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Timo Grün

Hmm — tapped on the first one before I realized that still only one option is possible. I also need to hit almost all of them.

Timo Grün

I‘m currently on Ivory on an iPad Pro. Didn‘t work for me there — as soon as I touched it, it posted with only the one I tapped. Definitely didn‘t hit post.

Roni Laukkarinen

@khoji Hmm, maybe it's a bug in @ivory? I suggest you to report it. On desktop/mobile web view the poll doesn't get sent before pressing the Vote button.

Timo Grün

@rolle @ivory
My feeling too. I‘ve posted it to Tapbots.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@rolle @khoji Not a bug. We just haven't implemented multiple choice polls yet.

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