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In response to commentary by Cory Doctorow, I've started experimenting with Duck Duck Go. Early results are promising.

Ed Suominen

@cavyherd @samir It’s the only search engine I’ve used for at least five years now, maybe longer. Works just fine.

Urban Hermit

@cavyherd @edsuom @samir Yeah, I have used DuckDuckGo as my default search engine in Firefox for more than 10 years, I get the results I have asked for, and their image search is a fast way to locate relevant results too. Google is the Walmart of search, you get only what everybody else wants, with a strong biased towards corporate products. If I could only find a good alternative to YouTube, which is now a morass of popups and subscription asks.

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@Urban_Hermit @cavyherd @edsuom @samir Is Dailymotion or Vimeo a good YouTube alternative? We use both for work and they suit us well.
Sadly, I gave up using DDG (a.k.a. Bing) a month shy of my 12th anniversary with them as my default last year. The Bing index has collapsed in a big way, and I need to run site: searches on it for a work site. Really disappointed it let me down so badly, but luckily I came across @Mojeek.
Happy DDG is still doing its job for you all, but Iʼve become wary. 🙁


@jackyan @Urban_Hermit @edsuom @samir @Mojeek

Both Dailymotion or Vimeo seem viable. I've never dealt with them from the content creator side, but a lot of creators I know & respect tend to use Vime.

Wait—DDG is Bing? I.e., Microsoft? I...thought they were some entirely independent outfit?

Oh, I see. It "partners" with Bing. 🤔.

AIUI, it's chief virtue is lack of user tracking?

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @Urban_Hermit @edsuom @samir @Mojeek Sorry, I need to clarify: DDG (and Yahoo, Ecosia, Qwant, Neeva and others) license their results from Bing. The results are the same, which sadly means they are terrible! (The index gets smaller and smaller based on my research, so if you need something specific, it could be tricky.)
DDG says it doesnʼt track, though there has been some doubt over that lately.


@jackyan @Urban_Hermit @edsuom @samir @Mojeek

Oh sigh. Welp, sounds like it's just as well I haven't thrown in my whole lot with them ::grumble::

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @Urban_Hermit @edsuom @samir You can supplement your searches with @Mojeek, and you can have DDG at the bottom of each page of Mojeek hasnʼt given you the right result. With a relatively small user base, Mojeekʼs ordering isnʼt the best, but it will improve if more of us use it.

Dave MacFarlane

@Urban_Hermit @cavyherd @edsuom @samir You could try to upload a Grammarly ad to PeerTube or Vimeo and just keep it playing on a loop to recreate the YouTube experience.


@Urban_Hermit There is only one thing in my mind that GOOGLE is not good for and its exactly what is complained about here.

Google only shows you what everyone else wants to see. Google shows you only what everyone else is searching. Google news shows you what is being clicked on the most and thats where the deficit becomes a tool.

I use Google news to see what the regular folks are looking at and what they want to know about.

This is why I know that mainstream people who normally do not pay any attention to the news and politics are just BARELY, barely aware of all that happened with Trump.

They are just now starting to get this news trickled out to where their level of awareness is.

So I use GOOGLE to spy on the location of the general populace that does not pay attention to anything but GOOGLE to judge where we are in this whole loop of life.

DuckDuckGo for everything else.

@Urban_Hermit There is only one thing in my mind that GOOGLE is not good for and its exactly what is complained about here.

Google only shows you what everyone else wants to see. Google shows you only what everyone else is searching. Google news shows you what is being clicked on the most and thats where the deficit becomes a tool.



I edited the post for you so your brain doesnt get hung up on a stupid and OBVIOUS typo... ... ...


@cavyherd @samir When I first switched over to DuckDuckGo it was like entering a Time Machine . I was transported back to the days of old when google wasn’t reading my mind.
I deleted instagram about the same time (never done meta). I spend so much less $ now. Those companies are very good at selling stuff I did not need. I am very susceptible unfortunately 😩


@sdeltergo @samir

For good or ill, I seem to be a devout Luddite. The minute I started hearing about Fb's privacy shenanigans, I deleted my account with extreme prejudice. (I'd already started to avoid it, bc old unwanted acquainances kept bubbling up out of the woodwork.) Never had an interaction with Ig until after Fb bought it, so was never a temptation.

Being tech avoidant has its price, but def certain advantages 😂 & chronic poverty limits the impulse spending.

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @sdeltergo @samir I admire your approach! I left a lot of the Big Tech sites but weaned myself off. But then I had to find a way to continue looking after clients while minimizing my time on their platforms.


@jackyan @sdeltergo @samir

Yeah, that whole conscience/livelihood tradeoff is a killer.

I discovered a long time ago that by far the easiest way to break a bad habit is to never start 😂 & I am deeply & profoundly lazy, so.... >


@jackyan @sdeltergo @samir

I've largely sworn off Amazon, too. I get that they're impossible to avoid completely, & my little wallet-vote doesn't amount to a hill of beans, but where I have choice I exercise it.

I remember back when they were just dodgey & not yet openly evil, I kept thinking "Seduced by the convenient side of the Force" every time I'd make a 1-Click purchase.

At least avoiding them minimizes the stain on /my/ soul...?


@cavyherd @jackyan @samir Now don’t go and get me started about plastic and convenience.


@sdeltergo @jackyan @samir

Oh, plastic is a whole 'NOTHER kettle of fish altogether.

The worst part of it is it's SO GODDAMN USEFUL. & there are functions for which, really, nothing else will do.

But the whole "Throw Away" economy is just asdf;eaefwkae a;feaefwkjl ::foams at mouth::

And at this stage, it's /impossible/ to avoid.

Especially if you have any fantasies of wanting to, you know, eat. Or get medical care.

And (ATM) there's just no financial incentive to find alternatives. 🤬🤬🤬 >


@sdeltergo @jackyan @samir

Which, ofc, is the way the fossil fuels industry likes it....

::erupting volcano dot gif::

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @sdeltergo @samir Ditto with Amazon and its subsidiaries, though getting rid of AWS took years after one of my IT friends put us on it. Long story but it was hard when youʼre not a computer expert!


@jackyan @sdeltergo @samir

By all accounts it's hard even if you /are/ a computer expert. AWS has wormed its way so deep into the infrastructure of the internet, it's basically impossible to avoid, at this point, from what I understand.

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @sdeltergo @samir Plus it has the worst UI of any major site that Iʼve seen in a long time. Nothing in there is comprehensible to a layperson. The worst value for money, too. No wonder they are getting richer and richer.

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