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Roni Laukkarinen

What devices and operation systems do you use?

I personally own a device from all of the options except iPad and iPhone.

Boosts appreciated for wider reach.

Anonymous poll


PC with Windows
PC with Linux
iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro or other Apple computer
Android phone, stock or Custom ROM
Linux phone like PinePhone, Fairphone or similar
Gaming handheld
Gaming console
Retrogaming console
Other, hybrid or custom
Android tablet
3,029 people voted.
Voting ended 8 Apr 2023 at 11:14.
Pekka Tuominen

@rolle Is there a reason for Android (and/or Chrome) tablets not having a dedicated option? I have a feeling they're a larger segment than iPads.

Roni Laukkarinen

@pejotu It seems editing a poll resets it. Oh well. Anyway.


@rolle @pejotu I reboosted it, and added in the applicable votes for me :)


@rolle @pejotu Actually made me take stock for a second and realise just how many devices I have. No Apple products though, because I'm not that rich, lol.

Timo Grün

Hmm — tapped on the first one before I realized that still only one option is possible. I also need to hit almost all of them.

Timo Grün

I‘m currently on Ivory on an iPad Pro. Didn‘t work for me there — as soon as I touched it, it posted with only the one I tapped. Definitely didn‘t hit post.

Roni Laukkarinen

@khoji Hmm, maybe it's a bug in @ivory? I suggest you to report it. On desktop/mobile web view the poll doesn't get sent before pressing the Vote button.

Timo Grün

@rolle @ivory
My feeling too. I‘ve posted it to Tapbots.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@rolle @khoji Not a bug. We just haven't implemented multiple choice polls yet.

Asahi 95 :verifiedbi:

@rolle I was tempted to use an iPhone before but went for the right path to use a degoogled Android device with FOSS apps via F-Droid :blobcat_mlem:

#fdroid #android #degoogle

Wilfried Klaebe

@rolle I sorted my MacBook Pro running Linux into "Other"... Guess that's not a really popular option 😉

Roni Laukkarinen

@wonka Yeah I've had my share of those hybrid hack-devices too, but to list all of them as their own options would make the option list unprecedented.


@rolle I can only choose one option on Ivory.

Charlie Stross

@rolle Bad poll, needs to be multiple select: I own several of those options and use them daily.

Roni Laukkarinen

@cstross It is a multiple selection poll. It seems Ivory currently has a bug that only selects one option.

Markus Ojala

@rolle @cstross and on Metatext one of the vote results rows does not display correctly see

Roni Laukkarinen

@mojala Yeah I think Metatext is assuming all the instances in the Fediverse have their polls limited to certain char limit (Mastodon's default is 15 chars). I have increased it to 150 per answer. Metatext should adapt. @cstross

Preslav Rachev

@rolle off-topic: how were you able to set up a poll with so many options? Also, was the poll expected to accept more than one answer? My client @ivory only seems to support one answer atm.


@rolle "Chromebook with Linux" is missing

Matti Järvinen

@odo2063 @rolle it would have been better to have OS and hardware as separate options.

I use Linux on Raspberry Pi and on Windows Subsystem for Linux on a Windows PC.


@rolle Kumpaan menee Nintendo Switch, gaming handheld vai console?


@rolle Wait... this survey made as single choice is totally useless! I use multiple of these devices permanently.

Roni Laukkarinen

@phranck It's not a single choice poll. You can select multiple options.


@rolle Not for me. Or is it a bug/missing feature in @ivory for macOS? 🤔

Roni Laukkarinen

@phranck If you're using Ivory, yes, it has a bug and doesn't support multi-user polls. All other apps and the web work fine.

Alex Hart

@rolle I think I own one of everything here except for a fair phone type device.


@rolle Thanks, I almost voted everywhere 😅 (no problem with multiple selections for me)

Montana Burr

@rolle I own an iPad but haven't used it in years.


