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It's a few decades ago around 8am, and you arrive at your university office. Early morning sun streams in the window, and you smell spring in the air. You sit down at your Apple Jonathan modular computer. It chimes to life and each module lights up in turn. The display crackles and degausses, a picture forms. Your day begins.

mav :happy_blob:

@NanoRaptor oh man I remember a zillion years ago when this concept first came out, I had a friend who spent all his time talking about how we were going to be obsolete and anyone could just put together doodads to make their computer do anything they wanted.

Little did he know components would just get simple and inexpensive enough that most of the desired functions would end up being builtins.


@mav This was already in production by Convergent Technologies under the name "NGEN". It ran a proprietary real-time OS, very Microkernel-like, written in PL/M.

Kernel Bob

@seiKay @NanoRaptor Jonathan is a variety of apple. Just like McIntosh.


@seiKay @NanoRaptor I don’t think it’s named after a person; Jonathan is a variety of apple fruit. They had other products/concepts named after apple varieties like the Pippin game console, which made it to market, but was not successful.


@NanoRaptor What in the world is this? Is this a real product?

Stay-At-Home Solarparent

@emi45k @NanoRaptor
Almost... but it didn't make it past the functional (!) prototype phase:

Everybody loves Gordo

@emi45k @NanoRaptor It very well could be, if you choose to believe in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, that is...


@NanoRaptor this has the vibe of early photostudio/photofinish-gear you had to process instant prints in the 1980ies when you went for quality portraits.
Not sure if i would expect a KODAK or a AGFA logo on it.
(where can i purchase a greyscale rubic's cube?)

Adam Hopkins

@adorfer @NanoRaptor yeah, totally the highlight of the desk is the cube

Gerard Braad

@NanoRaptor "the room is filled with computing promise" 😄

Eric Vitiello

@NanoRaptor I would still pay a large amount of money for that computer. I love it every time you post it.

Aerin Lyse 🏳️‍⚧️

@NanoRaptor Reminds me of the Razer project Christine concept from a while back. Kinda sad it never became a thing.


And modular smartphones… Modular stuff never becomes a thing. Except for modular synths 😄


@just_like_aerin Exactly!
Phonebloks was just a concept, but LG phone was real, Jolla Phone with replaceable back panels too. Even Pinephone is (kinda) modular. Sadly, it never kicks off 😢


@NanoRaptor This is a brilliant render, the rainbow paper organizer really catches the eye while running away



Victoria's booooook!! :ablobcatheart: :ablobcatheart: :ablobcatheart:

Quinn Comendant

@NanoRaptor The narrator voice is perfect for these vignettes. Please continue.


@NanoRaptor Acorn did an actual PC like this, you could stack up to 9 'slices':

Kyle Hasselbacher

@NanoRaptor I was ready to believe the hardware, but that grayscale Rubik's Cube could only come from Hell itself.

Mark Shane Hayden

@NanoRaptor how delightfully cursed!

Helmut: Gimme sidecar!

shows him expanded IBM PCjr

Helmut: Not enough sidecar!

shows him expanded Amiga 1000


shows him fully expanded TI 99/4A


behold the new 100% sidecar computer... the Apple Jonathan!

PierreNick :apple_old_logo: 💾

@NanoRaptor Around 8 AM for Apple employee n°8 (nice touch with the badge on the left).

Chris Gervais 🎸🥁💻

@NanoRaptor @pierrenick does that thing run the desktop version of Knowledge Navigator? Heard it came on 37 floppies

positron 🖖

@NanoRaptor How have I been following old tech this long and not known about this concept.

Also I need the Rubik's Cube.

Allan Chow

@NanoRaptor you grab a coffee. It's ok. It's still booting.


@NanoRaptor how much inflation adjusted computer are we looking at? 60k$?

Oren Mazor

@NanoRaptor that is so amazing, there'd be nonstop 1980s synth music playing forever

Ernie Smith

@NanoRaptor It’s like a TI-99 expansion system designed by people with taste


@NanoRaptor As much as I dislike Apple (for their attitude towards the FLOSS ecosystem), the Jonathan was an awesome concept.

Mike Taylor Lives


I'd love to see 8-Bit Guy or LGR do a review of that beast. WOW!


@NanoRaptor mmm i really wanna steal this conceptt.....

N.N. Scott

This image is fake! The real one I owned in 1974 had flip-out metal handles on each module, the monitor was on rails, and the position-input device was a rolling ball floating upside in a cradle.


@NanoRaptor The Zip drives are a nice touch. Oh those memories (the ones lost on dead Zip cartridges and their ilk, especially…).

Fish Id Wardrobe

@NanoRaptor 1. I want to know ALLL about that Roland module. 2. Flashback to the 90s when the place I worked actually had something like this, but they weren't Apples. Wish I could remember the name; searching gets me nothing. Had it's own weird OS. *Really* cool word processing software, more like DTP. I'd be very happy to be able to use that program now…

alex yuletide

@NanoRaptor I googled the book hoping it was real 😭😅


"The room and desk is calm, and filled with computing promise."

Taken from the image description. Love it.


@NanoRaptor an IWM _and_ a PowerPC-module? *tugs collar*


@NanoRaptor I remember the days, though I've never seen an actual setup like that. Still very fond of my Apple II+ 😀


@NanoRaptor the descent of personal computing into generic beige boxes for a decade was such a loss.
Also top points for the B&O phone tucked away in the corner!


@NanoRaptor the writing on this post: <chef’s kiss>! Also love the Roland module. Wish I could read them all.


@NanoRaptor Many thanks, this is fabulous! The brand nostalgia is like a weighted blanket. I love your work, it’s always a delight.

