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Ludovic Courtès

@dthompson The question is that of the best strategy to increase the reach of free software. I hear what you say about lack of support for certain devices being an obstacle for the adoption of free systems; I can see it happening. But if we do want that software to be free as well, what should we do?

Debian had a lever; now that it includes non-free firmware, it seems that we, collectively, are sending hardware vendors the message that we’ve given up.

Tough issues.

blake shaw 🇵🇸

@civodul @dthompson from my experience using Debian, the anti-free drivers, etc, are all distributed independently of the distro itself (unless they have since changed this), but they make it simple and easy to find and use. I definitely think guix needs to only distribute whats free; offering a clean slate is a unique and important offering to preserve, and any contamination seems in a sense nearly irreversible. but whats the downside of simply directing folks to the source, and not imposing an unnatural prohibition that most agree feels forced and thus gathers an air of ideological burearacracy?

@civodul @dthompson from my experience using Debian, the anti-free drivers, etc, are all distributed independently of the distro itself (unless they have since changed this), but they make it simple and easy to find and use. I definitely think guix needs to only distribute whats free; offering a clean slate is a unique and important offering to preserve, and any contamination seems in a sense nearly irreversible. but whats the downside of simply directing folks to the source, and not imposing an...


@rml @civodul @dthompson
Stumbled over #Tromjaro in this regards. Very interesting. But still try to understand how you can offer a trade free product to people without trading.
I love open source software and the idea of free open source software and would love to see it spread - but i am confused by the extreme amount of "no-presence" (not being seen/noticed) of free software in daily life.
Forgive my English, if i treated it wrong.

blake shaw 🇵🇸

@SteveTux @dthompson @civodul free software is as invisible in your daily life as your city's plumbing or sanitization services. the world's infrastructure is powered by free software. it would be terrible thing for that to be monopolized by private interests.


@rml @dthompson @civodul
I agree. Hope to see the awareness of it emerging as on- and for sure offline with regular people. :)


@rml @civodul the issue is that Guix is beholden to the GNU Free Software Distribution Guidelines, which state that even referring to nonfree things is not allowed. It is more likely that hell will freeze over than convincing RMS to change this policy. so, the only real option for Guix to consider is dropping FSDG, dealing with the political fallout, and adopting their own slightly relaxed guidelines. I do not envy anyone who wants to open this can of worms on the mailing list!

blake shaw 🇵🇸

@dthompson @civodul yeah I definitely feel you about the mailing list lol. this is certainly a differend. its especially difficult because there are people who will jump at the chance to draw a parity between free software and supposed "free speech" discourses, where they want to make the case that our zero tolerance for hateful discourse is unjust if we can't also maintain a zero tolerance for like, providing links to trusted community maintained sources in order to ensure that free software isn't a gated community for consumers who can afford to seek out H-Node listed gear.

I think that Guix should be seeking to lead and advance the state of free software rather than tail those dogmatic about preserving its obvious warts and mistakes. I think that part of that is to recognize that software freedom is first and formost concerned with hygiene. As an ideological force -- one that is concerned with prohibiting mere mention of the enemy -- free software transforms into a bureacratic force that is stultifying and antithetical to free software's proliferation.

@dthompson @civodul yeah I definitely feel you about the mailing list lol. this is certainly a differend. its especially difficult because there are people who will jump at the chance to draw a parity between free software and supposed "free speech" discourses, where they want to make the case that our zero tolerance for hateful discourse is unjust if we can't also maintain a zero tolerance for like, providing links to trusted community maintained sources in order to ensure that free software isn't...


@civodul it's definitely a tough issue! my take is that hardware vendors mostly don't care. they've marched ahead with more proprietary firmware and there's no real consequences. free software people just don't have that kind of power. so instead, the only people that suffer are the people who earnestly want to use fully/mostly free distros and find that their hardware doesn't work. many give up, and some start saying bad things about free software as a result. I think it's okay to say we lost this particular fight. there's an entire generation of new free software supporters to win over, so let's make the smallest exception possible to make sure that they can be onboarded.

