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David Revoy

@Homebrewandhacking Sorry, I'll not help to identify the account and that's why I blured their name and replaced the avatar with a default... I try to prevent doxing as much as I can.
I just wanted to show that for us, artists, we are now in this new era where this type of question is common.
If you want to discuss with AIArt enthusiasts, you'll find many after exploring the right hashtags here.

PJ Coffey

@davidrevoy I'm not an AI art enthusiast. Thanks.

I'd love a better tool to help artists but, in my limited understanding, it draws on artists copyrighted material to create things.

I'd love a tool that was trained on public domain art because I'd like stock art that wasn't pale, male and male gazey because in my niche, bootstrapping is a real problem.

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