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Michael Stanclift

@atomicpoet I’m not saying they don’t have plans, but also it’s possible it’s just wanting to get more workloads on Azure. I’m skeptical there’s some folks at Microsoft with Grandplan for the Fediverse.

The guide references using Bitnami images. Owned by VMware (my employer) one could decide that between me running an instance and the Bitnami image one could assume VMware has similar Grandplans.

I’m here to assure you that’s far from the case ☺️

Chris Trottier

@vmstan If WMware published a blog post entitled, "How to host Mastodon using WMware stack", I'd say they're trying to market their services.

There doesn't need to be a grand plan for them to do that.

Michael Stanclift

@atomicpoet fair. That blog post also has an error in that it references using Elastic Search 8, which I’m 99.9% isn’t supported (at least it didn’t work when I tried it and the Ruby library that Mastodon uses specifically doesn’t list support for it.)

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