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Sebastien 🌍

@chronohart what fault? Who needs USB-C on their phones? The only ones whining to have it on the iPhone don't use iPhones. @aurnytoraink


@SebastienK @aurnytoraink Why did I bother replying to you? I can see your other replies in here. It's obvious you're only arguing for argument's sake.

Sebastien 🌍

@chronohart i'm just replying to every reply. I'm sorry that I dedicated some of my time to respond to you 🤷🏽‍♂️ @aurnytoraink

Nyaa :mxlinux:

@SebastienK I know this is a bit late but just jumping into the replies here, I have an iPhone and most other things I have use usb-c, I had to go out of my way to buy a lightning cable while I already had plenty of usb-c, with the iPhone being the only lightning port device I have.

This will create e-waste from Apple users who have few usb-c products, but this is Apple's issue they created years ago by not changing w everyone else.

EU is also ignoring the actual issue here by not (1/2)

Nyaa :mxlinux:

@SebastienK (2/2) addressing that Apple & others will invetivibly require mfi-certified for full features, creating the same situation/issue as the lightning cable vs usb-c debate by making it apple usb-c vs other usb-c.

This could have been an okay-ish solution that has some issues long-term, but them ignoring that will make more e-waste because even users who have usb-c will need to buy a special Apple usb-c just to get full functionality.

The issue here is Apple creating this situation.

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