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Hm, something with the hair is off.
It indicates neither push (like the beverage) nor pull (see carrot) forces.

The lightning on the legs don't fit the lightning source of the book.
First the expected shadow but then its illuminated again?

Perhaps the gravity redirected the light somehow?

1 comment
David Revoy

@RyunoKi Thanks for the feedback Ryuno-Ki! Yes, the hair are surely a bit too rigid and their volume a bit compact for a 0 gravity (or random gravity density around) situation. Maybe I was too distracted by playing with getting pointy design 😅 About the light, I really like how I was able to merge the two leg together in the shadow. I tried to make a directional blue light emitting like an area. But sure, the bounce on the hat probably could lighten a bit the skirt and then the leg.

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