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Simon Elvery

Your regular reminder that #MachineLearning models (or #AI, if you insist on ignoring the meaning of 'intelligence') will repeat and reinforce any #bias that already exists in society.

Simon Elvery

Can you find any other biases like this in #GoogleTranslate?

Chris Lienert

@simon I did some research into language biases for a talk and it can get insanely complicated or… not

Simon Elvery

@cliener Yeah, I'm sure it's very complicated. This looks like a pretty clear case of the model just repeating a bias from the training data though.

Chris Lienert

@simon in this case definitely. “You’re wearing your bias on your sleeve”

Midnight Starr

@simon That’s the same with the ATS systems that each business has in hiring people. I just talked to a Career Coach about it and he calls that software being lazy. You can't hire someone because the words on a resume matches yours. And that software does discriminate against women and minorities because of some keywords.

Simon Elvery

@goddessvault Hiring software is one place personal harms from algorithmic decision making can be most readily demonstrated. If I were running a recruitment company I'd be very nervous about using software that might lead to inadvertent proxy discrimination against protected categories.

(p.s. if you know about a specific instance of this happening my DMs are open)

Midnight Starr

@simon I did Google ATS and discrimination, and Amazon popped up. And reading further into it, their back to the drawing board figuring it out how to usebit without it discriminating again certain groups.

Ketil Froyn

@simon tried the same in Norwegian, and added one. Can confirm some bias.

Ketil Froyn

@simon Interesting. Things get difficult for Google translate when it has multiple opposing sexist biases in a single sentence.

"kjæreste" is gender neutral, meaning girlfriend or boyfriend.
"hjemmeværende" is gender neutral, meaning staying at home.
(There's no mention of kids in the original sentence.)
The translation flips from girlfriend to boyfriend when writing "politi" (police).

Kaonashi Eli

@simon wow. That's crazy. Could it be that they interchanged "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" just to make it interesting and by chance it came out that way?

Nikke Lindqvist

@simon But also: Google's grasp of Danish, is in my experience, really low. What there is, seems to be inherited from the various Swedish language projects.

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