@mburr_moonmantech @rolle i didn't count that one because it doesn't function anymore. The apps neef to be updated and you can't with such an old device

Roni Laukkarinen

@servelan Didn't think of all the devices in the world. Use "other".


I normally use desktops/laptops with linux/windows, one dual boot. But for work I mostly use tools running on my cloud server (obviously linux 😏) and using browsers. Not sure here if the arch of the local machine is of any importance. You can say the same if you mostly use web apps. What's the point in having a specific OS/machine if most of the power/decision is done elsewhere?

(I know, I tend to have 100s chrome tabs open so having a 17" i7 40GB laptop makes a difference 😏)

I normally use desktops/laptops with linux/windows, one dual boot. But for work I mostly use tools running on my cloud server (obviously linux 😏) and using browsers. Not sure here if the arch of the local machine is of any importance. You can say the same if you mostly use web apps. What's the point in having a specific OS/machine if most of the power/decision is done elsewhere?

Carl Andreas Myrland

Windows laptop and iPad for work, owned by my employer.

Laptop running Linux and Fairphone for personal use.


@rolle I also run Windows on my MacBook using Parallels

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

@rolle I have everything in the list except a PC with windows.

Jernej Simončič �

@rolle Where does SailfishOS phone go? Other, hybrid or custom?

Rob :ubuntu: :apple:

@rolle Why can I only choose one thing? I use multiple of these daily!

Gentleman Gef

@telnetephant @rolle

For me it's pocket Android, lap Android and desk Chromebook

Rob :ubuntu: :apple:

@SecularJeffrey @rolle For me, daily, like on my desk at work for 8 hours daily, it’s Mac, Windows, Linux (Ubuntu!), iOS, Android and a few network switch operating systems. My home lab, well, there’s more.

Roni Laukkarinen

@telnetephant You can choose multiple answers on web view or other apps. But @ivory doesn't support multi-answers yet.

Roni Laukkarinen

@wyri Yes! You can create a poll like that by pressing the radio button when composing.


@rolle I used to have Windows and Linux dual boot on my pc. After years of non-use, I formatted the disk with Windows

Kashif Khan

@rolle even though I dual boot, I now tend to use a PC with WSL a lot more.

Roni Laukkarinen

@kashif I have dual boot PC with @pop_os_official and Windows 11. I use the latter for gaming and composing music only.

Kashif Khan

@rolle @pop_os_official pop_os has added support for dual boot in their installer ? I remember some time back it was a challenge to do so

Roni Laukkarinen

@kashif I didn't use their installer, just partitioned it myself and used the Windows Boot Manager. @pop_os_official

Eric Lawton



I have PCs with Linux & Windows because preparing to drop Windows. It's become too obnoxious.

Juhani Lehtimäki

@rolle Fairphone is a stock Android phone, BTW.

Roni Laukkarinen

@lehtimaeki I guess it WAS a Linux phone, in some point I remember reading it had PostMarketOS which is a mobile Linux distribution.


@rolle Why is Fairphone under Linux phone?

Roni Laukkarinen

@runarcn I remember reading once it had a postmarketOS which is a mobile Linux distribution but I might be mistaken there. Can't edit the poll without resetting the answer so... anyway. You get the point, I meant all Linux phones there.


@rolle Unsure. I use a Fairphone which I have installed /e/OS on, but it ships with Fairphone OS which is a lightly reskinned AOSP-fork.

I know that Calyx and iodé supports Fairphone 4, but never thought about it as a Linux phone.

There's a pretty high chance that postmarketOS is supported by Fairphone though as they're generally positive to Android-forks. You can buy one from @murena with /e/OS preinstalled or from iodé with iodé installed (iirc)

So ig it's kinda Linux-phone kinda not?


@rolle Besides my home Windows desktop, at work I use a VDI that has Windows and connects to a Linux server.

