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While the article is masquerading as an objective comparison, their link to your website includes your partnership UTM, so it's undisclosed sponsored content, and they're making false claims about us - including giving the impression that our prices are higher, ...

2/5 🧵


... that the storage for free accounts is equal in our offer and yours, and worst of all, that we don’t publish the source code for the Windows and macOS versions of the app and we're only "for the most part" open-source.

3/5 🧵


Can you make this right, please?

Especially since on your /partners page, you have an FAQ section that says "As part of our effort to be transparent with our users, we require our partners to disclose their relationship to Proton to their readers."

4/5 🧵


You also say "We encourage all partners to be objective and accurate in their reviews." - Requiring your partners to agree to a code of conduct would be even better. 😉

We hope we can continue to fight for #privacy together and keep up healthy & fair competition!

5/5 🧵

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