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Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @sdeltergo @samir Ditto with Amazon and its subsidiaries, though getting rid of AWS took years after one of my IT friends put us on it. Long story but it was hard when youʼre not a computer expert!


@jackyan @sdeltergo @samir

By all accounts it's hard even if you /are/ a computer expert. AWS has wormed its way so deep into the infrastructure of the internet, it's basically impossible to avoid, at this point, from what I understand.

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @sdeltergo @samir Plus it has the worst UI of any major site that Iʼve seen in a long time. Nothing in there is comprehensible to a layperson. The worst value for money, too. No wonder they are getting richer and richer.

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