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@jackyan @Urban_Hermit @edsuom @samir @Mojeek

Both Dailymotion or Vimeo seem viable. I've never dealt with them from the content creator side, but a lot of creators I know & respect tend to use Vime.

Wait—DDG is Bing? I.e., Microsoft? I...thought they were some entirely independent outfit?

Oh, I see. It "partners" with Bing. 🤔.

AIUI, it's chief virtue is lack of user tracking?

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @Urban_Hermit @edsuom @samir @Mojeek Sorry, I need to clarify: DDG (and Yahoo, Ecosia, Qwant, Neeva and others) license their results from Bing. The results are the same, which sadly means they are terrible! (The index gets smaller and smaller based on my research, so if you need something specific, it could be tricky.)
DDG says it doesnʼt track, though there has been some doubt over that lately.


@jackyan @Urban_Hermit @edsuom @samir @Mojeek

Oh sigh. Welp, sounds like it's just as well I haven't thrown in my whole lot with them ::grumble::

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@cavyherd @Urban_Hermit @edsuom @samir You can supplement your searches with @Mojeek, and you can have DDG at the bottom of each page of Mojeek hasnʼt given you the right result. With a relatively small user base, Mojeekʼs ordering isnʼt the best, but it will improve if more of us use it.

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