@civodul it's definitely a tough issue! my take is that hardware vendors mostly don't care. they've marched ahead with more proprietary firmware and there's no real consequences. free software people just don't have that kind of power. so instead, the only people that suffer are the people who earnestly want to use fully/mostly free distros and find that their hardware doesn't work. many give up, and some start saying bad things about free software as a result. I think it's okay to say we lost this...


@civodul tl;dr we probably need to admit defeat on this particular front to gather the power needed to eventually win.

David Wilson

@civodul @dthompson I don't think hardware vendors have any financial incentive to help us out with this. FSDG distro users are such a small minority of the Linux userbase that we probably don't even show up on their radar.

What I'd really like to see is more "by hackers, for hackers" type hardware appear which actually does have open drivers and firmware. Extremely unlikely, but maybe someone could inspire the creation of a well-funded co-op?

David Wilson

@civodul @dthompson I love what Librem and Framework are doing, but if they continue to depend on Intel chipset then they'll probably never work with Linux Libre

Dominic Martinez

@daviwil @civodul @dthompson Well to be fair to them, truly free hardware like the MNT reform just isn't suitable for a mainstream device. There's a larger issue that we need to throw so many transistors at modern software that usable CPUs can be made at only a handful of places around the world which keep their IP tightly clutched to their chest.

Akib Azmain Turja

@daviwil @civodul @dthompson Is RISC-V a viable alternative for personal computers? I've heard that RISC-V is a free standard (as in freedom).


@akib @daviwil @civodul it's promising! maybe in the future there will be easily accessible and affordable computers that use it.

Akib Azmain Turja

@dthompson @daviwil @civodul Losedows (by Microsoft) is dominating in the OS market, so its unlikely to see RISC-V computer to be common until MS decides to support it. We, the free software activists, must make our own computers.


@akib @daviwil @civodul maybe we need to make computers but also we need to stop saying things like "losedows" 🙂​


@daviwil @civodul @dthompson

have you considered playing with kmonad. With dual key functions you can get modifier keys on any key. I am currently using c and , as dual use control keys

Ludovic Courtès

@daviwil @dthompson When devices wouldn’t work on Debian out of the box, I’d like to think hardware vendors had *some* incentive to fix it.

One way or another, we have to make our voice heard; we have to make it clear that these freedoms matter to us. If we don’t even ask, we’re unlikely to get anything.

Hardware by and for free software folks is an interesting avenue too. We’ll see.


@civodul @daviwil I agree! I think both paths need further development. we need to meet people where they are at with the hardware they have *and* have better hardware to recommend when it's time for something new.

Ludovic Courtès

@dthompson I just mean that it’s like enabling “non-free” in Debian: now ‘guix search’ turns up both free and proprietary things.


@civodul ah, thanks for clarifying. I definitely don't love that. If I could filter the channel to only contain the couple of packages I use then I would. guix search clearly points to where they are from, at least.


@dthompson @civodul nixos has an interesting feature for this case: nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate

You can then effectively whitelist only the packages you require and still get an error for everything else

Would something similar be useful for nonguix?


@aheaume @civodul maybe, though it would be clunky since the feature wouldn't be part of guix itself. personally, I'm fine with getting some search results for proprietary software because I've been around long enough to know what to look out for.

Ludovic Courtès

@aheaume @dthompson To be honest, I don’t find Nixpkgs’ handling of non-free software “interesting” at all.

I contributed to Nixpkgs for ~4y. At the time, anything could get in Nixpkgs, free or not, and licensing info was often missing and was not reviewed, etc. Thus, as a user, if you chose to use only free software, you could hardly trust it to DTRT.

I think mixing free and non-free in the same repo and in the same project is a big mistake.

Apo11o :emacs:

@civodul @dthompson I don’t have an opinion on how free/non-free repos should be handled, but I admire your stance and appreciate it. I’m new on Guix and even though the Guix Manual and Cookbook are amazingly written, do you think it’d be good idea for a wiki page mostly to explain how some packages work(or additional tips in the /packages page)? For example emacs-exwm looks for .exwm file otherwise loads exwm-default-config etc. Would be helpful to new users

Ludovic Courtès

@apo11o The project accepts contributions to the Cookbook in any form! If there are tip and tricks that you think ought to be documented, please propose a new Cookbok section.

If differs from a typical wiki in that we collectively will take care of keeping it up-to-date, removing outdated info, and so on.

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