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Tim Bray

@evan @boris @maegul

Disclosure: Was in the very early Bluesky conversations, asked by Jack&Parag if I wanted to lead it.

Disclosure: Fan of Jay.

TBH I was interested *because* it was being driven by Twitter. I cared less about the protocol details and more about the chances for adoption; Twitter-that-was being a client was huge in that regard.

I was OK with AP but saw it as a well-intentioned faction that wasn't (then) getting traction.

Twitter's implosion changed the picture, obviously.

Vic Uzumeri

@timbray @evan @boris @maegul

I am asking a favor.

A few years ago, I wrote a blog article about a specific model of futurism:

(read the first section if you are time-pressed).

It's my sense that the Fediverse, at this point in its development, needs some of this type of analysis.

You have the skillset that might, collectively with your contacts, supply it.

e.g., A curated collection?

PS, Tom Matano read my blog post and was very gracious.

Boris Mann

@vicuzumeri some of this was discussed at #Fediforum hosted by @J12t and is likely a good home for activities like this.

I think doing some #WardleyMaps exercises is roughly what this looks like, see this for info

I think commodifying hosting would be one movement I see, which is why I’m starting a list of hosting co-ops here

It would be great to expand and gather other resources.

Johannes Ernst

@vicuzumeri @timbray @evan @boris @maegul i think you are proposing to identity some plausible future scenarios for the #fediverse, and perhaps how they might come to happen. This would be very useful to do imho, even if only as a lightening rod :-)

Re next #fediforum, that would certainly be an interesting session! In the meantime, a few blog posts might be a good idea.

Vic Uzumeri

@J12t @timbray @evan @boris @maegul

I am thinking in terms of a collection of scenarios. A one-screen blog post (with a graphic or image where possible and appropriate) would be a rough target.

My experience, aligned with comments from Tom Matano, argues keeping the format flexible. Whatever feels right and works.

Contributions could come from anyone ... collect them, sort them into categories ... add light touch moderation.

They needn't (arguably shouldn't) all agree.

Just my $0.00002

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