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Sebastien 🌍

@wonka ok let's forbid Nintendo products with all their proprietary stuff πŸ™„

But indeed that's what the EU tells to consumers. β€œShut up!’.

Consumers deserve a choice


@SebastienK @wonka oh, i'd be more than happy for the eu to ban all proprietary stuff from all companies!

to answer your main point though, the "ewaste" caused by the switch to usb-c only really exists if you live in a vaccum where the only piece of tech everyone owns is an iPhone. that's not the case at all. people already have usb-c cables for the most part. the real ewaste is buying lightning cables for that one specific device, when we could just have reused what we had


@wonka @SebastienK indeed! but the fact that apple still uses it for the iphone is ridiculous, especially since they know it's a bad connector because they don't use it for anything but the iphone!

Sebastien 🌍

@zegolem it’s used for keyboards, mice, remotes, AirPods… . All those become obsolete. The consumer loses and more profits for Apple πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ @wonka

Sebastien 🌍

@wonka because of transfer speeds. The EU gifted Apple a goose that lays golden eggs πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe

@SebastienK As if Apple was the only manufacturer of high-speed USB-C cables...
Or do they do their usual fuckery and only do highspeed when it's an Apple USB-C cable? That should just earn them high punitive damages...

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka Apple just limits the speed of non MFI cables. You could call it proprietary USB-C πŸ˜‚
The directive is there for charging so it’s in their full right. The EU just fucked up again πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK Why do you blame that kind of asshattery on the EU though? It's clearly Apple's fault!

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka because it’s heralded as a victory of the consumer over Apple. It’s a lie. The EU did not future proof the charging of phones. The only thing that has happened is that a lot of cables became waste and Apple gets to sell a lot of new Apple cables. Tnx EU? πŸ€” @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK You have a very close horizont if you only see that. USB-C is certainly the more future-proof option than Micro USB. Just look at how many devices there are already that charge via USB-C and do not bring their own wall wart!

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka I have stopped using cables for charging for a while now. USB-C is good for real work. Charging is just a nice feat. Every iPhone sold with USB-C will have wireless charging. Wireless charging is the universal charger. No cable insertion needed. Every brand uses the same standard. Even Apple uses it @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK Wireless charging has high losses. I will not use it unless a wired connection absolutely is not possible. @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Wilfried

@SebastienK Also, USB PD is specified to up to 240 Watts now - I want to see you do that much wirelessly.

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka you think I care? I can charge faster if Lightning right now but I don’t use it as wireless is just more user friendly just like Lightning was more user friendly than micro USB @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK Well, OK, I do not care about your wailing anymore. 🀷 @zegolem


@SebastienK @wonka huh, didn't know that... well, point still stands, these devices should've switched to usb-c long ago, i think consumers have been giving enough money to apple for proprietary cables that haven't had a reason to exist for years now...

Sebastien 🌍

@zegolem why? Lightning was there long before USB-C. It worked fine. There was no need for a change. Why would I need USB-C to charge a remote or a keyboard? It’s just charging. It’s just ridiculous to switch all of that for something that works. @wonka

Wilfried Klaebe

@SebastienK So that you only need USB-C for all devices. Not Lightning, and Lumberg, and TomTom, and Flurb, and Gnorf, and several different barrel plugs, and and and.
You did not really dive into this in *any* way at all that exceeds you very limited position, did you? That's what I meant with "close horizon". 🀦

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Wilfried

@SebastienK By the way, if Apple wasn't so tight-assed, Lightning could have had the place USB-C has now. 🀷 @zegolem

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka Apple was one of the first to adopt USB-C so I don’t understand what you mean? Apple just has another view on what the future is on how people will charge their phones. USB-C was not in those plans. @zegolem

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