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"programming is serious and not a game [..] stop with the outfits and princess programmer stuff"

I think we should all start writing software and giving talks while wearing princess dresses. πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘—πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

AITA for being honest with my daughter regarding her coding ability.

I (36M) am a web developer for many years now and have a lot of experience.

About a year ago my daughter (9F) suddenly decided she wanted to learn coding. She asked me to teach her. I declined and explained that it is complex and I don't have the time and would burn out from doing that after work as it is tough but that she was free to learn on her own. We have a white list of sites she can access on her laptop so we were not afraid of her searching the web. She did teach herself some C++ which is not a language | have used in years and is a bit outdated and not the simplest to pick up.

It's been a year and she calls herself "princess programmer" and it is a little cringy and she likes to wear a nice dress or skirt while working on some simple games she makes.

Recently she overheard one of my work meetings and learned what code reviews are and asked me to do one on her newest game while claiming that "princess programmer" wrote it very well and expects it to be very good.

I noticed many issues like bad variable naming conventions, code duplication, using if condition,return instead of just returning the condition.
I told her the quality sucked compared to anything that could be production code and that it would be easier to rewrite than fix it. I told her if she wanted to learn more she could rewrite it with my advice and that programming is serious and not a game and she should stop with the outfits and princess programmer stuff and maybe try an easier language than C++.

She cried and threw a tantrum and is upset at me and says I was too mean. And my wife is now also upset at me and says | should have lied and said her work was good and told her how to make it better. My wife did do coding in college but she doesn't do much of it in her job these days.

AITA here?

EDIT: Ok fine, I get it I am TA. I'll apologize and make it up to her and focus more on the parts I was impressed about. Her game was decently complex and everything did worked and the program did not crash and she seemed to have understood pointers well, I can focus on that and tell her she can be princess programmer.
a quiet misdreavus

@Mara brb, getting a frilly dress to wear for my next talk

aismallard (relocated!)

@developit @Mara yeah like how could you be anything but proud if your kid did this

this almost reads like parody

Akseli :quake_verified:

@aismallard @developit @Mara this sub is notoriously full of ragebait posts for youtubers to read, so yeah.


@aismallard @developit @Mara Because that post is a pretty obvious satire. It’s hilarious.

Dani 0Γ—1B

@Mara That was just "I was an asshole to my 9yo daughter. Am I The Asshole?". Incredible.

Also yes please, princess programming sound amazing.

Freyja Domville writing code in a summer dress is one of the best things about transitioning

Edvin Malinovskis

@evanwang0 @Mara it reads like it was written by someone who's only exposure to programming is /r/ProgrammingHumor πŸ˜…


@Mara oooh I am on it!
Just need to upgrade my gopher dress to more fancy, and put tiaras on more gophers

Me speaking at fosdem in gopher dress
Gopher with tiara in bed
Telokopolis Is Eternal

@Mara i have worked with a nonzero number of developers who wear gothic lolita fashion and that's not even counting myself

The cat who walks thru walls

@vyr @Mara Yeah, but are they programmers, and I mean the serious kind, or just princesses? (please say they are princesses)

Telokopolis Is Eternal

@Mara @mrrmot to be a princess you simply need the will to put on the frilly dress

Mallory's Musings & Mischief

@Mara Wait... there are people who don't program in princess dresses? :blobcateyes:

Helle (@ CCC Camp πŸ“ž 4355)

Guess I may need to add some frilly dresses as an option for when I do something public related to coding to set the right example that yes, you can code like that and it is fine if that works.

Cian O'Connor

This can't be real, but who could make this up?

Maybe his daughter should start doing livecoding sessions. I'm sure we could all learn something from a self-taught 9/10 year old who is writing 'decently complex' games that don't crash in C++. The princess dress would be a nice bonus.

Frazell Thomas

@Mara We all definitely should!

This parent is so toxic and condescending I can only hope this is fake for karma farming.

The best programmers are those who started out doing it for the fun of it. Like this kid. I remember learning how to program by writing a calculator in Visual C++ to help me pass my math class and learn programming in my teens.

We need more underrepresented groups in the field. I hope she keeps her fire.

Craig Maloney β˜•

@Mara "she seems to have understood pointers well"

Dude, I'm in my 50s and I'm still wrestling with pointers. Definitely man up, get that tutu at the ready, and wave that magic wand like you mean it.


@Mara on one hand it's Reddit so default fake.

But only on Reddit would someone be this oblivious, misogynistic, and downright awful but post because their head is so far up their ass they can't accept they fucked up.

Any other website we'd all laugh at the made up scenario and hyperbole.


@Mara "Her game was decently complex and everything she did worked and it didn't crash and she seemed to have understood pointers well"

The first three items there already mark that 9 year old as an above-average game developer. The fourth point marks her down as an utter genius. The style of the reddit post feels incredibly #thathappened, but on the off chance that it's genuine I really, truly hope that dad gets the scales lifted from his eyes and sees how amazing that all is.


