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David Revoy

:fediverse: Tiny Fediverse Family Sketches

I'm still penciling on the next episode of Pepper&Carrot, and this week, I did my daily warm-up before working on the pages with these sketches. Here is a cleaned compilation of them (credits in alt).

#MastoArt #krita #sketches

防空識別區 Is that Misskey's Ai-chan petting a little Mastodon? So cute!

@davidrevoy soooooooooooo cute and expressive ❤️ i love them all!!!!!!
Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy :shibahearteyes:
So cuute and so funny!
I'll have to know more about Fred 🐼
The more I look at Rȯse, the less I see differences in the "fluffy cheeks" with my #SymphonieEnChatMajeur :blobcatheart:

David Revoy

@Petit_Lutin :blobcatheart: True, Symphonie is magnificient.
About Fred, the only thing I found was this one . Andy was on Pepper&Carrot IRC chat a month or two ago, and he is probably around here too. I'll check to know the source later. I'm curious too why this one is ... A firefox Panda. With Firefox around and so many animals to pick in nature, it doesn't sound like the best choice, but 'why not' at the same time. 🤣

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy :blobcatheart:

Ah thanks! Yes, there may be confusion with Firefox, but Fred is really cute though 😁


@davidrevoy please start a #fediverse series or short comic strip, that would be so amazing!:)

Бојан Ландекић 🥷🇺🇦🇷🇸🦖❤️

@davidrevoy fucking genius!!! I love these especially the whale pic. Amazing!!! Please keep them coming. They inspire me!! Such happy vibe in each still.

Kolmar Kafran

@davidrevoy Amazing. I would love to get better at drawing. What do you use for drawing? Do you think an iPad could help?

David Revoy

@kafran Hey, Thanks! I'm personally avoiding anything Apple does for ethical reasons, so I'll not advise it (but I put in same bag Google/Microsoft/etc).

Here I use a Linux system (Fedora) with a wacom tablet. Unfortunately, devices with Linux on it, lightweight like an iPad and with a good stylus still doesn't exists. So I work on a big PC tower, a desk and a large monitor. I hope one day, a solid tablet with good performances and a good stylus will exist.

Kolmar Kafran

@davidrevoy I was living like that a long time ago then I just gave up and now I have everything Apple. It started with the MacBook since I was loosing too much time to have a nice customer desktop experience on Linux. Then the same happened on Android. Now I only miss the iPad with the pen. I have a small Wacom table connected to the Mac. I tried Krita, but I’m living an existential crisis if I should developer raster or vector drawing skills.

David Revoy

@kafran I wish you good luck to find the solution to your struggle. Maybe let your feeling of "fun" and "curiosity" be your guide or compass in this quest. 🙂

Kolmar Kafran

@davidrevoy yep, that’s the main reason I try to draw becausing my drawings are only for fun and self amusement 😂, I don’t think anybody else would appreciate my 4 years old style.


@davidrevoy I have to admit I love yours drawings.


@davidrevoy would love to see the time when GoToSocial Sloth is part of it.

Poroto Sórdido

@davidrevoy It's nice to find them here 💜 I saw the title in my feed reader but your site was down and couldn't see the images.

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