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Darius Kazemi

My tool for making a simple, searchable, themeable archive of your public tweets and threads is now live:

The tool runs entirely on your computer, in your browser. None of your data is uploaded anywhere in the process. The output is a zip file of a basic HTML website that you can upload to a web host if you choose.

The site also answers most of the common questions I get. Please read it first before asking me questions here!


@darius now to figure out if posting this somehow violates twitter's new policy, lol

Jonah Stein

@darius Maybe you can include an echo/upload to the Internet Archive? So many online arguments will soon consist entirely of broken links.

Darius Kazemi

@jonahstein I won't program that myself but if someone makes a pull request to the project I'll happily merge it

Jonah Stein

@darius Understood. Unfortunately I am not a developer. I am just trying to think through how all of the volunteer labor that has gone into posting on Twitter can be preserved.

Les Orchard

@darius Oh that's neat! I keep meaning to do more with jszip, had one Mozilla project where I used it and I was like "wait I can zip right on the client?!"


@darius No doubt a dumb question, but if I don’t have a website of my own is it still an html thing I can view on my desktop?

Darius Kazemi

@aliendial sorry I missed this! Yes you should be able to file -> open and view it on your hard drive


@darius I tried it but my zip file is 2.5 so I guess it got stuck?

Darius Kazemi

@nonlinear yup, highly likely. there are instructions on there for how to work around it, though

Darius Kazemi

I am really looking forward to see how people theme the styles.css on different sites!!!! I made it plain and functional for several reasons, and one is so it's easy to override with whatever designs you like, heheh

Ed Summers

@darius love this idea, kind of like a zen css garden for the archive? have you seen any yet? It might be fun to have a directory of sites people can add themselves to?



Alas. It won't work for me, my file is too big.

Btw, why on Twitter does it tell me it's in MB and when I downloaded the .zip file it balloons into GB?

Darius Kazemi

@beccanalia I don't know why Twitter does what it does, sorry!

Joe Gilvary


"It'll be over soon. Just like Twitter"

Love it! 🤣

Aram Zucker-Scharff

@darius The standard archive includes circle tweets which the user might not consider public I think and you may want to warn people about that.

Brian Moon

@darius Question: I have two archives, one from a couple of years ago, and then another one that covers the time since then. Would I need to combine them before using your tool? Or could I run it on both archives and then merge them before uploading to my site?

Darius Kazemi

@lunarobverse I believe you can merge them, though I cannot guarantee the old archive will work if it's a different format than the current archives

Brian Moon

@darius I’ll give it a shot and see. Thank you, regardless!


@darius awesome tool, worked flawlessly, thanks!

Nafnlaus 🇮🇸 🇺🇦

@darius Birdsite's own search facilities are excellent. It's my ability to search my posts on Mastodon that's the problem. I often have to go back to Birdsite and search for things I've posted there previously, when I've posted them on both sites, because it's easier to find them there.

Darius Kazemi

@nafnlaus Twitter's search capability is not very good when you have deleted your account, which is the use case I have made this software for


@darius @billt I’ll have a look at your tool. I did, about a month ago use the official tool but i don’t trust it lol. I’ll give yours a whirl, sounds very cool.

John Hill

@darius As Twitter replaces URLs with short links, does this tool expand those links?


@darius Is there a similar tool for mastodon?

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@darius cool...


hopefully you can put that tool on a #git [regardless if #GitHub, #GitLab or your own #Gitea...]

Oluf Nissen

@darius How tricky would it be to make something similar for LinkedIn posts? I would really like to "own" my posts and host them under my control.

Darius Kazemi

@GeekTieGuy extremely difficult because I would have to think about the existence of LinkedIn!

More seriously, I have no idea. I hope this project inspires other similar projects.

Oluf Nissen

@darius Thanks! I would give it a go myself, but I'm a bit too far removed from my days as a practicing software developer to try to understand what your tool does and how it works... I appreciate your reply!

Darius Kazemi

I have added a "browse" mode to my simple Twitter archive creator tool (described in the post this is replying to).

If you have already made an archive with it and would like this new functionality... you can just run your twitter ZIP with it one more time and it'll generate an updated site.

Screenshot of a tabbed interface. There are two tabs, "Search" and "Browse", and "Browse" is selected. The interface says:

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Followed by a bunch of tweets.
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