And she's smarter than her daddy, starting with gamedev, not web stuff like himπŸ˜‚
But yeah, it's most probably made up.

David Mooney

@Mara UPDATE: Now she's learning Rust and wants me to buy a full-body fox costume for her to wear while she is programming. Should I be worried?


@davidm @Mara That would be an instant post-natal abortion from me.

Learning Rust, that is.

Nina "Erina" Satragno πŸ’«

@Mara no way this is true lol

I'm doing my part at confusing everyone by programming & presenting slides on thigh highs, skirt, button-up shirt and a tie.


@Mara he sounds like a bad programmer and bad a father even entry level programmers know -tiara improves code performance


@Mara Wow, external aproval inculturation so deep.

Sage Griffin πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@Mara Holy shit the thought that anybody could be such a terrible parent makes me sad

Dark Photon Studio

@Mara Idk if this is even real. What 39 yo man calls their 9 yo "cringe"? Frankly, I have difficulty believing any personal anecdotes on reddit. I suspect a lot, if not all, are fiction designed for karma farming.


@Mara I am in fact always wearing princessy dresses and I'm a programmer - we already exist.


@Mara Thank good he understood he was TA. What a smart little child πŸ’«


@Mara this guy would've gone apeshit on seeing the demoscene, where half-drunk people would write self-modifying code just because they could while insisting their name was "trurl the constructor"

Luke Humberdross

>9-year-old daughter
>I noticed many issues like bad variable naming conventions, code duplication, using if condition, return instead of just returning the condition.

That’s gotta be a troll.


@Mara Don’t forget about programmer socks!

Simon Welsh

@Mara To paraphrase an old tweet: β€œyou’re not a coding ninja or superstar. You’re a sparkly code princess.”

I’ve already got that as my (internal-only) title, so now I just need the dress! :)


@Mara i wanna be a princess programmer too, stay silly girl

Iris Young (he/they/she) (PhD)

@Mara if I was told that guy would be in the audience I would 100% wear a princess dress to spite him. If his daughter was in the audience I would convince the entire list of speakers to wear princess dresses, inflatable dragon costumes, and suits of armor.

Beth Anderson

@Mara Oh my goodness, at least the OP added that they accepted they were indeed the asshole.

If this isn't some sort of weird joke, it's awful. I feel so sorry for the girl.

Total parenting fail and I'm sure she'll be better than him in no time. She'll also probably learn to support others because her own father let her down.


@Mara How terribly unsupportive of her parent!

Sounds like exactly the sort of thing which discourages women from programming... Combined with the stereotype that it's a masculine career...

Scott Knowles

@Mara She's better than me. I started programming in 1967 with Cobalt and went through several others before stopping with Fortran. I couldn't learn C or its later versions. I learned design and concept of it but could only read and understand code, not write it. Best of luck to her.

Michael Hunger

@Mara what a horrible person, programmer and parent. Total asshole.

His daughter on the other hand is an awesome programmer princess πŸ‘Έ I would be so proud. At that age getting c++ where everyone else is using scratch. Wow 🀩

nosh :fosstodon: (Κ˜β€ΏΚ˜)

@Mara I don't understand the serious police trying to reign in on everything.

I have literally read a few profile descriptions on mastodon that say I am a serious programmer.

So what should we do about it...


@Mara If your nine year old understands pointers and you tell her that her code sucks, something is very wrong with you.

Federico Mena Quintero

@Mara what a gigantic piece of shit of a parent!

Flower Patch

@Mara this is either satire or the most blatant techbro idiocy I’ve seen in a while

Chris Cammers

@Mara how do you look at your daughter and say..."you're dumb and I'm too smart to help you" oh eff it HULK SMASH RAGE POST!


@Mara I agree. Can they be pink princess dresses and can everybody have a tiara? Footgear of choice, including ballet slippers, hobbit feet, motobike boots, and Uggs?


@Mara the parent is not only TA but one of the biggest A


@Mara I have written more than one program wearing a skirt or a dress, and yes: in my opinion coding IS a game!


@Mara AITA? Yes. Yes you are. This person should not be in charge of any dev teams else they’ll crush the creative spirit


@Mara what is wrong with this guy? I would have been so excited if any of my kids took this much interest in coding.


@Mara yes. Programming is really like breathing if you are doing it right.

Dave ✨

@Mara Wow. I feel sorry for his daughter, but also... all of his coworkers, ever πŸ˜¬πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


@Mara man idek how low kind of intelligence you have to have to be this kind of guy.

Alain Dellepiane :eit: :pm:


Credit where it's due, he did recognize being TA. That must be the first happy-ending AITA post I ever saw πŸ˜„

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