Joshua A.C. Newman (he/they)

@NanoRaptor @unicycle ARGH this image won’t load for me and I want to see it so bad!

Phil Allsopp

I was inspired by Apple's "Knowledge Navigator" video of 1987...a view of the world of computing 20 + years into the future.....

The video & audio quality aren't brilliant...but...

Stories of Apple

@NanoRaptor Sooner or later I will officially ask you the permission to use this image to update the "opening of the Panora vase), i.e. my post about the Jonathan Computer:


@storiesofapple Then you officially have permission for that time, and for any of the other Jonathan ones :)


@NanoRaptor I love the orange display panel on the Roland module.

Mech Mouse


Thats a thing of Beauty, inspiration for my next custom build i think

Christian Tietze

@NanoRaptor Degaussing, I almost forgot that we did that.


@NanoRaptor as a sidenote I almost miss the days of having computer speakers on the desk

Alexander Heimbuch

@NanoRaptor I literally can hear the hard drive scratching.


@NanoRaptor I would assume there would some kind of extended SCSII interface holding those all together (bad memories of managing SCSII Ids on classic macs back in the day) [why am I trying to suss out the tech behind an imaginary machine?]!

Sam Easterby-Smith

@NanoRaptor @finestructure this is clearly the mid 90s given the PowerPC and zip modules. Love it.


@NanoRaptor I really love what you are doing here


@tlockney I don't know what that is but it's bad ass!

Dean Betz

@NanoRaptor The descriptive text on the photo may be even more beautiful than the text of your post.

I feel strongly it should have a second monitor.
Dr. Juande Santander-Vela

@NanoRaptor love the alt-text of your images! It sometimes brings out details or nuance I had not seen in the image.

Andrew Turner

@NanoRaptor that’s a gorgeous setup.

Makes me miss my NeXT slab


@ajturner @NanoRaptor

Haha, makes me miss my NeXTcube also … but it still is here, has been gathering dust for the past ~30 years now. My heirs will wonder what it is 😆

Pope Bob :vepi:

@NanoRaptor I miss the noises a CRT would make when powered on...

canleaf08 ⌘ ✅

@NanoRaptor Interesting computer. Must be very rare these days like the IBM Thinkpad TransNote.

Daniil Baturin

@NanoRaptor Is the book real? The only writer named Victoria Scott I could find was born in 1982 so she would be anachronistic there.


@NanoRaptor Each Jonathan module had between 4 and 64 kilobytes of ROM or EEPROM space, containing an ID header, 68000-compatible boot code, and any leftover space was filled by a distinct audible "chime" which played after the Jonathan started up, as it enumerates.


@NanoRaptor Moments after you power on the screen, your let your fingers hover a millimeter from the screen in a delightful storm of energized electrons

Ron Chmara

@NanoRaptor Backplane computing was a very nice thing (still is, with big iron), but the costs of all the metal/plastic/chips for each discrete component still makes it "bank or uni or other $$$ entity" expensive.

Omni Qi

@NanoRaptor So much love to this, not just revival of that project, but also so many names I recognize from long ago.

I was wondering if a modern incarnation could ever happen, and then thought about blade computing and raspberry pi compute modules

Humbird0 Fandom

...then you look at it wrong and the RAM falls off.


@NanoRaptor You are seriously making me pine for days that never existed. This is actually gorgeous and I love the concept.


I had NO EARTHLY idea such a beast existed! I particular love the "Roland" module with a million connector jacks coming out the front :)

This is too cool for school :)

Was this before OSX landed? So did these things run MacOS 8 or 9? Did debugging extension crashes drive you to drink?

OK I'll stop babbling incoherent questions at you now but I am totally bowled over by this :)

Ricardo B�nffy

@NanoRaptor The Jonathan would have been an amazing machine. I'm also a huge fan of that machine in the wall idea for the Lisa


@rbanffy After the jonathan that's another of my favourite pieces. The simplicity of the design - it'd translate well even to a desktop, a IIsi-ish body with smoked drive covers even.

Ricardo B�nffy

@NanoRaptor Convergent did a computer similar to the Jonathan that was later sold under the Burroughs brand


Don't go giving Apple any ideas. If they thought people would love to pay for every piece of a computer seperately, they would do it again in a minute.

sofia ☮️🏴

@NanoRaptor it's like Project Ara for the desktop, except it also didn't happen!

Daniel M Karlsson

@NanoRaptor Hi. I love what you are doing. I did not realize what was going on the first maybe five time I saw reposts of your images. I am extremely impressed by your work. Just amazing.


@NanoRaptor I thought for a fraction of a second how cool it would be to set up a computer system like an old school stereo tower, but realized that literally just a standard server rack.

Sparky Santos

@NanoRaptor I remember a weird Lisa with a bunch of modules at Alan Kay & Larry Yeager’s secret office that probably inspired that image. Thanks

Adams Immersive

@NanoRaptor I remember how much I coveted that DayStar Digital module!

Christian Kent

@NanoRaptor Last week, as I switched between CPU architectures and relocated my modular backplane, leaving the legacy module enhanced with an eGPU — I did stop and wonder:

Jonathon, is that you?


@NanoRaptor do they have a din rail at the back. the only way this could be better

Gravecat :blobcatuwu:

@NanoRaptor I would honestly love it if computers were really like this. :blobcat3c:

Monstrosity Deluxe!

@NanoRaptor Wow, as long as I've been in the orbit of Apple computers, (since the early 90's) and this is the first time I've ever seen one of these. o.O

Aaron Jun

@NanoRaptor The letter tray in six colors is perfect.


@NanoRaptor I've never seen a Jonathan, looks impressive. Do you know if this is the maximum configuration that was possible or was only the width of the desk the limit? 🤔😅

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