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Kolmar Kafran

@davidrevoy I was living like that a long time ago then I just gave up and now I have everything Apple. It started with the MacBook since I was loosing too much time to have a nice customer desktop experience on Linux. Then the same happened on Android. Now I only miss the iPad with the pen. I have a small Wacom table connected to the Mac. I tried Krita, but I’m living an existential crisis if I should developer raster or vector drawing skills.

David Revoy

@kafran I wish you good luck to find the solution to your struggle. Maybe let your feeling of "fun" and "curiosity" be your guide or compass in this quest. 🙂

Kolmar Kafran

@davidrevoy yep, that’s the main reason I try to draw becausing my drawings are only for fun and self amusement 😂, I don’t think anybody else would appreciate my 4 years old style.

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