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Valvin (framapiaf)

@davidrevoy c'est marrant, si on m'avait demandé, au style, je n'aurais pas dit que c'était toi l'auteur de cette illustration. J'aime beaucoup! 🤩

David Revoy

@valvin 😍 Super! Merci pour ce retour. Là, Pepper est très jeune, entre épisode 1 et 2 si je devais classer, elle apprend le B.A.-BA avant de pouvoir faire voler un balais.

Valvin (framapiaf)

@davidrevoy apres la potion d'envol, le sortilège de lévitation 🙂

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy I love Carrot's face 🤣
Have you used Blender for the coffee splash ?

David Revoy

@Petit_Lutin Thanks! No Blender, but I tried to just paint the light blue/teal for the book, and the red/orange for the rim light at full intensity and without opacity, I learnt recently that reflective material (liquid/metals) are easier to identify with this big contrast on the scene. I'm testing it. I'm glad it works :blobaww:


Hm, something with the hair is off.
It indicates neither push (like the beverage) nor pull (see carrot) forces.

The lightning on the legs don't fit the lightning source of the book.
First the expected shadow but then its illuminated again?

Perhaps the gravity redirected the light somehow?

David Revoy

@RyunoKi Thanks for the feedback Ryuno-Ki! Yes, the hair are surely a bit too rigid and their volume a bit compact for a 0 gravity (or random gravity density around) situation. Maybe I was too distracted by playing with getting pointy design 😅 About the light, I really like how I was able to merge the two leg together in the shadow. I tried to make a directional blue light emitting like an area. But sure, the bounce on the hat probably could lighten a bit the skirt and then the leg.


@davidrevoy I love this so much! I love your lighting and the cat's expression! :)


@davidrevoy Nice one! It seems you went for a more flat/simplified rendering this time. This is really looking good, it emphasizes the shapes and volumes in a good way. I really love it 😊

David Revoy

@redj Hey Redj! 🙂 Thanks! Oh yes, on my recent experimentation, I noticed one way to gain in speed is with simplifying the shapes a bit more (and that's a good room for expressive dynamism of shape) and simplifying also the shading (a clear part in light, one in shadow, and half-tones, rim lights later, almost while painting accents). I really kept an interesting brush work on this one (full res: ) and I could bypass a line-art.

@redj Hey Redj! 🙂 Thanks! Oh yes, on my recent experimentation, I noticed one way to gain in speed is with simplifying the shapes a bit more (and that's a good room for expressive dynamism of shape) and simplifying also the shading (a clear part in light, one in shadow, and half-tones, rim lights later, almost while painting accents). I really kept an interesting brush work on this one (full res:

David Revoy

@error420 😂 I didn't get the reference, but I made my research, and found this page about it fascinating. Now I get it 👍

Lien Rag


Ah, c'est ça qui a causé la chute de Superflu ?

David Revoy

@lienrag 🤣
Mais non, ça, ça aurait évité à Superflu de tomber, c'est utile pour voler sur un balais (ou un aspirateur). 😄



the schwarzschild radius of a 5 Kg cat is 7.42616×10^-27 meters.

just sayin'


@davidrevoy Looks like Pepper didn't account for what happens to the coffee after the spell is over. Hope that book has a spell of stain removal!

David Revoy

@linebyline 😆 "spell of stain removal", good idea!

Petra Brandström

@davidrevoy Oh lovely work! This image tells a whole story <3

Jesse Rowell

@davidrevoy I love the play of light against the coffee floating out of the mug, nice touch and attention to detail.

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