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2 posts total
Boris Mann

Early scheming about is here on the @fission site - a private rail car from Seattle to St Louis filled with creative coders.

I’ll flesh it out with links from @avi and put together a budget to see what the numbers look like.

@neauoire is going to convince @jack to come.

@blaine can likely pop down from Nelson to Spokane and join up.

Share the word ;)

Boris Mann

I’ve found the BlueSky team to be very purposeful. It’s not run or owned by Jack, it’s not Jack’s thing, although he is on the board (it’s a Public Benefit Corporation in the US).

Jay Graber is the CEO & founder who fought for it to be independent of Twitter & calling it Jack’s thing erases her. It’s not great.

It’s another open protocol that makes different trade offs than ActivityPub.

I wrote more about the protocol and open source code earlier

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@boris money decides.
when funding dries up they are out of business unless new money rolls in which happens if they make money givers happy.

no story telling erases that fact

Evan Prodromou

@boris I wrote about it last month. I think it's at best a spoiler for the fediverse -- potentially eating up some of our momentum.

I hope they get smart and support ActivityPub instead of wasting people's energy and time with an incompatible snowflake protocol.

Jonathan Glick

@boris Don’t you think it would be helpful for BS if Jack was not involved? Seems like it sends a lot of very bad signals. But maybe I’m seeing it wrong.

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