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@wonka @SebastienK indeed! but the fact that apple still uses it for the iphone is ridiculous, especially since they know it's a bad connector because they don't use it for anything but the iphone!

Sebastien 🌍

@zegolem it’s used for keyboards, mice, remotes, AirPods… . All those become obsolete. The consumer loses and more profits for Apple πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ @wonka

Sebastien 🌍

@wonka because of transfer speeds. The EU gifted Apple a goose that lays golden eggs πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe

@SebastienK As if Apple was the only manufacturer of high-speed USB-C cables...
Or do they do their usual fuckery and only do highspeed when it's an Apple USB-C cable? That should just earn them high punitive damages...

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka Apple just limits the speed of non MFI cables. You could call it proprietary USB-C πŸ˜‚
The directive is there for charging so it’s in their full right. The EU just fucked up again πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK Why do you blame that kind of asshattery on the EU though? It's clearly Apple's fault!

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka because it’s heralded as a victory of the consumer over Apple. It’s a lie. The EU did not future proof the charging of phones. The only thing that has happened is that a lot of cables became waste and Apple gets to sell a lot of new Apple cables. Tnx EU? πŸ€” @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK You have a very close horizont if you only see that. USB-C is certainly the more future-proof option than Micro USB. Just look at how many devices there are already that charge via USB-C and do not bring their own wall wart!

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka I have stopped using cables for charging for a while now. USB-C is good for real work. Charging is just a nice feat. Every iPhone sold with USB-C will have wireless charging. Wireless charging is the universal charger. No cable insertion needed. Every brand uses the same standard. Even Apple uses it @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK Wireless charging has high losses. I will not use it unless a wired connection absolutely is not possible. @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Wilfried

@SebastienK Also, USB PD is specified to up to 240 Watts now - I want to see you do that much wirelessly.

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka you think I care? I can charge faster if Lightning right now but I don’t use it as wireless is just more user friendly just like Lightning was more user friendly than micro USB @zegolem

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Sebastien

@SebastienK Well, OK, I do not care about your wailing anymore. 🀷 @zegolem


@SebastienK @wonka huh, didn't know that... well, point still stands, these devices should've switched to usb-c long ago, i think consumers have been giving enough money to apple for proprietary cables that haven't had a reason to exist for years now...

Sebastien 🌍

@zegolem why? Lightning was there long before USB-C. It worked fine. There was no need for a change. Why would I need USB-C to charge a remote or a keyboard? It’s just charging. It’s just ridiculous to switch all of that for something that works. @wonka

Wilfried Klaebe

@SebastienK So that you only need USB-C for all devices. Not Lightning, and Lumberg, and TomTom, and Flurb, and Gnorf, and several different barrel plugs, and and and.
You did not really dive into this in *any* way at all that exceeds you very limited position, did you? That's what I meant with "close horizon". 🀦

Wilfried Klaebe replied to Wilfried

@SebastienK By the way, if Apple wasn't so tight-assed, Lightning could have had the place USB-C has now. 🀷 @zegolem

Sebastien 🌍 replied to Wilfried

@wonka Apple was one of the first to adopt USB-C so I don’t understand what you mean? Apple just has another view on what the future is on how people will charge their phones. USB-C was not in those plans. @zegolem

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