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Andy Baio

Watching my post (which never mentioned Steve Jobs) spread and mutate into straight disinformation, entirely via Google News search alerts for my name, has been *fascinating*.


@andybaio Truly, the internet is the printing press of our times. With all the advantages, disadvantages, and bewilderments that come with it.

Little Rascal 🏴‍☠️

@faoluin @andybaio Breaking News: Softwarewolf says the Internet was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.


@Little_Rascal @faoluin @andybaio Requires full context, but with that, you win the internet today. 😎

Chris Gervais 🎸🥁💻

@andybaio Waiting for the article arguing that Steve Jobs is now actually in the Bitcoin ether attaining sentience on the blockchain and is controlling the weather and inflation

Brett Elliff

@andybaio I was thinking this exact same thing earlier today. It is kind of amazing how it has transformed into this mess.

Brian Dear

@andybaio This is like a perfect storm for the likes of BusinessInsider, the publication that seems never to actually get inside a business and can only guess what businesses are doing, and often does guess, especially if it leads to maximizing clicks, eyeballs, and ad impressions...


@andybaio Satoshi Nakamura is an anagram of Steve Jobs loves bitcoin, if you squint

Brian Danger Hicks

@andybaio Satoshi has not spent any of the 1.1 million Bitcoin in the wallets known to be his. Steve Jobs has also not spent any of the 1.1 million Bitcoin in the wallets known to be Satoshi's. Case closed.

Functional Adult Human

@andybaio Hell of a leap.

I've been known to use the Communist Manifesto as boilerplate text when mocking up websites.

If a digital archaelogist finds that on some abandoned hard drive in future years, will the press assume Marx was actually a semi-competent web developer in the 00s or something?


@drunkenmadman @andybaio

No way, it's well known that all websites in the world are designed by just one guy: Lorem Ipso

Nobody knows who he is.


And this is why we can't have nice things.

jack the nonabrasive

@andybaio in late 2008, he was being treated for pancreatic cancer while running Apple. Not quite sure he had the bandwidth to invent bitcoin.

He was dead almost 7 years when Mojave was released, the first version of macOS with the paper.

SEO knows no shame.


@andybaio Nice job misdirecting to keep them off your trail, Satoshi.

Jonathan T

@andybaio @cstross Just imagine what's going to happen when Apple add a copy of the actual Steve Jobs to that folder in a future release.

Charlie Stross

@JonnyT @andybaio 10-years-ago-me: BRB, writing a novel in which GPUs are advanced enough by 2033 that macOS 26 ships with a mind upload of Steve Jobs to run on every Mac. It swears at the user a lot and critiques their choice of fonts.

Croom (regular name)

@cstross @JonnyT @andybaio and suggests which fruit juice you should use to treat any terminal illnesses you may have



ChatGPT will fix this...

It will mutate MUCH faster

Miah Johnson

@andybaio this must be the plot for the third silly Moon Nazis film series (Iron Sky) lol. The second had Steve doing all sorts of weird and people joining his religion "Jobsism".


@andybaio damn, i cant believe you found out singlehandedly that steve jobs created macs just for bitcoin and is actually still alive inside the blockchain

Josh (he/his)

@andybaio If I had to invent a class of easily manipulated monied rubes, bitcoin fans would be better than I could ever write.

Xerz! :blobcathearttrans:
@andybaio If you think Bitcoin was invented by Steve Jobs, I'm sad to announce that you have no idea who Steve Jobs was nor what a blockchain is – that's most of the world, of course
Justin Derrick

@andybaio Except Steve’s not a coder/engineer. The Woz did all the real work.

「 Fristi 」
@andybaio and then they wonder why i don't ever read the news :spice:
left-wing math nerd

@andybaio for curiosity, I read the article in your last screenshot. The headline asserts “Steve Jobs created bitcoin”, but the text of the article admits it’s “an unlikely theory” which “sounds absurd” with a “remote” probability of being true.

We all know these articles get shared on social media and most users will see the headline without reading the article. To write that headline is just breathtakingly irresponsible.


@andybaio @fasterthanlime coin in french means corner, the new apple building has no corner as it is a doughnut, bit can mean small/little/a part, so bitcoin means "no corner"!!! It's the building!!!

Todd Mxyzptlk

@andybaio This is the kind of thing I like to show my kid about the internet.


@andybaio He actually found out about bitcoin, after a tour of Xerox-Parc in the 80s.

Mike McCaffrey

@andybaio So glad that Steve Jobs invented Google News, so you can follow this important story as it evolves.

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