldn't) all agree.

Just my $0.00002

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