Thank you all so much for the enthusiasm and support and for the crow stories you've shared. If I haven't had a chance to respond yet, I apologize.
There's a quite curious coda to this entire thread that I'm eager to share with you. But first, a couple of things that I forgot to mention in the previous thread that you may useful in befriending crows.
The first is key: crows are acutely aware of human gaze. They watch you, know which direction you are looking, and use this to predict your behavior.
As you are getting to them, don't watch them or the food you've offered. Drop or place a peanut and then walk on like Lot fleeing the doomed city of Sodom, never looking back. This reassures them that it's not a trap and that you don't mean them harm.
Later, when they have become more comfortable with you, you can interact more directly.