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Scott L. Williams

@ct_bergstrom So today walking the dogs, my wife and I came upon a pair of crows looking for worms in a lawn next to a church parking lot by our house. So I cheerfully greeted them, “Hi guys how’s it going?” They looked at us. I handed my dog’s leash to my wife and walked over to the asphalt. One flew up onto a light pole and the other to a tree. I threw some kibble on the pavement and walked away back to my wife. Both crows swooped down and gobbled up the kibble! Success! 😃

1 comment
Scott L. Williams replied to Scott L. Williams

@ct_bergstrom So then my wife took her turn. Again success! We then resumed our walk. The crows observed us for a few seconds, from a telephone wire, and then headed off to the neighborhood across the road. So far so good! 👍🏻

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