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Thomas 🔭✨

For some other cool stuff, see the timeline at the Computer History Museum; their website is always worth a visit!

Thomas 🔭✨

Honestly not sure why early computer graphics don’t get more attention, even a lot of computer-savvy folk don’t know much if anything about it

Thomas 🔭✨

Apparently people have a 80s computer graphics craving, didn’t think this would be so popular! I’ve a few books on the topic, maybe I’ll post some stuff here and there. :)


@thomasfuchs This is my tribute to Steve Hillage, who regularly featured on my radio broadcasts in 1972


Tom, have you been working at all with Julian Gomez on the field's history? He's trying very hard to do the work on the tech as opposed to the art history of it. The Computer History Museum is involved as well, maybe not as much as they should be.

Thomas 🔭✨

The image in my previous post is the sketch for the Utah teapot by Martin Newell, read more here:


@thomasfuchs This takes me back. A friend had an Amiga toaster and did some very cool stuff in the late 90s, and another worked on the first CG cartoon, Reboot, produced here in Vancouver... .an we have come such a long way!!

Lori Olson

@thomasfuchs I spent a lot of time staring at that pot in my advanced computer graphics class in 1986. For my major project I implemented Torrance-Sparrow shading, which gave a metallic as opposed to plastic look to the 3D rendering with shading.

Soh Kam Yung

@thomasfuchs I found "A Biography of the Pixel" by Alvy Ray Smith to be a fascinating history of the sampling theorem, photography, film animation, computers and, eventually, computer graphics.

A blog post about the book and Smith at [ ]


But also at #ComputerHistoryMuseum is a graphics section of the main Exhibition, whose icon is the famous Utah teapot. We have early 3D workstations & ~15min video on evolution of graphics. Also, online we have lots of material:

Thomas 🔭✨

@JohnMashey Sweet! I hope I make it to the museum some day.


It’s well worth a visit. One can get a quick survey in 2-3 hours, although it takes ~2 days if you read everything, watch all videos, like the one on IBM songbook or another on reconstruction Bletchley Park Colossus, etc etc. We used to have a Baggage Engine on loan, but Nathan Myrhvold finally wanted it back… now there’s real retrocomputing!

Darryl Ramm

@JohnMashey @thomasfuchs I do wonder how many man-days I've spent in the CHM. Wonderful stuff, thanks for all your work with CHM.

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