Rassilonian Legate

I would love a Linux phone if they were ready, but they've still got a way to go for me to be ready and willing to take that leap, hopefully by the time my Note 20 Ultra dies though

As for the other I was using windows until march of last year, when I was having so many issues that I followed the hope of the then just coming out steam deck and switched to Linux, I seriously don't miss windows

And of course me and my partner both have a steam deck, they are amazing

I would love a Linux phone if they were ready, but they've still got a way to go for me to be ready and willing to take that leap, hopefully by the time my Note 20 Ultra dies though

As for the other I was using windows until march of last year, when I was having so many issues that I followed the hope of the then just coming out steam deck and switched to Linux, I seriously don't miss windows


@rolle a server is a PC with Linux?
What are VMs?


@rolle ah ok, a rather broad category then.

Roni Laukkarinen

@reto Yeah, didn't want to have hundreds of answers :blob_smile_sweat: Not everyone have custom devices.


@rolle and I thought this is where it gets interesting 🙃
Nevermind got your point.


@rolle Notebooks with Windows are missing on this list!

Roni Laukkarinen

@oe_simon So are servers, VR devices, e-ink devices etc... Just go with "Other, hybrid or custom"


@rolle i don't bother much with the tablet now i have enough monitors

Peter Butler

@rolle Is PlayStation 2 retro console? I still have many games to finish 😬

Lil Crow 🇨🇦

@rolle I have an …
iPhone 6
iphone 12
iphone 14
2 ipads

L.J., un-author-ized writer

@rolle There was no option for "MacBook with Linux" so I went with "PC with Linux" xD

Fabian ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@rolle I have a Fairphone with a custom Android. Which of the two choices should I select?^^

Zach 2W Tan


Oof. I should’ve waited a little longer to respond because “Chromebook” was definitely not an option when I did the poll.

For work: the OG 2020 Lenovo Chromebook Duet.

Phone: Android (2020 Motorola G8 Power)

Everything else: 2021 M1 iPad Pro (at home) or 2019 iPad Mini (on public transport or at a cafe). I may still dig out my 2013 MacBook Air for some music-related stuff as well.

For PCs: Linux > Windows.


@rolle There's no option for a BSD variant (OpenBSD, FreeBSD). I think UNIX descendants (other than MacOS) should be included as a separate tick box.


As usual BSD falls into the 'other' category :)

Maciej Maciejewski 

@rolle @bobiko I use MBP, iPad and iPhone, but I can chose only one of them.


#3DPrinting #ESP32 #Iot
I have also a bunch of ESP32, ESP8266, arduino, arduino mega ... (IOT, 3D printing)

Jill is Boring♾️♿⚛️🎧

@rolle it depends on the project, currently my friend and I are overclocking Pi4's and turning a MacBook into a freeBSD laptop.

She's the software Chick, I'm the hardware Chick...She wields a keyboard, I wield a soldering iron.

Adam Jacobs

@rolle I ticked both PC with Linux and PC with Windows, as I'm required to use Windows for work. If it were up to me it would be Linux all the way.


@rolle My dual-boot Pop!_OS/AtlasOS laptop, ThinkPad X240 running Arch, and iPod classic are my most used devices. I own several phones, but actively trying to be less available to everyone at every moment.


@rolle I have a Windows desktop PC which I built for work and gaming, a super low-power Windows HTPC which serves my TV and also pulls double-duty as a NAS, a Windows laptop which goes places with me, and an Android phone, which... well, is my phone!

Max Horn

@rolle "own" or "use"? There's a bit of a difference (I technically still own an Android tablet but don't even know where it is right now)

Alistair K

@rolle iMac with Linux

It's not that uncommon for academic engineers to have newish Macbooks with Linux, either – the good hardware appeals.

Szymon Sokół 🇵🇱🇪🇺🇺🇦

@rolle "other" in my case stands for Raspberry Pi, I couldn't squeeze it into any other category.

Dawn Tåke 🏳️‍⚧️

I also have Linux in a VM. And an iPod. The MacBook is dead and gone, but I did check it.

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