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Users are reporting that they can't sign up with a Tutanota email address at WalletHub. Check out the reason given by their support - it will make you laugh! 😂

Dear @WalletHub could you please fix this?!

Hm, WalletHub is not on Mastodon. 🤔Maybe that's the issue. If they were, they would know that Tutanota is among the finest secure email services out there!

See the whole discussion on Reddit:

Check why Tutanota is the most secure email service:

Shadow Heart

@Tutanota I've had similar issues when using ProtonMail as well. ProtonMail gets around this with aliases, will you be using a similar strategy or something else. To often when a service is security minded a conservative IT manager incorrectly assumes its hackers and criminals that use it.


@Sh4d0w_H34rt Yes, you can use aliases with other domains if you are using Premium. We'll contact them, we're sure we'll find a solution :)


@Tutanota Thanks guys for the tremendous efforts.

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