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Sebastien 🌍

@svenjacobs USB A could only be inserted in one orientation. Unlike USB-C today

Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@SebastienK Yes, I know. But I still don't understand why we are talking about USB-A. USB-C is going to be the standard port/cable, not USB-A.

Sebastien 🌍

@svenjacobs because you said it was because of bad user experience with USB-C, which is not correct.

Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@SebastienK Please read my post again πŸ˜‰ I said that Apple claimed this as a reason against adopting USB-C. They claimed this and other arguments for years while still producing new devices with Lightnight.

Sebastien 🌍

@svenjacobs show me where they claim this. I never saw Apple claiming that. They were the first to adopt USB-C and got criticised when they released USB-C only hardware πŸ™„

Sebastien 🌍

@svenjacobs the first enforcement by the EU was regarding USB-A but they botched that one so hard we luckily were not forced to use micro usb over Lightning on our iPhones πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@SebastienK I'm also happy that we're not on USB-A now but USB-C is totally fine, right?

Sebastien 🌍

@svenjacobs I don't mind USB-C but I never demanded it. I did not need new cables. I have plenty. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@SebastienK It's not about (the amount of) cables, it's about interoperability. Also it's not just about smartphones but about a wide range of mobile devices like tables, laptops or bluetooth speakers. Luckily in the future we don't need a separate charger for every device.

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@svenjacobs what interoperability? When did you last use a cable on a phone?

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@svenjacobs okay but it's 2023 and we charge our phones wirelessly.

Again the EU wasted our tax euros on some outdated directive on how consumers should charge their phones.

Its USB A all over again πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

I know I am hard to please as a consumer but all I demand as a consumer is the right to vote with my wallet

Sven Jacobs :androidHead: replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK I'm pretty sure that most people still charge their phones via cable and don't have a wireless charger at home or on the go.

fβ™― aβ™― ∞ replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK wireless is a waste of energy, just get lightning-to-usb-c adapters and stop crying like they've taken your first born πŸ™„


Sebastien 🌍 replied to fβ™― aβ™― ∞

@Tsadiq stop telling me what to do. That's all i'm asking of the EU and you. @svenjacobs

fβ™― aβ™― ∞ replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK well, you're complaining about having to buy new cables but you don't, actually. You should be glad your cable won't go to waste.


Sebastien 🌍 replied to fβ™― aβ™― ∞

@Tsadiq i'm complaining about having to throw away perfectly working cables. Can't you read? @svenjacobs

Sebastien 🌍 replied to fβ™― aβ™― ∞

@Tsadiq lots of time and euros have been wasted over a stupid directive that is already outdated. You don't care we waste tax money? πŸ€”@svenjacobs

Johann̟ replied to Sebastien
@SebastienK ahhhhhh 'wasting tax money' it's never been an ecological problem, was it? @Tsadiq @svenjacobs
Sven Jacobs :androidHead: replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK @Tsadiq Well, then we're at my first answer again b/c initially this was just voluntary β€” no law β€” and Apple was refusing USB-C for their smartphones for many years. If someone could have saved a lot of money and bureaucracy it would have been Apple. All the EU wanted was just to reduce electronic waste 😞

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@svenjacobs and now we have a law. The EU could have saved a lot of money by understanding technology. It clearly doesn't as it has repeated the same mistake as with USB A. USB C is not the future of charging phones and charging phones is what this directive is all about

Waste of cables and tax euros. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

fβ™― aβ™― ∞ replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK well, you ever tried connecting a usb peripheral to a phone or tablet? Probably not as you seem to think cables are for charging only.

And still, that *is* a usage some people have, but you only see the problem by that very little spectrum of yours and dismiss everything else.

But congrats, imho you're just doing a fine job at being an apple bigot πŸ‘Œ


Sebastien 🌍 replied to fβ™― aβ™― ∞

@Tsadiq oh yes I daily charge my android work phone over micro usb. I always try to put it in the wrong way. Every day I get reminded of how wonderful the EU directives are

My iPhone on the other hand is a cable virgin I think πŸ˜‚

fβ™― aβ™― ∞ replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK then again, we're not talking about charging here. We're talking external screen, digital audio, storing devices, accessibility tools.

And that's why there should be only one standard, and this standard is usb-c because it's not a proprietary standard, whether you like it or not.


Sebastien 🌍 replied to fβ™― aβ™― ∞

@Tsadiq Is this a paralel universe?

Wireless, wireless, wireless, wireless.

I do all these things without a cable, Android can't be that far behind that I don't see why you would need a cable for any of those? If Apple would ditch the cable altogether I would not miss any of those


fβ™― aβ™― ∞ replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK wireless implies authentication, if not you're opening your devices to mitm attacks. Unthinkable for sensitive data. Cable ensure direct connection to devices.

You can't wireless from devices that are not self-powered - you ever heard about issues with lithium in batteries?

You can't configure wireless tools if you're not able to see the screen. Visually disabled people? To hell with them. Broken screen? Welp, too bad.


fβ™― aβ™― ∞ replied to fβ™― aβ™― ∞


As i said earlier, you only see through the spectrum your very, very narrow usages and very very wide privileges.

Just because *you* do something doesn't mean everybody else wants, can afford or is able to do it like you do.

You're just self-centered.


Sebastien 🌍 replied to fβ™― aβ™― ∞

@Tsadiq you mean because β€œwe” do it a different way β€œyou" need to adapt or shut up. That’s the whole thing I'm getting from the answers I got.


Sven Jacobs :androidHead: replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK Maybe you should become a technical consultant for the EU then if you think you're doing a better job than them?

You may be on the technical bleeding edge here but that doesn't necessarily count for millions of other people πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Sebastien 🌍 replied to Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@svenjacobs I’m not on the bleeding edge. I'm just a consumer in the EU using todays products πŸ˜‰ @Tsadiq

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